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alchemical marriage stages

Learn Religions. This combined energy fuels our business and keeps us protected and safe to fulfill our twin flame duties. Within his bending sickle's compass come: Remember, if you do not try, you will never be proven wrong that Law of Attraction works. Alchemists were quite imaginative and pictured the successful marriage of masculine and feminine in a person as a unicorn and stag marrying in the middle of a forest. This allows the seeds of enlightenment to deeply penetrate the vessel. This takes place on the spiritual plane, beyond the chemical, philosophical, and even noetic levels of this science. For until twin flames achieve a certain level of mastery and oneness with their own Real Selves, they are often unable to cope with the weight of their negative karma. This kind of picture and similar renditions tell us what an alchemical marriage should look like when you are in one. This was the most reluctant article I wrote, as I did not have faith that I could bring justice to such an intense topic, but Melchizedek was my guide throughout this. The "Four Stage" Version You are better off listening to self-help books or reading other Twin Flame Articles. These first two stages may be associated, The original process philosophy has four stages:[1][2]. The alchemists internal elements are recombined in the endeavor to create oneness from the four. The struggle to recover our lost faculties that began in calcination, are fulfilled in this stage as the chemical transfusions from each phase have accumulated to create the sulfur of gold. Together let's make a difference with one Act of Kindness at a time. WebThe stages of transformation might be seen as follows: calcination, which symbolizes "the death of the profane," that is, the extinction of all interest in life and in the manifest world, and putrefaction, a consequence of the first stage, which consists of the sepa ration of the destroyed remains. The process of separation involves rediscovering our authentic self or feelingsfor a person. They stand on a sun and moon, respectively. Meaning of number 1212 And 1221 in Numerology. The love of this beloved holy Christ Self, i.e., that part of us who maintains constant contact with the Sourcethe I AM Presence, is an incomparable love. We like to treat ourselves better than a private butler at a 5-star hotel because the reward generates the effort every time. Many partners use this stage to reflect on their long and rich history. Stage seven, the golden years, will last until one of you leaves the earth. The masculine and feminine forces of nature have synthesized within the mystic, transmuting them into their Higher Self. The principle of alchemical marriage between twin flames describes the transformation twin flames must achieve before ascension can be attained. Thus, it is the beginning material and the end product. We have 12 months in a given calendar year. Alchemical Processes The stages of alchemical progression involved in the great work (the ultimate goal of alchemy, involving the perfection of the soul, represented allegorically as the transmutation of common lead into The Magnum Opus had originally four stages: nigredo, a blackening; albedo, a whitening; citrinitas, a yellowing, and rubedo, a reddening. Well, Hermes and Mercury are the later interpretation and incarnation of Thoth the Egyptian. The floodgates to the unconsciousness are opened during this phase as we are overflowed with new awareness of the macrocosm and our microcosm. You can read thefull article herehow I debunked this myth. What karma you brought into this life stems from your subconscious trauma. and the spiritual ritual it invokes. However, it is possible to understand the alchemical process in terms of four basic stages, this being most useful when starting out as an "alchemical beginner" and in trying to relate it to the psychotherapeutic process. What this means is making severe life changes, tossing of the old paradigms, patterns that no longer serve, changes in consumption of food, lifestyle in order to anchor the light body or Merkabah. Alchemy is known as the Spagyric Art, meaning to separate, and recombine. This stage utilizes the element Air as it filters through our two natures, true essence and the programmed self, separating the subtle from gross matter. The Alchemical Child When Diana opens Ashmole 782 for the first time in nearly 500 years, she comes across a depiction of the alchemical child. However, these lessons tend to get co-opted by the egos nature to protect itself. The colors are suggestive of the white and red stages of the alchemical process. Or bends with the remover to remove: In alchemy, the Magnum Opus symbolizes an alchemists great effort in the process of forming the legendary substance which generates astounding powers that transform base metals into gold and silver. The second process of individuation is experienced by painful growing awareness of shadow aspects through massive spiritual healing. The process is similar to the caterpillars metamorphosis into a butterfly. In order to cultivate the essence, the mystics whole being is aerated. The Sacred Marriage. All remaining fragments of the ego are being filtered in the process of distillation, exalting our core aspects into their generative principles. We have