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openstax biology 2e answer key

Scientists are not ones to dress up language, aiming instead to say things as precisely as possible. All major topics I would normally include to cover this topic are included (central dogma, codons, protein folding, etc), as well as a section on prokaryotic transcription and eukaryotic transcription. This is confusing to a reader who expects them above their respective tables. Again, this reinforces student misconceptions and lack of familiarity with fungi, protists, and prokaryotes. In Chapter 18, the text only includes the biological species concept, with no discussion of its weaknesses or limitations. WebOpenStax Biology 2e Folder | Quizlet 47 sets created by MNWest_Biology Teacher OpenStax Biology 2e Chapter Key Terms from the OpenStax Biology 2e Book OER Book Link: https://openstax.org/details/books/biology-2e Sort OpenStax Biology 2e Chapter 46 Ecosystems 40 terms MNWest_Biology Teacher OpenStax Biology 2e Chapter 47 This is well done and contributes to student learning as concepts will build upon one another as higher levels of organization are discussed. The organization of the topics and how each are approached make sense in the scope of the course. One thing that was kind of annoying is that you encounter hyperlinks for figure and you click it and it really doesnt do much. Those that occurred did not interrupt the flow of reading and understanding. However, the scientists who are mentioned are the typical examples theres no obvious effort to include or highlight contributions from a variety of cultures or ethnic backgrounds. I am optimistic that this book will be quite useful for me and my students. enzyme. Not being as comprehensive a science thesaurus is the best part of the book, its simplicity invites the first time science student or a new college level science student. In figure 7.9 (Citric Acid Cycle), this convention is jettisoned. The online format should make it easy to update.There are no peer reviewed references for each chapter so there is no way to know that the material is scientifically accurate. Its not clear that the author understands it, frankly. The chapters are organized into 8 main units. Organization is appropriate and is adaptable for the specifics of individual course requirements. As noted above, in some cases the art is not consistent across ideas and within and between chapters, and this could be confusing for a student. science that seeks to expand knowledge and understanding regardless of the short-term application of that knowledge. While the authors have consistently kept descriptions to the minimum, it would be unfair to expect great explanations for the various topics in biology some of which we have entire courses designed for them. If you are a competent instructor who tends to use the textbook as a supplemental resource for your students, rather than the main way of obtaining information, this will meet your needs. However, any such statements could easily be clarified or amended, so I think this book will have good longevity. As is typical, some of the video does not have captioning so every video does not allow full accessibility. I could not image how to part of a chapter to cover the basics of a topic. Support resources at the end of the text are thorough and well organized. Each section is consistently laid out and includes a glossary, chapter summary and review questions for students. Some are terrific, and worth a student spending time there to better understand the material. Jan 9, 2023 OpenStax. Hypothesis-driven science using controlled or semi-controlled experiments is indeed the gold-standard in science, but by no means is it the only way that science is done. The book is nicely comprehensive in its overall selection of units and chaptersall the basic components of any standard semester-long or year-long general biology course for majors or a mixed nonmajors/majors audience. The only part of the text that could be offensive are in the links to the advertisements that are part of the videos links to concepts covered in the text. The questions at the end of sections are helpful to student learning. As is the case with most biology textbooks, the focus of the organismal topics are heavily biased towards animal structure and function (10 chapters), while plant structure and function (3 chapters) are poorly covered. I used the PDF version to read/review this text and that avoided many of the problems with the online version, and highlighting and notes are available on many free PDF readers. Figures are wider and slightly larger in the pdf version, but labeling is still difficult to read. The sections on anatomy and physiology of the human body had a nice mix of explaining structures and functions, and linking these with disorders to make the content more relevant and interesting. The next section, 19.3 Adaptive Evolution, does focus on natural selection but not in the context of population genetics. The number and placement of headings and sub-headings seemed appropriate not too many that the flow of text was disrupted, but not too few that readers would have to stretch on and on with simple text. Overall, I found that Biology 2e was very strong in terms of comprehensiveness perspective. A very general discussion of linkage analysis of two genes is included in chapter 13, but very little information or opportunity for practice is provided, and no information on how gene order can be inferred from linkage distances. All texts tend to emphasize some areas over others, and this is no exception. The additional content of animations was well done and accessible. You will find that we have the finest range of products. At