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horse slaughter statistics by breed

Livestock estimates provide USDA and the livestock industry with basic data to project future meat supplies and producer prices. stream 2010. Just over 100,000 horses were slaughtered in the US 2008. 2023 The Humane Society of the United States Privacy policy and terms. In 1981, with Directive 81/602/EEC, the EU prohibited the use of substances having a hormonal action for growth promotion in farm animals. 2020. Help out at your local horse rescue facility. Another study found that 53.4% of horse-owning households have only one member of the household being involved with horses and 35.7% have 2 household members being involved with horses. Animals' Angels obtained documents through the Freedom of Information Act for slaughter by breed from the USDA. E-Mail: info@horsecouncil.org. 6. Horse owners with an income of $150,000 or more accounts for 28%. Unlike animals raised for food, horses do not spend their lives being prepared for the food chain. Relying on random-sample testing of horsemeat is inadequate and dangerous. (1). Shes a life-long horse enthusiast ranging from recreational rider, breeder, and show competitor. Working at the AHC is a way to give back to the equine community and ensure the long term health of the industry.. (15). Special Tabulations and Restricted Microdata, 02/15/23 Still time to respond to the 2022 Census of Agriculture, USDA to follow up with producers who have not yet responded, 02/15/23 Still time to respond to the 2022 Puerto Rico Census of Agriculture, USDA to follow-up with producers who have not yet responded (Puerto Rico - English), 01/31/23 United States cattle inventory down 3%, 01/30/23 2022 Census of Agriculture due next week Feb. 6, 01/12/23 Corn and soybean production down in 2022, USDA reports Horse slaughter plants have proven to be economic and environmental nightmares for the communities that host them. The American Horse Council (AHC) wishes to clarify these statistics to avoid confusion and misunderstanding of the data. Its no secret that horse riding is immensely popular among Americans. Nearly 70% of horse rescue operations are already operating at capacity, if not over capacity. Along with our equine partners assisting in burial services at Arlington National Cemetery. Click here to complete your survey online. Sales Summaries, 2022 January Horses of All Ages Sale. The horse industry contributes an average of $50 billion to the U.S. economy each year. 2016. Equus Magazine. (4). 2020. The answer is not to return to subjecting our horses to abuse and unacceptable conditions at plants in the U.S. but toban both horse slaughter and the export of horses for slaughteraltogether and to provide our horses withdecent lives and, when necessary, humane deaths. Contact a specialist. 2020. No. Horse slaughter rates have reduced by over 50% since 1989. States, where the horse industry contributes the most to the state GDP, are Kentucky (1%), Oklahoma (0.62%), and Florida (0.26%). Preliminary weekly totals are published online by USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service. Want to receive reports automatically? Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Rupak Khadka. Annual cost of owning a horse in the US, 2003 versus 2016, AHC. The Census Data Query Tool (CDQT) is a web based tool that is available to access and download table level data from the Census of Agriculture Volume 1 publication. It allows you to customize your query by commodity, location, or time period. You can find the schedule for upcoming meetings by visiting the websites of your federal legislators or calling their offices. Look for the colums that are 10 times higher than the others and that will be the quarter-Horses going to slaughter as compared to other breeds. Shipments of feeder and slaughter horses cannot enter Canada at other border ports of entry. The majority (84%) of members own the main residence and have an average of three vehicles. However, not every horse currently going to slaughter will need to be absorbed into the rescue community. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics CPI Inflation Calculator. These plants pollute local water, decrease property values, permeate the air with a foul stench, drain local economies and damage the environment. As a result, horses often endure repeated blows and sometimes remain conscious during dismembermentthis is rarely a quick, painless death. Equestrian industry statistics also show that 1,370,000 people volunteer their time for horse-related activities annually. 72% of the horses in Alberta participate in some type of regular competition. In 2007, the slaughter of horses on US soil came to an end when a court ruling upheld a Texas law banning horse slaughter, and similar legislation was passed in Illinois. Posted by Mz.Many Names at 8:16 PM. Livestock slaughter data are collected from approximately 800 federally inspected plants and about 1,900 non-federally inspected plants under state inspection. Make additional category choices for the data you are looking for. Safeguard American Food Exports (SAFE) ActAWI Legislation Action, US House Subcommittee Hears Testimony on Federal Legislation to Ban Horse SlaughterAWI Press Release, January 2020, Legislators Decry Forest Service Plan to Condemn Wild Horses to SlaughterAWI Press Release, May 2019, AWI Commends Bipartisan Effort to Stop Horse SlaughterAWI Press Release, April 2019, Animal Welfare Groups Applaud Federal Legislation to Ban Horse SlaughterAWI Press Release, January 2019, 2023 All rights reserved. 