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battle brothers nimble forge

Even with LWs +15% you still need a very high base RES to safely LW without constant risk of morale drops just from enemies walking up to you. Most 2Handers and Duelists can easily deal more damage than this and thus not benefit too much except against beefy enemies like Warriors. Early turn blitz Win the fight quicklyUse Adrenaline to go all in on the first few turns in an attempt to gain a decisive opening that aims to win the fight quickly. Fencing: FW is not very practicalIt might seem like FW is a good idea on Fencing to setup Lunges, but the cost in AP/FAT makes doing so very impractical and it will just make you Fatigue out faster and weaken your Lunges. Dodge can help make up for that and it isnt uncommon for Fencers to start the battle with +20s from Dodge. Colossus can help you reach a comfortable level. By virtue of heavy armor you are still going to be slower than most things, and getting 11-19 INI is very unlikely to change that. Three is that tanks arent your main damage dealers, so if they spend their Fatigue and AP Rotating then you arent missing out on much. Frenzy is good in these fights. Some enemies are immune Usually third fiddle to Berserk/Frenzy, Deals bonus damage to both armor and hp For a list of injuries, refer to thewiki Debuffs like Stagger/Daze or DoT like bleeding are not injuries Damage modifiers stack multiplicatively, favoring stacking. So kill the units accompanying them. Since you only have 5 shots per stack you are going to end up switching stacks once or twice. These points can be . Your overconfidence will be your downfall.. So that leaves the 3HF almost entirely incapable of injuring. Survivability: Indom offers the mostIndom is the best survivability perk in the game. There is nothing about Duelist that favors it going for Nimble vs. Armor Ignoring DamageIn order to make use of CS, we want to injure enemies before having to fully destroy their armor, so understanding this part of the damage formula is helpful. If you are using Overwhelm, it requires you to not kill your target to get value, so its value condition is opposite of Frenzy giving them poor synergy if used together. Whiffing on a Shieldbash is extremely annoying because it prevents you from taking that high ground tile. There have been minor edits/changes overall throughout the guide. LW can be a good addition to this build. Heavy armor is slowAdrenaline is great for negating the natural slowness of heavy armor, provided you are willing and able to spend the Fatigue. FA is never a bad pick here. Adrenaline An answer to low InitiativeHeavy armor severely lowers Initiative, but Adrenaline almost guarantees turn initiative which comes handy in a pinch, if enough FAT is available. Gain an additional stacking +10% chance to hit with each attack that misses an opponent. HH is mitigated by BrowAnother problem with HH is Steel Brow, and a decent chunk of enemies have it. Pathfinder works especially well there in conjunction with Adrenaline to reach the enemy back line. Modified RES is your current RES after Fearsome penalty, any buffs (like the Banner), debuffs (like negative morale), and hidden modifiers like adjacency bonus/malus. forge of empires top fighters. The difference in power between a level 6 character without Nimble and a level 7 (when it can first be picked) character is huge. Injury avoidance: Head injuries can be particularly nastyThe head injury formula favors Brow, making Brow fairly good at helping you avoid head injuries, especially heavy head injuries. Footman is 60. Our Nimble bro is ~2.3x more durable and even beating the Forge brother here. Throwing is especially strong here since it combines the action efficiency of the Warbow with the damage potential of Xbows when at two range with Mastery and Duelist. At this stage of the game, very heavy armor sets arent available or at best in limited supply. Clearly, the differences between Indom and not are astronomical, with the effect being more pronounced against dangerous enemies that deal a lot of armor ignoring damage. Similar deal against Unholds and Lindwurms. You could make him a shield tank which is fine, but another option is to try and squeeze out whatever offense you can from him. High base headshot chance: HH compliments itHaving a higher base headshot chance via background, weapon, or famed weapon works well with HH (usually). Taking 9L is like buying insurance. With enough Fat, and little need to patch other stats, make them BF. You can even skip Mastery entirely and just change your equipment around depending on matchup if you dont desire a specific Mastery effect or FAT benefit. You cant always just stand around and let the enemies walk into you. You might say who cares, I want the Fatigue anyway and thats fine, but if you are trying to decide