times, it seems too little effort is devoted to explaining the relevance, context, or complexity of the concepts and principles. The illustrations while generally very appropriate perhaps could be shown larger and in more visually appealing ways (e.g. The chapters are organized into 8 main units. The topics are also presented in a way that builds student understanding and helps them connect the various concepts they learn throughout the text. This text also contains chapter summaries, review questions, and critical thinking questions. I noticed no problems. Lots of options are provided for accessibility. For example, in 4.1 Studying Cells, one learning outcome is "Describe the role of cells in organisms.". There are no citations within the text to reference where the facts in the text were researched. As with other textbooks I have used in the past, students do not read chapters unless you give them some kind of assignment that goes with it. But overall regardless of the depth of information in the figures; they appear accurate. On a more negative note, a reference was made to "hard" and "soft" sciences with biology being called a "hard" or quantitative science which was identified as different from the more qualitative or "soft" social sciences. While the artwork is generally good some of the illustrations are too small and generally not as visually appealing as in commercial textbooks. This book uses the The majority of "Art Connection Figures" throughout the text are difficult to read, labeling is poor and the font used either has shadows or is extremely blurry. The glossary appears comprehensive, however, many duplicates (ie. Do you look forward to treating your guests and customers to piping hot cups of coffee? In my opinion, the text is considerate of all cultural, racial, and ethnic sensibilities, In my opinion, this text has wide applications, and its ability to be customized makes it a strong candidate for adoption within our curriculum, Reviewed by Eric Johnson, Associate Professor, Virginia Wesleyan University on 5/7/21, For the topics most commonly covered (Cellular Resipration, Mitosis, etc), this book does a good job. I have chosen this textbook for my Animal Biology course that I will teach in the Fall of 2020. This particular information is relatively new in the field of biology, though most of the current discoveries lie in the realm of gene function and would be included in an upper level course. Weballosteric inhibition. Often these links provide cutting edge insight into both the research and application to make the The online version of the text is easy to navigate, has no broken links, and is searchable. Furthermore, for students who will only be taking one year of biology, I am confident that using this textbook will give them a broad overview of the field and introduce them to more specific topics that could help them in any major or career. Links are provided for quick navigation and the PDF is fully searchable. As stated in the previous sections, book is well laid out to fit the needs of any entrance level biology course. This is a place where I feel the book was really lacking. As I have mentioned in a previous section, the online version has a table of contents above the text that highlights where you are in the book: by unit, chapter, and subsection. I did notice a minor inconsistency in taxonomy between the Cell section and the Diversity sections. There are no cultural insensitivities or biases in the text. in a basic biology textbook would be helpful. This was especially noteworthy in the diversity of life chapters, where contemporary taxonomic titles are used rather than the more widely recognized historical names and groups that are currently outdated. 2. These topics including sequencing, genomics and genomics techniques, epigenetics and genome editing. It includes both the cell biology and organismal biology required of a 2-semester biology post-secondary sequence. Reviewed by Lisa Johansen, Senior Instructor, University of Colorado Denver on 4/20/20, The text book covered all the chapters I would assign for first semester General Biology course at the college level (Molecules to Cells). Special interest topics also fail to mention Canadian content (for example, laws governing reproductive technologies and designer babies). The order of presentation is basically the same as any other textbook. Use of tables was appropriate and any information in tables was presented in a clear and organized manner, without extraneous details. It is mostly a long long list of descriptive paragraphs. Most chapters lack the highly detailed summary images that most will be familiar with from commercial texts--for example, a summary image of cellular respiration or cladograms for major phylogenies. - The color scheme throughout should be softened and include different colors for major and minor headings. The major textbooks in Biology offer numerous, diverse learning resources, including audience response programs, test banks, adaptive learning software, etc. There are an array of instructor resources available through OpenStax for this text. Atoms that vary in the number of neutrons found in their nuclei are called ________. Its the lignified schlerenchyma cells. Why are two base pairs (T-A and incorrectly labeled C-G) shown? One thing that I would have liked is greater consistency in the figures. The core concepts of biology can be taught in many different orders and there is not one best linear path through the material. This is a fine textbook for my purposes (intro to chemistry and cell biology, as a foundation for an anatomy and physiology sequence). Overall, a timely discussion of modern issues is demonstrated well throughout the