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swellmap firth of thames

20% of every membership sold contributes towards the costs of running NZ Topo Map. It is the firth of the rivers Waihou and Piako, the former of which was formerly named the Thames River, and the town of Thames lies on its southeastern coast.Its original name is Tikapa.The firth lies at the southern end of the Hauraki Gulf, southeast of the city of Auckland. NE 0.0 m. Poor Knights Islands. 13 talking about this. N 0.4 m. Waiinu Hole. Cloudy. the pages you visited on our site and the links you clicked on, the referring site (if any) from which you clicked through to this site, your operating system, for example Windows 10, Mac OS X, the type of web browser you use, such as Chrome, Edge or Safari. Macbook ChartPlotter, and Windows Marine Navigation Appnow available-. A red rating between 1 and 3 suggests poor conditions such as strong onshore winds, a low swell period and a small swell height, all of which can make surfing more difficult. 1. Poor visibility in periods of rain, with thunderstorms possible in the afternoon and evening. SwellMap provides the following features: - 7 day sea and wind forecast graphs to make interpreting the boating conditions ahead easy. Representation on this map of a road or track does not necessarily indicate public right of access. . . Its a 1400-metre sweep of fine sand backed with native bush and, at high tide, the sea washes under a fringe of phutukawa. The Firth of Thames Fault is a postulated minor hinge fault along the western side of the still tectonically active Hauraki Rift which could have a length up to 220 km (140 mi) and fairly likely 150 km (93 mi). 5. 30kt southerly wind against tide can get choppy which made for a slow bite for several days. NZ Topo Map will only use personal information provided for the purpose of: NZ Topo Map may collect statistical information about your visit to help improve the site. NZ Topo Map relies heavily on advertising revenue to cover its ongoing hosting and bandwidth costs. BossSquid and Beady Eye Kabura have been absolute stand-outs. What a nice day it was, I will definitely do this again.For those interested, the boat wrap was done by United Printing Limited by:Pix on soundWhen I'm Gone - Johan Svensson Maybe the schools out wide of the Barriers will head in like another particularly large whale along a temperature break south of Little Barrier the next big thing/area? It is the firth of the rivers Waihou and Piako, the former of which was formerly named the Thames River, and the town of Thames lies on its southeastern coast.Its original name is Tikapa.The firth lies at the southern end of the Hauraki Gulf, southeast of the city of Auckland. Sign Up; Log In; Messenger; Facebook Lite; Watch; Places; Games; Marketplace; Meta Pay; Oculus administering, evaluating and improving the site. Clevedon, a village in the middle of rolling green farmland is the kick-off point for the Firth of Thames coastal road. Have more questions about the Nautical Chart App? SwellMap is driven by , IIS, NFS, or listener RFS remote_file_sharing: 1025, Point-to-point tunnelling protocol: 1723, Session Initiation Protocol (SIP): 5060, desc : -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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-----END CERTIFICATE-----, Very very pretty. Its only open on weekends but the gardens are a treat all week. NE 0.3 m. Motunau Island. If your wallet complains that the SegWit address is invalid use the Legacy address instead. The following 3rd party apps are available allowing offline use of the topo maps: This service wouldn't be possible without: Service provided by Gavin Harriss. Lots of suspicious looking activity bird/bait around there - future Sign 'O the Times. All rights reserved. 8-10 seconds. Firth Of Thames Boating Forecast - The latest sea state, swell and wind forecasts and local tide information Firth Of Thames Boating Forecast No warnings in place for Coromandel marine area View all severe weather Coromandel Marine - Boating Sea Temperature 22 Issued: 10:00am Tue, 28 Feb 23 Thames Tides 3.2m 0.9m Source: MetOcean Solutions UV Free accurate 7 day ocean fishing weather forecasts including ratings, summaries, temperature, rain, wind, humidity, cloud cover, pressure and visibility for Firth Of Thames. ). So much fish life it was insane! Email addresses are not made available to the public. The possibility that it is a rift edge fault for only part of its length and intra-rift for others arises as it was long ago noted that the Waikato River exits the Taupo Rift in a garben that could align with a wider Hauraki Rift at its southern end than the southern aspects of the fault line predicts. Unless required by law, NZ Topo Map won't publicise the names or email addresses of individuals who provide feedback or who use submission forms without their consent. Layers Shorty. Includes a globally rare land formation of graded shell beach ridges which support grazing. The Firth of Thames is located in the northern part of New Zealand's North Island, on the Hauraki Gulf. An orange rating between 4 and 6 indicates reasonable surf conditions, although possibly affected by light-fair onshore winds, and a lower swell period e.g. View full forecast Today: Variable 5 knots. A green rating between 7 and 10 indicates calm waters, based on little or no wind, and swell height less than a metre. SwellMap forecasts are highly accurate and reliable. Mobile: *222, Travel See our terms and conditions of use. . 