between Brawny and a different stat boosting perk then you may want to consider that Brawny gets weaker with Famed armor. Because single target 2Handers take little FAT and can benefit greatly from Dodge, it makes them one of the least stat demanding damage dealing builds in the game. Spearwall support: Knock enemies back outIf your Spearwall gets breached and you want to re-enable it and there is only one enemy currently zoning you, you can smack them away with your shield and then Spearwall up again. Tanks usually want RecoverTanks like spamming Indom and Shieldwall, maybe Adrenaline, Taunt, Rotation, Shield Bash, Mace Stun, Spearwall, Destroy Armor, etc etc. Mar/2023: Lego 70815 - Detaillierter Ratgeber Die besten Lego 70815 Aktuelle Angebote Smtliche Testsieger Direkt les. Delaying decision making or reaching further down the perk treeSince Student is technically a free perk, choosing it allows you to delay making an actual decision regarding your build. Unique weapon logic is in play. In the current state of the game, 60 HP 300/300 Forge can die in a couple heavy hits. Against Goblins, Frenzy increases the chances of one shot kills which is highly valuable when you are trying to gun down 30+ of them. You can almost never have too much accuracy and you can never have too much defense due to increasing returns of high defense (see Game Mechanics). Some enemies are immune to Fearsome. Relentless is in a way the opposite of Dodge in this case. Later in the game it is still very strong due to increasing returns from defense. It has to compete with other good defensive perks like Colossus, Dodge, Gifted, etc. You can beat Monolith/Library with a few dead perks. Using Colossus on top would still be good, just pointing out this interaction as Colossus is a good pick on Forge, so by extension if Nimble can be better then it is also a good pick. Injury value is inconsistentSome injuries are useful and others are not. Having Frenzy up next turn makes it easier to get more kills to get more Berserks and Frenzies later. Usually this isnt a big issue, but some contracts (i.e. Frenzy also depends on being able to hit things to get value. Reach weapons not classified as Polearms do not gain these bonuses such as Poleaxe, Polehammer, etc. Early game: You have many low skill brosAccuracy is highly desired early into the game and you probably have a lot of unskilled bros which makes Backstabber enticing. Even so, this is a solid pick for any bro in the early game, particularly if they dont have very good MSK potential in the long run. Gash does have +10% accuracy however and the cutting injury pool is the best, so theres some positives here. 6AP 2Handers have better AP synergy with skills like Rotation/Footwork, but Duelists have better AP synergy with Indom. Further, Tanks can very easily get over the 50 MDF soft cap (see Game Mechanics if you dont know what that means). Its a hefty cost, and only situationally meaningful, but it would make ranged heavy enemies (Goblins in particular) easier even without RDF investment on your bros. Anti-GoblinGoblins are the only enemy type that can output enough ranged fire to legitimately threaten Nimble units. Waiting will not count as an ended turn and effects will persist until you specifically end the bros turn Goblin Poison, Shellshocked, and Withered will start in their weakest debuff state If a bro acts and uses all of his AP and then waits and is then hit by a status effect, it will still disappear when he officially ends turn, even though he technically already acted before the status occurred. Because Nimble gets huge mitigation to HP damage taken it is capable of face tanking with its HP stat. Nimble usually performs better against weapons with high AID such as two-handed weapons or Crossbows, while Forge excels against repeated weak attacks. This also applies to the additional defense bonus of the Shieldwall skill. The extra defense helps against Necrosavants but you really shouldnt be deploying archers against Necrosavants in the first place. A 80 HP BF guy isn't going to perform much better than an 80 HP nimble guy. Duelist OrcThe Head Chopper/Splitter are the strongest 1Handers in our arsenal, but they are very heavy and come with additional FAT penalties on swing. If I have 10 RDF Im still not getting shot at. Unless you want to fight the Kraken (where you are very likely going to want 12 bros who have Recover), you could reasonably clear every other encounter in the game, including the other legendary locations, without using Recover at all. Recover can help support Adrenaline spamming, but if you just need to use it once or twice in a battle to gain an advantage then you dont necessarily need Recover for it. 68 HP Forge is at huge risk of 2 hit death by Chosen, and a very high possibility of receiving heavy injuries on the first hit as well. Brawny may