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harry meghan astrology predictions 2021

What is really interesting is that Oprah Winfrey (who the media alleges collected $9 million for the CBS special with Harry and Meghan) promoted Clevr lattes in such a spectacular way free of charge for Meghan in 2020. I get the impression she will be a determined, creative and talented daughter, which would be healing for Meghan given her difficult childhood. Support does not reply to questions about comments as we assume by posting you have read and understand this comment policy. The phrase is follow the money and when you have a really big Taurus story in these charts, that is always what must be done. Here are some of Sarahs newest predictions for the royals, including Harry, Meghan, William, Kate, the Queen and Prince Charles. I am sure these stories will create more fans in one sense as they will see a connection to the couple and buy into what is being sold to them, but I feel they may also lose a lot of longtime fans as well who will be very unsettled with what has gone down. Hi Jessica, I have read a lot about this since it exploded and I think Tony Parsons of all the media, has expressed what millions are thinking and feeling. Media attention in 2021 will turn again to Oprah Winfrey and her stunning promotion of Meghans shares and investments in the oat milk latte company, Clevr. The attacks on Meghan were largely made up to divert the attention from Willians affair and to lower her popularity which was eclipsing plain Kates. I think with all this Neptune in the mix right now, we, they, everyone, including our politicians, are being affected. How amazing that you have spotted that. What we absolutely know to be true. Later on, though, that date will become significant. You feel five years, and the horoscope tells me that, just because this was a classic Mercury Retrograde in Pisces/Neptune in Pisces show. I have been quite shocked at how this interview has affected me (originally from England but living in Australia (dual citizen) for decades) I found it very disturbing. astrology predictions megxit finances trademarks taurus I just thinks its a shame, I do feel that the interview has been run like a playbook, ticking off all the hot topics of the day ie mental health etc and a lot of these hot topics people are in a position they cannot be seen to question the authenticty of these stories for fear of blowback but I do feel the full truth will prevail at some point, its just the damage that it creates it the meantime. Will she make a fortune for charity or will the Charity Commission of the UK have a problem with her accounting? There is a great deal of Neptune in the Meghan and Harry story. I refuse to be shut down in a conversation about Winfrey and the House of Windsor, particularly as I have been filing predictions about the Royal Family for years. Yes, as you say, lucre is the key. You will see tremendous changes as the Firm, firms up! It is also about the exhaustion of having so many projects, plans, commitments and responsibilities that it is hard to do more than just blindly move towards the goal. I used to think Prince Harry might be James Hewitts son. I did watch the interview. Thank you Jessica for this and all the comments here are fantastic. Small but important details. Harry and Meghan met in July 2016 when they were set up on a blind date, per Insider.The couple shared an instant connection, according to Harry. I do think your friend is right. Low level.Id like to se Harry 10 years or longer ahead.Why did I? Thank you. What will Meghans reception be like when / if she returns to visit the UK. Prince Harry and Meghan Of course this pulls in Prince Andrew, but it also pulled in Bill Clinton and Donald Trump, by association. Here are some of Sarahs newest predictions for the royals, including Harry, Meghan, William, Kate, the Queen and Prince Charles. Its a worrying time for the firm and how will THEY come out of this? The timing is the key. Whatever actually occurred, Harry suggesting on international TV that her death was a murder would be a crisis of absolutely epic proportions. The word is that Buckingham Palace is requesting that Harry and Meghan voluntarily give up the titles of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. I feel these events are related. The financial astrologer Kate Silas ( Profit With the Planets) has pointed out that the astrology chart for Clevr, Meghan and Oprahs favourite oat milk latte company, will be hit by an eclipse on Thursday, June 10th, 2021. I was excited at the thought of Meghan marrying into the Royal Family and it has completely saddened me to see these two taint the image of Great Britain. Prince Harry has clearly inherited Prince Charles close-set eyes who got it form his father, Prince Phillip. As per 2021 predictions, Meghan is expected to forge new partnerships as an