1775 Tysons Blvd Horse Slaughter Statistics Totals and by Breed It is hard to pin down the numbers as they change year-by-year, but this will provide some reference points. No comments: Post a Comment. Horses impact our lives in ways others cannot. % The AHC believes that the more opportunities available to use horses in various activities, the better the overall health of the industry and those who participate. American Horse Council. Economic Impact Of The United States Horse Industry. The most common horse breed in Alberta is the American Quarter Horse, with 55% of horse owners having at least one of this breed. Statistics from one of the largest groups assisting owners in the recovery of their stolen horses, Stolen Horse International (netposse.org) show that approximately 60% of horses stolen are killed at slaughter . The Humane Society of the United States is registered as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Horse Industry Statistics. Horse ownership has been rather stable in recent years. The original household income was $134,500 (4) in 2002. It is not the government's responsibility to provide for the care of horses voluntarily given up by their owners. The oldest horse recorded lived to 62 years old. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics CPI Inflation Calculator. Between 2015 and 2019 a total of 355,821 equines were exported from the US to Mexico for slaughter, per USDA Market News data. Additional expenses to consider are tack and equipment, clothing, grooming tools, horse sitting, track usage, shows and outings, riding lessons, and unseeable other costs. Slaughter is. In that time he was honored to be appointed to a seat on the Board of Directors for the Culpeper chapter of the Farm Bureau Federation. But 10/10 horse owners say it is worth it. Last year, when state-imposed bans closed the last three U.S. horse slaughterhouses, a record 78,000 horses were exported to Canada and Mexico for slaughter, according to U.S. Department of . (Washington, D.C., June 10, 2020): In recent weeks, several figures have been circulated regarding the US horse population. (16). Also, the number of head slaughtered only are estimated for bison. Many are marketable horses who will be sold to new owners. Analysis of Factors Responsible for Horse Industry Decline Note: This paper prompted a white paper titled,An Analysis of FactorsResponsible for the Decline of the Horse Industry: Why Slaughter is not the Answer. Both sides brought up laws and regulations surrounding equine imports and horse meat in Canada and Mexico. American Horse Council, Phone: 202-296-4031 Unlike animals raised for food, the vast majority of horses sent to slaughter will have ingested, or been treated or injected with, multiple chemical substances that are known to be dangerous to humans, untested on humans or specifically prohibited for use in animals raised for human consumption. At the time of writing, SAGARPA has not responded to multiple emails. Horse Slaughter is a Federally Regulated Industry. WASHINGTON, Feb. 7, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- The ASPCA (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) today released new data from a national poll conducted by Lake Research Partners. The stats are from the USDA. <> The paper was published recently in the peer reviewed Kentucky Journal of Equine, Agriculture & Natural Resources Law. Horses are shipped for more than 24 hours at a time without food, water or rest in crowded trucks. A typical showhorse costs over $11,248. Special Tabulations and Restricted Microdata, 02/15/23 Still time to respond to the 2022 Census of Agriculture, USDA to follow up with producers who have not yet responded, 02/15/23 Still time to respond to the 2022 Puerto Rico Census of Agriculture, USDA to follow-up with producers who have not yet responded (Puerto Rico - English), 01/31/23 United States cattle inventory down 3%, 01/30/23 2022 Census of Agriculture due next week Feb. 6, 01/12/23 Corn and soybean production down in 2022, USDA reports They usually have impressive bloodlines, are developed for specific purposes, and are imported from other countries. There are countries that consume dogs, cats and other pets as food, but we do not allow our dogs and cats to be exported for food purposes, even though there is a well-documented overpopulation issue to contend with for those animals. Suite 6110 Bryan Brendle is the Director ofPolicy & Legislative Affairs for the AHC. With over 30 years of leadership experience in both for-profit and non-profit sectors, Julie holds a BS, MBA, Executive Certificate in Non-Profit Leadership and is Certified Association Executive. The Quick Stats Database is the most comprehensive tool for accessing agricultural data published by NASS. Keeneland. Another interesting equine industry trend is that 16% of people who participate in horse-related activities actually do not own a horse. Thank them for their support! Here are FOIA documents for one supplier for Richelieu, showing each horse by breed, color and gender. Section 207(f)(2) of the E-Government Act of 2002 requires federal agencies to develop an inventory of information to be published on their Web sites, establish a schedule for publishing information, make those schedules available for public comment, and post the schedules and priorities on the Web site. Statistics compiled by Darrel Charlton, Jr. From fourteen plants in 1990, with 345,700 equines killed that year in the US alone, the number fell to only four by 1997. This definition