text. Reviewed by Dara Wegman-Geedey, Professor of Biology, Augustana College on 6/19/18, Given that this is a text for two semester introductory sequence in biology for undergraduates, it appears to be very comprehensive. Despite some minor criticisms, I would use this text to replace our current biology textbooks in use for Biol 1, II and III. I found chapters and subheadings on nearly every topic that I expected to see in a biology text for majors. The chapters could be easily reorganized into smaller subunits as needed for a class. read more. biology astronomy physics There will be some chapters that will need to be updated in a few years. This is a shame and could wind up creating misconceptions about the current study of animal behavior. Images are simple and clear. One aspect I really like of the text is all of the website links built right into the chapters. Viruses are not considered living because they ________. GitHub openstax / cnx-recipes Public Notifications Fork 14 Star 5 Code Issues 81 Pull requests Actions Projects Security Insights New issue There were also many resources for both the instructor and the students that make the use of this book ideal. There are a few errata, but they were mostly grammatical errors. This would necessitate a rewriting. On page 749, the text says, In the following Cenozoic Era, mammals radiated into terrestrial and aquatic niches once occupied by dinosaurs. No, the aquatic reptiles of the Mesozoic were not dinosaurs. citation tool such as, Authors: Mary Ann Clark, Matthew Douglas, Jung Choi. Overall the content has longevity - many topics are relatively unchanging, especially since this textbook covers fundamentals. When more depth is required, other web sites and tutorials can be added to the students' reading materials. I do not understand why it is not more widely adopted. Majority of the figures and charts in the "Art Connection Figures" are very difficult to read. In chapter 34, there is no discussion of phytonutrients. For example, in chapter 10 the authors write, The variation of individuals within a species is due to the specific combination of the genes inherited from both parents (p. 281). Reviewed by Samuel Flaxman, Associate Professor, University of Colorado Boulder on 6/11/20, The PDF of the text is over 1500 pages in length, making it very long (by print standards). Some amount of jargon is inescapable in a general biology text, where students are hit with as much new terminology as in an introductory course in a foreign language, but this book is refreshingly free of unnecessary jargon. I absolutely intend to use it to replace expensive textbooks. I encountered almost no places in the textbook that reference previous or later sections of the textbook. I found the text to be highly modular. There is good use of bolding for emphasizing particular text and themes. I think the book is of equal quality, scientific rigor, and depth as any mainstream introductory biology textbook currently on the market. Diversity of life and physiology get a lot of attention and surprising detail for an introductory textbook. That is confusing. 14. It would then fall on the instructor to really add a lot of depth and context for the content into their class in lectures and active learning activities. It is provides a baseline for the essential content for a Biology course. I noticed no grammatical errors in this chapter, though I have noticed a couple minor typos throughout the book. Topics are explained simply in shorter rather than longer paragraphs, and details that often bog down longer texts are omitted. I thought the explanations were very specific and well versed. That may be true for most humans, but some humans have 45 or 47. There was also links to videos and tutorials which more fully explained some of the more difficult topics in a visual and/or audio dimension. plants microorganisms birds dinosaurs 5. Atoms that vary in the number of neutrons found in their nuclei are called ________. While many biological concepts have stood the test of time (like Mendelian genetics and Darwinian evolution), modern techniques and ideas are presented in the book as well. Im sure labeling will get fixed in the next revision that will be available soon. The genetics section in particular seems to be modular. Reviewed by Debora Christensen, Associate Professor, Drake University on 12/30/21, The textbooks content and depth of coverage are comparable to current commercial introductory biology textbooks. However, the textbook is set up to explain the subject of biology starting from broad (chemistry/building blocks of life) to specific (organ systems) and going from simple (cells) to complex (ecology) and therefore could easily be assigned sequentially as well. The textbook is quite consistent from Chapter-to-Chapter. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. "Prokaryotes" do not comprise a monophyletic group, and thus, while the name "prokaryote" may still be used, it is definitely not a basis of modern, formal, scientific classification. Openstax Biology 2e offers a low-cost alternative that meets the needs of an introductory biology class. It is not clear what the authors mean by the subheading "Cytokine Release Affect". So long as those instructors follow the expectations of the Creative Commons license of the text, their is great potential for this book or instructor-modified versions of it, to remain relevant indefinitely. Thank you! The text follows the many models of material sequence available in this market. I also did not find an easy way to highlight or make notes in the online version, which are features often available in commercial online texts. For example, the life cycle of flowers, and cellular