independent royal. Astrological charts Stephanie Johnson, AstroGold. KEY POINTS. Being a Californian I cringe that this took place here! I initially liked and was charmed by Meghan but now also feel that something is off. There are rumors that Meghan was an escort years ago. Many thanks to you. Thank you. A mans life is more important than money, surely. I also think Buckingham Palace were very wise in announcing a law firm was being employed to investigate the Meghan bullying claims. (Or the elephant in that garden). I know Soho House quite well. It is possible they are Edward and Mrs Simpson returned to us. So yes, we have a right to enquire. Facts are really useful with Neptune! He and Meghan currently reside in California. They chose his illness to do it. Is that possible??? That is such a chilling thoughtSuch darkness. They have found their happiness and will not be giving it up easily. I have been thinking about Meghans motivation for this interview. Saw #TheWedding and been saying all along that something isnt right with MM (Meghan Markle). And of course, the issue of depression which would likely best have been treated by the professionals at the hospital where the baby was born and they took such great care of the family if not the other experts who serve the House of Windsor and are presumably a telephone call away. Kates chart mirrors Williams in 2021. And Oprah Winfrey will become centre stage in a very different way to her usual TV role.. I think she has accepted what happened with Harry and Meghan in 2020. Just a quick note on protocol which we rather like here in the UK. The key to this pair is money. Harry has chosen sides and thats that. Meghan is this, William is that. Tourism revenue is one of the ways The Firm stays firm, and as the pair seem determined to smear that firm, it will affect tourist income within the United Kingdom and particularly from the regions into London. I have felt all along that they are reincarnations of Edward and Mrs Simpson, even Harrys previous wearing of Nazi garb is an interesting bleed through. I didnt know Winfrey hounded Diana, Princess of Wales for an interview, either. It wasnt an accident! As Meghan Markle celebrates her 40th birthday, many are wondering what the year ahead holds in store for the Duchess of Sussex. They announced they would be splitting their joint charity with William and Kate on 19th June 2019, Royal Procession Day. Meghan has always been political. Sensibly, William and Kate waited with the officials until Harry and Meghan were seated before processing down the aisle themselves and taking their seats. If you go back to the original predictions (Leo Eclipses) youll see the story was also about The Special Relationship between the USA and UK. You are right about Neptune. I havent watched it because I just dont really like people who only think about themselves. We have a chart for MI5 and also for MI6 actually, and the astrology tallies with the House of Windsor. Following years of research, and after presenting her findings last year, the Duchess is expected to announce further plans for action in 2021. Comment moderation is in force, which means your comment will not appear immediately if at all. Thank you so much for your thoughts on this, having seen the interview twice. I also wonder if that is partly what attracted Harry to her? I have never really taken to MM and I promise you its nothing whatsoever to do with her colour. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle officially exited the royal family in March 2020. We can only speculate and that is exactly what we are being encouraged to do. They will be offered the same status as Princess Annes title-free son, Peter Phillips. This is her little Russia joke made to everybodys favourite Pisces astronomer. Hi Jessica the article and all the posts are fascinating. and Hillary Clinton also saw fit to get involved. Interesting to also note that Harry says his father never took him on back of a bike yet we have pictures as mentioned above of Harry with Charles. Is the rich and impressive destination worth it, if the struggle to get there makes the journey so difficult? Thank you. You would expect this to take place by Christmas 2021, according to the astrology. Two leaders agree in Beijing talks to work hard to bring war to an end, says French diplomatic source. Whilst Meghan was supposedly feeling suicidal, where was Harry? Its a really interesting astrology chart. Meghan Markle and Prince Harry 2021 horoscope: Meghan will be taken seriously as a feminist (Image: Getty) Harry and Meghan will step further away from the Royal family. Intriguing article. Was just scrolling around the web when I remembered your eerily accurate takes on matters and rushed to the website to see this! Track what Hillary Clinton says/does on this, too. How will they respond to lack of titles (which seem to mean so much to them!). Im watching The Crown on Netflix and thinking to myself that this must me the end of them. I guess they can minimize the outcome of their behavior or maximize it. Find out why. Updated 18:12, 8 Sep 2021 | | Bookmark Princess Diana's astrologer made a shockingly accurate prediction about Meghan and Harry's future. Although theres speculation she is pregnant, I dont think she is for now. Feel sorry for Harry, William and Kate. Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton are very shallow in thinking. She cant fight power when Kate will have ultimate power one day as Queen. It seems that this ambition has no boundaries or scruples. Thank you so much, Caroline. Despite being warned by Judge Merchan not to make comments that would incite violence or create civil unrest, Mr Trump described him as a Trump-hating judge with a Trump-hating wife and family. The Leo eclipses are behind all this, and the original Leo eclipse positions will be opposed in turn by Saturn then Pluto, from 2023. It will be financial. In light of these factors, plus the impact of COVID-19, I believe Meghan and Harry will focus on building up business for the first half of 2021. Shes also going through intense evolution and will be stepping up in every way. KEY POINTS. Another reader has just mentioned Meghans political capital as a Democrat supporter. Its amazing how many people have not watched the Winfrey show. I told Gina it would be covered up. The astrologer also made a prediction for Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, claiming she will be surprising us all from the month of May onwards, though she did not clarify how. Harry will indeed feel that he has emerged from a dream, or woken up from a trance. As I just mentioned to another reader, Neptune rules distortion. It will suit the narrative that they very publicly seek a baby who is not white. It would explain why shes managed to escape justice and perhaps has been protected by both the royal family/firm and the highest levels of US politicians in both the republicans and democrats for so long. But then why were Meghans friends also unable to help? Prince William has inherited his mothers eyes. Ive had some vile comments on Twitter and also on this website, but its water off a ducks back, as my family say. Charles,had nothing to give to his sad ,sad boys.Its heartbreaking. It also says that George will ascend at a very early age. It is not! I think with all the suffering and heartache around the world right now, the timing of all of this maybe a welcome distraction to some and an avenue to obsess and use to direct their frustrations, but for me I feel its all been done in bad taste. And I had an overwhelming feeling watching MM, that she is reacting to, or re-acting out if you will, wounds and karma via a bad scenario from a much older, ancient royal family dynamic. Am I right to think like this, or is she compassionate and kind as she promotes? It is unfortunately not going to be quiet over the next two years, because transit Uranus conjoins his IC and Moon in 2021 and 2022, suggesting perhaps he will move again in this period, or that there is an even more radical break with his home country. Something was wrong. Incredible Jessica. Thank you for this article. But Harry came off as a spoilt brat quite honestly & I wonder if meghans innapropriateness for the role as a royal was largely his fault. Hi Jessica, I, like others have followed your work for years and seen prediction after prediction come to fruition. I understand that the quincunx can be quite difficult and oppressive and I noticed that Meghan has two powerful planets Pluto (21 Libra) and Neptune (22 Sagittarius) pressing on her Chiron at 22 Taurus I was wondering, do these aspects make it more likely that the person will feel wounded by delusions or paranoia? I am just shaking my head at this. Updated 18:12, 8 Sep 2021 | | Bookmark Princess Diana's astrologer made a shockingly accurate prediction about Meghan and Harry's future. This goes beyond money, although money is part of it. She suddenly becomes also financially dependend on a family, that does not care for her or her offspring. I feel proud that Piers Morgan had the courage to come out to voice his opinion . However as they were about to climb the steps, the Sussex car drew up but, instead of giving way, both Harry and Meghan rushed up the stairs, greeted the Church officials and started down the aisle. Here are some of Sarahs newest predictions for the royals, including Harry, Meghan, William, Kate, the Queen and Prince Charles. Im not changing anything about this feature. At this point, all royal heirs should be DNA-tested at birth, and, for those born pre-techonology, they should all be tested now, period. There was an historic hit on the Taurus/Scorpio (business and property) angles on both the charts of Charles, Prince of Wales and Her Majesty the Queen at