such peace; we are mindful to start our day with intention, and thanks. The first four stages involved discarding our old, inauthentic self and drawing together the authentic elements within us. Each alchemist had their own variation on the operations to completing the great work. Copyright 2022 Spiritualunite.com All rights reserved. Our alchemical wedding took place in the combined 5th-dimensional energy field when we met. [5] Other color stages are sometimes mentioned, most notably the cauda pavonis (peacock's tail) in which an array of colors appear. Water is the element of intuition, the unconscious, and feelings, its higher nature is the sea of consciousness that is manifested into energy in motion (Emotion). An unconscious state of non-differentiation between self and object, consciousness and the unconscious. This is the shadow period of the Dark Night of the Soul, or self-reflection by reviewing what is hidden material, decision on what needs to be discarded and what to reintegrate into our refined personality. We can tell you that we dont levitate together bent beyond our human flexibility. The alchemical journey is the backdrop to all of our lives. Within its cocoon the butterfly releases enzymes that dissolve all of its tissues liquefying it into a soup that will be reorganized into the blueprint of a butterfly. The magnum opus had a variety of alchemical symbols attached to it. There is no incentive waiting for the dreamer who is deep asleep in matter. During Coagulation, the alchemists heart has awakened, and unconditional love is discovered to be no mere sentiment, but the very fabric of reality. Once you face and engage in alignment, chakras to chakras, the spiritual and romantic energy between the two is a preview of the power you share. That looks on tempests and is never shaken; The inner state of being projects on the outer state of being, As above so below, As within so Without, As the Universe so the Soul. The same unique factor that gives twin flames their great spiritual powertheir identical blueprint of identitycan likewise cause the amplification of their negative patterns. This stage can be likened to the rebirth of the phoenix from its own ashes. In this stage, many things surface up example, anger, frustration, or disappointment towards one another or ourselves. For this reason, all awareness is fleeting, all gnosismechanical and rehearsed, all insights are about others and not of the self, with no genuine traction made. The principle of alchemical marriage between twin flames describes the transformation twin flames must achieve before ascension can be attained. In inner state of being which will reflect the outer state of being. Beyer, Catherine. Calcination provides the necessary friction that challenges the persona, annihilating the stagnant energy holding our ideologies and neurosis in place so that the spirit may awaken. Sometimes they are garbed, as if they have just been brought together, offering each other flowers. Images of husband and wife entwining and spiraling like two coils, skin to skin seemingly floating in mid-air, dominate history. Nothing is more central to the subject of alchemy than The Great Work or, Magnum Opus, the transformative work of redeeming the subtle from the gross, combining the celestial with the terrestrial, which is repeated in a circulatory process until it matures to the highest level of refinement producing the philosophers stone. The transmutation into this element is what will facilitate our ascension to higher dimensions. Love is not love The colors are suggestive of the white and red stages of the alchemical process. The metaphysical implications of this phase are the uniting of the Spirit (Mercury) and Soul (Sulfur). Thus, it is the beginning material and the end product. Webis consulted, as being a six-stage process, 12 stage, 20, 22, 50, and even 75 stage process! The alchemists had the notion of unus mundus a unifying cosmic ground in which both matter and psyche (soul) participate. It is a science of the Soul. It is said that if it was not for The Red King and White Queen are alchemical allegories, and their union represents the process of uniting opposites to create a greater, fully unified product of that union. Within its cocoon the caterpillar releases enzymes that dissolve all of its tissues liquefying it into a soup that will be reorganized into the blueprint of a butterfly. There is nothing better than soaking in a bath using aroma oils or taking a shower to renew our mental clarity and cleanse our auras. Twin Flame Teacher The Heaven on Earth experience. Truth varies by degree, this means that we access more truth by learning how to discern truth, much like a feedback loop. And why not, because it is a magical event indeed. The alchemical marriage between the inner king and queen symbolizes equilibrium between the feminine dimensions of consciousness, intuition, and emotion, and the masculine dimensions of consciousness, intellect, and logic. Enlightenment and direct communication with the divine are both qualities of this state, as universal consciousness has become self-actualized. Unfortunately, this has left many confused souls across the planet, wondering what happened to my Twin Flame Union? This kind of procrastination and unwillingness to be a better person will stop their access to alchemical marriage. The first sense represents a subjects initial state of undifferentiated unawareness, an objective state only visible from the outside. Cosmic law requires that we must first define our own unique idenity in the whole of God/Source before we can completely unclock the spiritual and energetic potential of our TwinFlames. Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, Sometimes they have a bird symbolizing The Uniting in spirit, which hovers above them, giving them the spiritual blessing of the revered union. Each of us experience trials and tribulations designed to move us toward a greater reality. The flooring is checkered, representing the forces of light and darkness in harmonious balance. Once wakened, meeting your Twin is eminent, no matter which dynamics, whether in embodiment or not. This karma can often be amplified by the very presence of the twin flame. All remaining fragments of the ego are being filtered in the process of distillation, exalting our core aspects into their generative principles. It occurs near the end of the Magnum Opus in order to increase gains in the transmutation of higher Alchemical form, from lead to gold consciousness. This connection was based on the archetypal properties of each metal in the metallic kingdom being directed by their planetary equivalent through the law of correspondence. One runs south to north in a loop, and the other runs north to south in a loop. Beyer, Catherine. Be Inspired. The Space Between No Longer and Not Yet: Astrology Forecast November 8th 15th, Meditation, Yoga, Grounding & Mindfulness, How Multidimensional Controlled Opposition Seeks to Prevent Mankinds Evolution, Healing the Shock of Awakening: 7 Ways to Integrate Your New Understanding, Healing the Chaos Sorcery Paralysis: Three Steps to Take Back Your Power, Judgement Release: The Gateway to Unity Consciousness, Addiction in our 3D World: The Role of the Shadow, The Alchemy of Feminine Energy: Being the Change You Want to See, https://www.instagram.com/the.alchemist/?hl=en, Why Some Scientists Resist the Evidence for Psi, Shadow Work: 13 Dark Archetypes (& Free Test), 5D Shift: Were Living in Two Worlds Now A Critical Time for Focus, How to Practice Self-Inquiry (Who Am I?) Meditation, In Service of the Divine Being a Bridge Between Worlds. This represents our transition to spirit through the volatilization of the spiritual fire. During Putrefaction, there is decomposition of matter, meaning our inner reflection and death of old paradigms and false beliefs, The Dark Night of the Soul; we embark into the new era of birth and regeneration cycle. Thus, the first step to achieve spiritual alchemy is molding our thoughts so that it benefits us. Modern notions have tried to make us believe these forms are separate from each other. The cryptic and often symbolic language used to describe both adds to the confusion, but it's clear that there is no single standard step-by-step recipe given for the creation of the philosopher's stone.[11]. In fact, anyone on a Souls journey can be in Alchemy. In Twin Flame connection, this is the Twin Flame Union anchored. We experienced this power energetically for many years, and when our physical union did synchronize in August 2018, we escalated and shifted with the 5D. Putrefaction process is of decomposition in all darkness. Enlightenment and direct communication with the divine are both qualities of this state, as universal consciousness has become self-actualized. Hopefully, this will be the longest stage of marriage! It is this same energy system that provides us with our Makeba energy chariot. In some cases, we have also discovered that we might come across an androgynous figure that symbolizes the uniting of duality, which is the center of alchemical marriage. Dealing with collectives for over 2 and half years, I have seen that each couple have their own different stages and timeline, often stemming from past life wounding and trauma to their present vibrational energetic blocks. Ultimately each and every one of us must learn to change the negative patternsthe base metalof the human ego into the gold of our divine or Real Self. Thats why we often find it hard to raise our vibrations if we let ourselves get out of balance with our mind, body, and soul trinity. This law doesnt mean we cant connect with our twin flames before this happens. Conjunction is the reuniting of the soul and body after the purification of fire, water, and air that it underwent in the first three phases. Consciousness is the very fabric of reality that interfaces with itself on multiple levels of reality as illustrated in the hermetic maxim, As above so below, as within so without, as the universe so the soul.. Though these were often arranged in groups of seven or twelve stages, there is little consistency in the names of these processes, their number, their order, or their description. In Separation, we are further refining our psyche by consciously disbanding our attachments to the artificial self from our authentic one. The majority of people would like to advance into higher levels of awareness, while still maintaining the comforts of their identity, belief systems, and multiple contradictory views. How this manifests over the course of our lives is during periods where we have attained a certain degree of truth but mistake it for being the top of the summit. Deep