be more enticing if your bro wants to be spamming expensive skills like Indom or Adrenaline. This makes Indom way stronger than you would expect. Halves fixed damage from Bleed/Miasma/etc. With a 75% Ignore stat you are almost always doing way more than 10 damage so Destroy Armor makes you worse against most foes not named Orc Warrior or bigger. Then on your second turn phase you move toward them and attack and then use Adrenaline. The impact of this is marginal at best. Lone Wolf can do well, and Resilient can ward a nasty debuff. Bleeding, Charmed) has its duration reduced to 1 turn. Both perks proc on a kill giving them the same condition for value. + Saves FAT, usually worth it for this alone+ Provides additional boons of varying strength Some Masteries are more impactful to their weapon class than others Some builds dont need one. Most weapons can function well enough on a normal FAT pool, but using these skills multiple turns a fight on top of weapon usage will drain FAT extremely quickly, making Recover handy to continue usage. Injury deliveryGiven the higher Ignore% of Duelists and multiple attacks per turn, they can be very good at delivering injuries on first hit to most enemies, even without CS. This way you will have your Spearwall online for all of turn 2 and 3 regardless of if you get breached. DiscussionSpearwall is the main selling point of spears (aside from accuracy). Pathfinder is good on any unit. The Knock Back skill gains +15% chance to hit. Team support, good positioning and tactics can also go a long way to limit or even prevent Chosen from attacking. ( Swordmaster Teaches) May learn from a hedge knight for +1-4 . Greatsword, Bardiche, Hammer: AoE gets more stacksThese are your go-to AoE weapons as their AoE attacks are easy to make use of without risking hitting your own troops. Poor synergy with the wait commandThe wait command is a powerful tool at your disposal that gives you more tactical options. Using a mix of both light armored and heavy armored characters is recommended. These units are great for farming armor safely and/or disabling high threat targets and they will need Recover if you want them doing this for an extended duration. Do you need more RDF when you arent the one getting shot?In terms of raw stat value, Anticipation has the potential to offer a huge amount of levels worth of stats. Plus! The higher durability of these units means that they are harder to kill quickly, which means injuries have more time/likelihood to provide value. Awesome guide in which you obviously put a lot of time and knowledge but what actually killed me are the quotes in the flavor text!Every time I didnt know the origin I had to pause and research them and loved each one of them!Thank you again for the effort . Earthdawn - 1st Edition- Legends of Earthdawn - Volume One - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. (To uninstall just remove the zip file from the data . NimbleForge Meme or supreme?Given that both Nimble and Forge power relies on extreme specialization, using them in conjunction rarely makes sense. So yes, Gifted is outclassed by Colossus and often Brawny/Mind as well in terms of raw returns, but SKL/DEF are better stats than HP/FAT/RES, so you may prefer Gifted over the others. Duelist also doesnt provide any value against naked enemies. Theres nothing wrong with having it on just some guys as some builds benefit more than others. One downside though is that if you get Charmed there is a high chance your bro will pop Adrenaline while Charmed which may end up wasting his Fatigue. Wars and ally unitsYour own Dogs and ally units will not turn off LW, so in the Noble/Holy War and sometimes in the other Crises you can get LW value with much greater safety by hanging around a friendly squad. Generally, LW just usually isnt worth the risk associated with trying to make use of it. You can use the extra defense to stack with a shield for 30+ defense by level 3 which is of course wonderful against common early game threats. Splitting one or two shields in the Footman/AD/Conscript line can help your team breakthrough. It also pairs well with ranged weapon hybrids since Bow shots cost 4AP and Crossbows can shoot or reload with 4 AP. This guy fucks. This logic also applies with the Handgonne. Rule of thumb. QH solves this problem by allowing you to use a Billhook/Whip/Nets instead of the Banner but still have the Banner out at all times. It is hard to put concrete value on how often this is factoring to compare against other perks, but is good to be aware that Minds value extends beyond the raw RES gain, which can help it compete with the other boosters. Students will never be two levels above a non-student assuming equal XP gains Therefore, Students will spend much of their leveling functionally one perk behind a non-student Becomes disabled at level 11 (including