Christmas. I find that really interesting. No professional psychic or astrologer would be surprised if the much-discussed part two of the Oprah-Harry-Meghan interview goes away. Meghan has good numbers for beginnings in December 2020 and March 2021. He actually looks nothing like James Hewitt, apart from his (Spencer) colouring, and looks much more like Charles than William does. But I still cant understand how Harry can say that he respects his grandmother in the same interview in which he attacks everything she has spent a lifetime building. May he RIP and I wonder how his grandson, Harry feels now? Prince William has prominent 5s in his name and current pinnacle (life chapter), suggesting 2021 will be one of his busiest years ever. Hope that the Queen continues her reign with the help from the rest of the Royal Family. Just wanted to make a further point. At age 25, she was appointed to the throne, Sarah tells us. The future predictor knew that they would leave the royal family, it has been revealed. This would be loosely following the script of how Oprah helped Obama win the election and another reason why the Democrats would support the interview. M & H have cut ties with Megans side of the family, probably because they are poor. Thank you for this information, Liz. You were a contemporary of Diana, Princess of Wales, which gives you a unique insight. Where was her support mechanism? I have been looking at Harrys chart. This is an International Young Royal for a Global Duet. Thank you for these amazing predictions Jessica. I am concerned for Harry and Meghan, and the repercussions of this interview. My grandfather was awarded the OBE by Her Majesty the Queen and I am currently feeling the emotional side of this discussion. I appreciate your telling us that. In New York, in Hobart (where I am) and everywhere. The only substantial connection between the White House Democrats (former and current) and the British Royal Family is Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. So many saying that Harry and Meghan are victims but I dont think we will ever see them queuing up to use the food bank. Did Meghan consult a psychic? They carefully gave praise to the Queen and first thought that came to mind whilst discussing Kate Middleton in the interview, was a pay back to Kate and Meghan competing for public approval against her. I do wish the Duke of Edinburgh well and as speedy a recovery as possible at 99 yrs. Tara is a gifted psychic and I am sure you have seen her YouTube channel. Her predictions showed that 2021 would be a challenge for the couple and even seem to have foreseen their LA move. We are in the era of Aquarius, and they represent everything that Aquarius is NOT. As far as I was concerned Meghan was doing far far more for race, integration and modernisation just by being there and being present in her Royal position; sadly she has thrown that away for petty bitching and uniformed power plays. Will Megan and Harry keep turning the knife? Also have a look at the Leo eclipse Full Moon on January 31st 2018 and especially the July 27th and August 11th eclipses, again across the Leo axis of the world horoscope, that year. Let me check. Heres a link to get you started If only she could tap into her subconscious mind she would know it is her more than 70% of the time who has upset the cart. Astrological Advice for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle To succeed, the couple should enjoy the beautiful side of life, and retreat regularly in private (which theyve done quite well so, with the announcement of a private family celebration after America has always been crazy for the two boys! I watched the interview twice, it was very one sided, it did not cover the unhappiness Megan must have suffered from her own family, her father and her half siblings. That, to me, is war without the clash of swords, but war, nevertheless. I have had to defend the Royal Family & GB on all my social feeds as it angered me that we were being portrayed this way. Michelle Obama has weighed in. Princess Diana's astrologer once predicted that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle would leave the royal family - and they actually stepped back as Eclipses blot out; they conceal. Frankly the pair disgust me. I am no fan of the royal family and do believe they treated Diana appallingly. Simone is the second of Dianas psychic mediums Ive had the pleasure of talking to, over the years (Rita Rogers being the other), and shes always proven herself to be an accurate and rock-solid reliable intuitive. Dukedoms are hereditary and I cant see the Duke and Duchess of Sussex being stripped of theirs. Many are now questioning the existing of commonwealth and the Royal Family. I believe that Harry is desperate to protect his family and Meghan in a way he never could his mother. Thank you. 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