respiration and hydrogen bonding. read more. Students will have seen much of the necessary content in a year-long introductory sequence, but nonetheless will need reference and reminders on the chemistry of life (Ch 2), biological molecules (Ch 3), cell structure (Ch 4), and membrane function (Ch 5). Reviewed by Dilrukshan Wijesinghe, Associate Professor, LaGuardia Community College on 2/1/18, The book is comprehensive and suitable for use in a 2-semester (year long) college-level biology/science majors general biology sequence. One thing I would say is that, because the book relies on images/media that are in the public domain, the images had a more heterogeneous feel and style than those I find in commercial textbooks. The level of depth of material is consistent enough as well that the information covered is "accurate" to the level required for the text book. While there were a few typos, I noted no grammatical errors in the text. read more. Unless I missed it, the R in Figure 2.27 is undefined. % For my own purposes, I would have preferred a bit more discussion of evolution in the first section since it has relevance at every level of life. Images in the text also do not make a very good use of space. A comprehensive index is provided at the end of the text. On p. 125 the authors write: "The X chromosome is one of the two human sex chromosomes, as these chromosomes determine a person's sex. The book would benefit from greater use of diagrams, charts, and images (and even lists and bullet points) to cater to visual learners. A weak spot was that bold-face words were not always defined in the text. The presentation of its text and visuals provides a pleasant reading experience. format. I believe this will allow for easy alignment into any new or existing Biology course. WebPANOPEN + OPENSTAX BIOLOGY ACCESS CODE 17th Edition ISBN: 9781944519766 BIOLOGY 2E 2nd Edition ISBN: 9781506699851 BIOLOGY 13th Edition ISBN: 2810017676413 BIOLOGY FOR AP COURSES (OER) 17th Edition ISBN: 9781947172401 EBK BIOLOGY 2nd Edition ISBN: 9781947172524 Homework Help by Science Subjects In some instances, I felt that certain topics, such as stem cell research, were not given much coverage, but the overall coverage was excellent. Terminology and organization is consistent. For the most part the concepts and topics are up-to-date. I found that the level of detail is appropriate for a lower level undergraduate biology course. read more. Sometimes (as in other textbooks) the historical chronology of discovery appears to supersede the relevance as we understand it today. hydrophobic and Hydrophobic) were noted in the index. It would be nice to see more career examples and spotlights on diverse scientists, but this would make the text hard to keep updated and current, so I can understand it not being done. Many of the links are to YouTube videos, some of which are embedded and play directly in the text, whereas others open in a new tab. The nice thing about biology is that it is accessible to most everybody who is interested in learning. 2 Review Questions - Biology 2e | OpenStax Review Questions Review Questions Highlights 4. They are very basic and do little to help students visualize biological concepts and structures. Energy is conserved, but does not recycle, as energy is lost as heat in each chemical reaction. A few typos, but not excessive for such a large text. cellular respiration or molecular genetics) will rely on knowledge gained from the chemistry and cell focused parts, so naturally in distributing the subject matter among several courses proper sequencing of those courses in the curriculum is desirable. It was easy to download and view. The text doesnt reference or picture actual people very often, and generally seems to avoid gender-specific pronouns in hypothetical scenarios. This seems to be representative of the textbook more broadly. I think it is a great alternative to using a for pay text, and with the multitude of formats (browser, pdf, app, print) it can be accessed in the format that is best for a particular student. However, I have a lot of reservations. Seemed good. During my review, I noticed some things i would correct. This is false, of course. Most of the current research examples just serve to further elaborate or explain a concept and thus many examples would still be relevant even if the theories or studies became outdated. I did not notice any inconsistencies in this set-up or within terms. Comprehensiveness in an introductory biology textbook is a daunting I especially like the individual glossaries for each chapter rather than a single glossary at the end. Biology 2e seems like a great text book for freshman biology majors. read more. I will be comfortable adding information and details on the logic of structure and function. The text is easily searchable by key words (Ctrl F). This is distracting in trying to tie the figure into the associated text. Different topics in the text are organized and presented in a logical manner that make sense from biological perspective. You can even purchase a bound copy from Amazon for around $60, which is very reasonable for a textbook. Error p.375 I was unaware that Rosalyn Franklin was considered for the Nobel prizeshould have been. Some terms were utilized in strange ways, and I felt some of the definitions could be altered a little to be more precise. It may be more suitable for Canadian students if there were more images from Canada-based resources. The consistency in terminology and flow of content is solid throughout. This structure is also attractive to instructors as it allows us the freedom to pick and choose textbook content to assign. Clear and defined, but definitions can be overly complex depending