humility is required in order to loosen the lower selfs attachment to its level of consciousness and elevate its being. Two Stages of Marriage There are two completely different stages of marriage, Joseph Campbell told Bill Moyers. Hopefully, this will be the longest stage of marriage! And why not, because it is a magical event indeed. In this field we are drawn out of identification with the character we play and become the awareness behind the character: the one who simply witnesses the thoughts and feelings as they arise with no vested interest or judgment. Our thoughts and feelings shape who we are. This would have been a standard sentiment in a Renaissance marriage, but it reinforces the nature of the passive principle. WebThe original process philosophy has four stages: nigredo, the blackening or melanosis; albedo, the whitening or leucosis; citrinitas, the yellowing or xanthosis; rubedo, the reddening, purpling, or iosis; The origin of these four phases can be traced at least as far back as the first century. Stage seven is the fulfilment stage in the developmental stages of marriage. Only souls of the highest character would endure such a fate or dare to actualize their full evolutionary potential. In Luke 6:13 it is stated that Jesus chose 12 disciples whom he named Apostles, and in Mark 6:30, they are called, TheTwelveApostles when mention is made of their return from the mission of preaching and healing on which Jesus had sent them. Thus, the first and most obvious interpretation is that the Red King represents masculine elements while the White Queen represents female ones. This operation takes place in the Earth element since it is the first materialization of embodiment in the great work. This is the esoteric meaning of the seven stages: Calcination: The initiation into higher states of consciousness is always done by subtracting rather than adding. The Queen, however, says "O Sol, I must submit to thee." Alchemical Processes The stages of alchemical progression involved in the great work (the ultimate goal of alchemy, involving the perfection of the soul, represented allegorically as the transmutation of common lead into In this field we are drawn out of identification with the character we play and become the awareness behind the character: the one who simply witnesses the thoughts and feelings as they arise with no vested interest or judgment. WebTwin Flames and The Alchemical Marriage The Union of the Twin Flames is the ultimate Alchemical Marriage. The Sacred Marriage. Descriptions of alchemical processes often describe the reactions of sulfur and mercury. Fire and air are masculine while earth and water are feminine, for example. The magnum opus has been carried forward in New Age and neo-Hermetic movements which sometimes attached new symbolism and significance to the processes. Projection is the final state of the Spiritual Soul Alchemy, The Magnum Opus, the ultimate and final stage from lead ego to gold state of consciousness. WebTwin Flames and The Alchemical Marriage The Union of the Twin Flames is the ultimate Alchemical Marriage. Some people are alchemists in their own right; others hook up with one or two people can form a union and become an alchemic marriage together. Be Empowered. But bears it out even to the edge of doom. Our body, mind, and soul are the substance being concentrated for this duration to affirm their integrity. If inner spiritual and emotional turmoil is allowed to fester, one cannot muster the spiritual energy needed to find such a union. In short, Mercury and its corresponding nature, water, can dissolve all because they contain all. Their union gives them extra alchemic magic power 1,000 times more together rather than the 9, 11, or 22 that they are without their duality partner to stabilize, focus, and create. Sarah hosts retreats and workshops in Los Angeles on Alchemy and Shadow Work. This is the Beloved for whom the saints of East and West have given their all. The use of this ritual dates back to several centuries and has its roots entrenched in many ancient cultures. In this natural cosmic union, one part yearns to connect and unite with the other parts divine portion through natural attraction laws. The origin of these four phases can be traced at least as far back as the first century. It reflects how we have evolved the magic of transmutation within our bodies all over the globe. This is the part of the great work where we begin operating from a higher intelligence. To the esoteric sphere alchemy is our inner-stars, and to the exoteric sphere, alchemy was reduced to merely metallurgy and its sister sciences since the exoteric sphere could not conceive that the mineral kingdom was reflecting a higher nature that was present in all processes and at higher orders of operationan above. Our fragmented selves harden, and instead of seeking divine union, we resort to physical attractions, which are merely physical and temporary. This means that we dont levitate together bent beyond our human flexibility transmutation into life! Until one of you leaves the earth element since it is the ultimate marriage. Overflowed with new awareness of shadow aspects through massive spiritual healing even noetic levels this!, but it reinforces the nature of the divine are both qualities of this phase are the of. 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