7. Reviews, get directions and contact details. citation. Contours and spot elevations in forest and snow areas may be less accurate. Fishing was fantastic, so are the staff at the Kawakawa Bay boat ramp! It includes: This site generates persistent session cookies (that is, they have an expiry date and are removed on that date) for the purpose of monitoring site usage. At Kawakawa Bay the road runs along the edge of a shelly beach. All rights reserved. 4. [1] 7. Spearfishing for Yellowtail Kingfish and Big Snapper in Auckland's Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand in Spring. Firth Of Thames. Send Ethereum address to your wallet, Monero address: - SwellMap boat ratings. The drive along the Kaiaua Coast is pretty; the road often hugs the coast and passes through cute little bach villages. E 0.8 m. Musick Point. Read the story. The Firth of Thames supports a rich ecosystem and is home to many bird species. New Zealand has more than 15,000 km of beautiful coastline, making it a popular place to spend time on a boat. The New Zealand Automobile Association Inc. Love the hot pools at Miranda. SwellMap is owned and operated by MetOcean Solutions, a division of The Meteorological Service of New Zealand Ltd ( MetService ). We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. Read the story. And plenty of paddocks with glossy, happy horses. The best way to introduce yourself to a new area is to take a stroll with a local. Description is not currently available, (3 mins ago) / US, (1 mins ago) / US, (3 mins ago) / US, IIS, NFS, or listener RFS remote_file_sharing: 1025, Point-to-point tunnelling protocol: 1723, Session Initiation Protocol (SIP): 5060, desc : -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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-----END CERTIFICATE-----, Layers Shorty. W 1.2 m. The Noises. W 1.2 m. The Noises. The Firth of Thames is a large bay located in the north of the North Island of New Zealand. 7. 6. 19m Foul. 7. This website and legacy API calls will be depreciated on the 1st of July, 2022. 1FrcAJbfY5jg1MfbaYpYn24MHRkdi7SFSB Further south Tawhitokino Beach, in a regional park with the same name, is a magnificent, unvisited treasure though not so great for families, especially younger children with little legs, because you have to walk there. All rights reserved. [1] The recently identified but yet to be fully characterised 25km long Te Puninga fault is presumably an intra-rift fault within a few kilometres of its line. NW 0.1 m. Inner Gulf. SwellMap is owned and operated by MetOcean Solutions, a division of The Meteorological Service of New Zealand Ltd . Highly recommeded, Love this place, always come up here to fish the mussel farms, Fishing the mussel farms was awsome but boy its a long boat trip out nearly 3 hours but worth it came home with 11 snaps 4 kahawai and a gurnard im buggered. See more of Kawakawa Bay Boat Club on Facebook. For Aucklanders, just driving half of it on a day-escape is a rural and beach-side tonic. Its sheltered and shallow and children love it; swimming, paddling, poking-about on rocks and collecting special shells from the mountains of white that cover the beach. Kingfish seemed to vanish briefly although I suspect over the next several days when they pop their heads up and come back on the feed the energy will be high, there are big fat pilchards to be hounded down, a good time to target the king of fish this coming week. Thames (/ t m z / ()) (Mori: Prwai) is a town at the southwestern end of the Coromandel Peninsula in New Zealand's North Island.It is located on the Firth of Thames close to the mouth of the Waihou River.The town is the seat of the Thames-Coromandel District Council.The Mori iwi are Ngti Maru, who are descendants of Marutuahu's son Te Ngako.. Ngti Maru is part of the Ngati . Keep up to date with new features and updates by following NZ Topo Map on Twitter -, Or get more detailed updates by following. Out of the gulf as per previous Espresso Reports the workups further along the coast north seem to head this way. Sea slight. Closed tracks or routes on this map are defined as being no longer maintained or passable and should not be used by recreationalists. Would like to show you a description here but the site won & x27. The Gulf as per previous Espresso Reports the workups further along the Kaiaua coast is pretty ; the road hugs... 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