the XP bonus), and refunds its perk point Allows you to skip a tier of perks if your level 11 bro wants a bottom heavy perk lineup For Indebted backgrounds in the Manhunters origin, Student will refund at level 7 for Indebted bros, as they are capped at level 7. You can reasonably assume that Executioner will increase consistency in kill rates, even if it doesnt always speed up kill rates, but it depends on each weapon/enemy case. If your morale gets dropped then you take a RES penalty as well which will make you more vulnerable to further Horrify spam. They want to be surrounded so that they can draw in more attacks. With Nimble however, HP is armor so as long as theres life, theres hope! Just keep in mind that Chosen have Crippling Strikes so even if you do survive you are going to get injured. The common argument against Gifted almost always has to do with Veteran levels. Fortified Mind: More Fearsome valueIt is not necessary to use Mind or invest heavily into RES to benefit from Fearsomes second effect. This is due to Indom doing an insanely good job at mitigating armor ignoring damage that no other perk can really compete with except Nimble. Unless you want to play with a wiki tab open you arent going to memorize all injury effects. A full set of 300/300 armor also costs about 14k Crowns, money that could be otherwise spent on weapons, recruits, or named items. Spearwall: FW can let you resetIf your Spearwall gets breached and you have enough FAT, you can FW back and put the Spearwall back up. Goblins are very hard to out-speed. I do not recommend playing Ironman when you are first practicing with LW. Nimble can almost double a bros staying powerThe following table shows the simulated mean hits for a mix of thirty five enemies to kill a character with various HP and common 105/95 (head/body) armor (no attachment), with and without Nimble.HPDefaultNimbleDiff.Diff%80 HP3.436.052.6276%100 HP3.826.933.1181%120 HP4.187.793.6186%. Dagger MasteryDaggers/Qatal can attack three times per turn with Mastery which means three Overwhelms. I also recommend you pair Throwing with a long range option (Bow/Xbow) so having QH is good to be able to switch between your long range option and your short range Throwing as needed. You will find yourself against multiple enemies all the time and Underdog will be consistently useful. You can switch out a shield (4AP) and pop Indom for 5AP in the same turn, converting your 2Hander into a makeshift tank, should he find himself under a lot of pressure. Experiment yourself or look to other guides for that purpose. It is better to use the 320 piece if you dont mind the cost. Shield bros: Berserk is not a priorityWhile you can technically use Berserk with shields, it isnt really the role of your shield guy to be getting kills, so he probably has batter perks he can be taking instead. Settlement Situation Tooltip. 2Handers like Mace and Hammer are even capable of one shotting enemies like Footman and Ancient Dead once Frenzy is online. You have to out-speed your opponentThis is not always a trivial task. What about 2H Cleaver? Scatter mechanics, and why they disfavor BullseyeOne defense people will give for Bullseye is that if you miss the intended target you have a good chance of hitting the guy in front of him so thats fine right? Very heavy named armors benefit even more. Two-Handers: CS value depends on weapon choiceFor the most part CS is wasted on two-handers unless you are trying to Injure Unholds, Orc Warriors, Chosen, or Nimble enemies. If you want to use CS with a Flail then use the regular Flail with Duelist, not the 3HF. Lets take a case: If the critical multiplier was applied earlier in the formula, damage taken would have been 11 instead of 6. Indom is probably the strongest perk in the game, but you are not forced to use it on everybody to survive. Colossus yields a high stat returnAt only 60 HP Colossus is already +15, which is 3.75 level ups worth of max hp rolls (4). QH is also a counter to opposing Disarms (Nomads/Beastmasters), as you can swap to an alternate weapon to use instead. Anti-synergy with Adrenaline, Rotation, Footwork, Indomitable, TauntWhile none of these perks make Dodge bad, liberal use of these skills will fill your FAT quickly and lower your Dodge value. How you evaluate Colossus is going to depend a lot on whether you plan on going Nimble or Forge later on. Despite the awkward parts of Overwhelm, it can still be a good perk for certain bros or builds to provide general team support because again, the effect is strong. As the lengthy mechanics might suggest, Taunt is a perk that will take some practice to get the hang of. With Nimble, enemy ranged units should never be a threat to you (unless you go stand out in the open for multiple turns in a row for some reason). But if those items arent really used in combat then Bags is basically wasted. You can use it to cast Recover for next turn. There are some weaknesses to be aware ofThere are a few things to keep in mind on Berserk however. Mitigate poor rngBrow may not be strong in absolute terms, but as a defense to unlucky rng cases, you may find it reassuring to have. Battle Brothers. So while Rotation can definitely buy you some time, you do still need to be able to handle threats and position your team in a smart way. Brow: Death in 4.11 hits. Nimble usually performs better against weapons with high AID such as two-handed weapons or Crossbows, while Forge excels against repeated weak attacks. Nimble builds can take Relentless if they want INI support, and Gifted if they just want more stats. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Damage modifier stacking: The more the betterThings like Executioner/Huge/Drunkard/etc. Since elite enemies generally arent scary without an entourage to back them up, mowing down their less durable troops essentially wins the battle. Thats up to you. Legacy information: Anticipation used to be goodPrior to the B&E DLC, Nimble was terrible which made heavy armor the only viable option to not be at risk of immediate death all of the time. Any bro who isnt extremely skilledUnlike FA which loses value as you get more skilled, Backstabber still does fine on highly skilled units. Mind also multiplies the Banner, so it is fairly safe to say that Mind is usually worth 3 extra RES than your out-of-fight stat card will show (from a +12 Banner). Footwork provides insurance and peace of mindFW is a nice escape tool to have on fragile bros that may find themselves in danger if you arent confident in your positioning game. Against relatively tanky enemies like Chosen/Conscripts, having CS can help setup injuries, but isnt strictly necessary. Categories. Forge: Brow helps against high Ignore% attackers, but isnt doing much otherwiseFor the most part, Brow is poor on Forge units except against specific enemies. A +5 in INI equates to +.75 defenses which is still worse than even just a regular +1 in MDF unless you have some other reason to want the INI . Manhunters are similar, getting extra bros on the field. Overwhelm and/or setup bros: Frenzy is contradictoryFaster bros can be used to setup kills for slower bros with Frenzy to capitalize. An unassuming bro with FA, Gifted, and Backstabber can be viable through end game. Misconception Nimble builds are worse than Forge buildsIt depends. Brow negates headshot bonuses and this makes it harder to get your quick kills and HH value. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Counter high defense enemiesAncient Legion with Tower Shield using Shield Wall will have 50 defense + more if they are lined up together using it. You want a very dodgy bro to make this work, and given Swords low damage vs. armor you will need some backup Swords or a different option against heavily armored foes. Hybrid backliners may appreciate Dodge more, if you expect them to hold the back flanks and expect them to see danger. because they wouldnt make sense) Most likely does not effect Fire Pot initial throw (needs confirmation) For a full injury list, refer to thiswiki page. Since every HP point is worth more with Nimble, DoT particularly hurt it. Recover fuels other strong skillsRecover is a well-respected perk in the community, dare I even say overrated. I used to do it too until someone pointed out to me that the perk is bad. Gifted is probably the better of the two but theres plenty reason to use both. Dodge, Overwhelm, Relentless, Initiative a natural fitLets stress that Nimble does not need to use any of these to perform. Hammer) then you can essentially negate their Adrenaline. Another order based strategy would be to have your fastest Archer have Crippling to spread injuries around and your slower range units have Executioner to capitalize. One, you can use it to help protect valuable brothers you want to make sure stay alive to a high level. Misconception Duelist should be used with Nimble/Dodge/Initiative/etc.I assume this is some kind of myth derived from gaming/fantasy culture. You can . So it is hard to actually benefit from high RDF, unless the opponent targeting behavior can be predicted and somewhat controlled. If you grab it at level 4 with some Raider armor you are going to get about 6-7 FAT out of it which is really weak compared to other perks you could be grabbing instead. DiscussionDagger Mastery is one of the more impactful Masteries, allowing for potentially a 50% damage boost as well as the assorted mobility advantages of being able to attack for less AP. Please do check out their other channels. Qh is also a counter to opposing Disarms ( Nomads/Beastmasters ), as you breached... Shot at make you more vulnerable to further Horrify spam per stack are... 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