on the rigor of the class it is used in. It would be nice to be able to click on images and have them blown up or popped out, but it is easy enough to zoom in the browser. For example, I didn't find any mention of drift, mutation, or gene flow. For example, chapters on Chemistry and Biological molecules both explain important fundamentals and provide adequate detail to maintain interest and give context to these topics. Some examples: The prose is consistent and accessible to students. This can contribute to the development of a feeling of coherence and purpose, so making the learning experience more meaningful and engaging. The book highlights different career paths for students in each respective field of biology using engaging real-world examples, and explicitly calls out areas that cause frequent confusion for students (for example, the difference between weather and climate when discussing climate change, and common misunderstandings about the process of evolution. Evolution is mentioned in Ch.1 but is not defined or explained, assuming that students already understand this complex. Some chapters have abstracts and other chapter dont. 12.1, 15.1,16.1,17.1 all were poor choices. This is a problem throughout the text. I have not found any errors within the text. - Many figures appear blurry in the pdf version of the text. The layout and flow of the text (intro paragraph, learning objectives, text, etc) was consistent throughout. Which of the following sequences represents the hierarchy of biological organization from the most inclusive to the least complex level? They create unnecessary clutter on the page / in the figure caption. WebTotal Pages Answer Key N/A. Also, all terms that might be unfamiliar to students are used simply and properly, then defined in each chapter-end glossary. The adaption section will be added to Biology 2e: Adaptation All living organisms exhibit a fit to their environment. After having used the book for majors biology course for the last 4 semester, I have pleased to say that I content is simple yet efficient and effective. I did look at the OpenStax A&P book and it looked like it would do for the "Animal Form and Function" aspects of introductory biology. Evolution is defined--incorrectly--only once (in the Chapter 18 Summary). This textbook does a great job at being consistent throughout in terms of style, dialogue, summaries, resources, etc. Additionally, there is a lack of images of people in the text, so I supplement the information presented with "scientist spotlights" to highlight diverse scientists in the wide range of careers available with a Biology degree. For additional free and open resources, visit http://www.openstax.org/. Overall, grammar in the text is strong. The authors have included features that will be helpful to students such as "Themes and Concepts of Biology", "Career Connections" and "Key Terms". In Section 10.1 (p. 280) on genomic DNA, the text makes a distinction between character and trait (a tricky concept for many students) but then conflates the two on the following page (referring to hair color as a trait instead of a character). Reviewed by Laura Lambert, Administrative and Professional Faculty, James Madison University on 2/1/18, I focused in on Chapter 15: Genes and Proteins. The book orders information the same way as a traditional biology textbook. Although some might miss that focus on the history of science and classic experimental designs, I appreciated that this led to a decrease in the number of pictures of what my students have deemed old white men doing very serious science, which can feel almost constant in other introductory texts. I was surprised by how easy-to-use and thorough this text was. The lay out of the text may not allow easy updates. This will also help to keep the use of jargon and technical language in context. WebOpenStax Biology 2e Folder | Quizlet 47 sets created by MNWest_Biology Teacher OpenStax Biology 2e Chapter Key Terms from the OpenStax Biology 2e Book OER Book Link: https://openstax.org/details/books/biology-2e Sort OpenStax Biology 2e Chapter 46 Ecosystems 40 terms MNWest_Biology Teacher OpenStax Biology 2e Chapter 47 The topics are presented in a format that is typical and logical for a large introductory biology text. Text is well-written and does not seem to be overly technical. For the most part, concepts are discussed in an appropriate amount of detail. I was pleasantly surprised at how interesting and easy this book was to read. In addition, students need to refer to some of the background on cell metabolism and cellular respiration (Ch 6 and Ch 7, respectively). Due to its ease of use- chapters can be assigned out of order to tailor the individual needs. It was accurate and error free, to my knowledge. If the instructor resources, including test bank, projectable images/slides and interactive tools are of the same quality as the text book itself, I fully endorse it. These sections make the material more relevant to students, and help them shift focus from the proximate, detail-oriented perspective to the ultimate, big-picture perspective. Both of these could almost be considered typos, except for that they risk confusing students. My impression is that with a publication date of 2013 the book is in need of revision now (2018). I They are generally uniform in length, although some subsections are longer or shorter than others depending on the topic. Im sure there are many more. Animal behavior the genetics section in particular seems to avoid gender-specific pronouns in hypothetical scenarios Ann Clark, Matthew,! Searchable by key words ( Ctrl F ) be added to the least complex level be in! 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