excludes boarding, training and riding facilities; as well as any other operation that fails to generate a minimum of $1,000 in sales of equine products, defined as breeding fees, stud fees, semen or other. US horse population, 2003 versus 2016. Horse slaughter, whether in U.S. or foreign plants, was never and cannot be humane because of the nature of the industry and the unique biology of horses. %PDF-1.4 In compliance with Canadian legislation, all animals are inspected bythe CFIA both before and after slaughter to verify that the meat derived from these animals is safe for human consumption. This is because there are three main organizations (National Agriculture Statistic Service (NASS), American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), and AHC) that collect and publish data regarding the U.S. horse population and each organization counts the numbers differently. About 40% of the horses that are brought to rescue operations are turned away because there is a lack of space. Heres what the latest research tells us about the horse industry statistics. Call, email and visit your legislators. Many racehorses never have a home or form bonds with other people or horses. The most basic and common monthly horse expenses are board, feed, vet, and hoof care. The horse industry employment impact is bigger than it might seem at first glance. It makes no sense for the federal government to spend millions of taxpayer dollars to oversee new horse slaughter plants. As indicated on the chart, the total number ofequines exported across U.S. borders is trending downward from 125,608 in 2015 to 81,276 in 2018, the last year for which we have both Mexico and Canada export numbers. In her down time she enjoys volunteering (shes president of the board of PATH International), horseback riding, gardening and cooking. You can also usesocial media to share links to ourinvestigative video, "Horse Slaughter: Cruelty Uncovered.". The data shows that 85% of equestrians own investments and the average investment portfolio is worth $724,791. Just like with anything in life, the average cost of a horse depends on a lot of factors. Phone: (202) 337-2332, Shaping Policy for Animals in Laboratories, Emergency and Disaster Preparedness for Farm Animals Act, Save Americas Forgotten Equines (SAFE) Act, Traveling Exotic Animal and Public Safety Protection Act, Anti-whistleblower (Ag-Gag) Legislation, Cetacean Anti-Captivity Legislation and Laws, Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture (PACT) Act, United States Legislative Information (external link), How to Communicate Effectively with Legislators, State Wildlife Agency Contact Information, Ending the Slaughter of Nonambulatory Pigs, National Agricultural Statistics Service/USDA, Safeguard American Food Exports (SAFE) Act, US House Subcommittee Hears Testimony on Federal Legislation to Ban Horse Slaughter, Legislators Decry Forest Service Plan to Condemn Wild Horses to Slaughter, AWI Commends Bipartisan Effort to Stop Horse Slaughter, Animal Welfare Groups Applaud Federal Legislation to Ban Horse Slaughter, Including Pets in Protection Orders: A State-by-State Guide, Organizations and Individuals Opposed to Horse Slaughter, Comments on Legislation, Rulemaking, and Voluntary Standards, Dispelling the Arguments of Captivity Proponents, Swim-with Attractions & Dolphin Assisted Therapy, The Case Against Marine Mammals in Captivity, Restaurants Currently Offering Shark Fin Soup, Wildlife Management on National Park Service Land, Myths and Facts about Wild Horses and Burros, Wild Horses as Native North American Wildlife, Canadian Restaurants Offering Shark Fin Soup, International Shark Finning Bans and Policies, Support for Federal Funding for Beaver Coexistence, Clark R. Bavin Wildlife Law Enforcement Awards. AHC President Julie Broadway noted While NASS and AVMA statistics serve important purposes, only the AHC Foundations Study most closely reflects the total horse population in the US. . Remember, you will need your unique survey code to sign in. As of August 2007, all US based facilities slaughtering horses for human consumption have been closed. Phone: (202) 337-2332, 2023 All rights reserved. The Food and Drug Administration utilized both the AVMA survey and information from USDAs periodic surveys of farm animal populations to estimate the U.S. horse population at 3.8 million. Data from federally and non-federally inspected slaughter plants are used to estimate total red meat production. Stats reveal that 122 horses died on race tracks in Australia in a single year. A staggering 130,000 American horses were slaughtered in Mexico and Canada in 2015, yet the rodeo, racing, and show industriesalong with other irresponsible breederscontinue to churn out hundreds of thousands of horses annually. Approximately 1.6 million households in the U.S. own horses. Collected from approximately 800 federally inspected plants and about 1,900 non-federally inspected plants. Their offices Brendle is the most basic and common monthly horse expenses are,! Economy each year not responded to multiple emails exported from the USDA nonprofit organization Council ( AHC ) wishes clarify! For human consumption have been closed type of regular competition not enter Canada at border... States Privacy policy and terms new owners a total of 355,821 horse slaughter statistics by breed were from! Rest in crowded trucks the rescue community say it is not the government 's to! Us 2008 of $ 50 billion to the U.S. own horses < > the paper was recently. 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