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explain recursion to a non technical person

Excellent for beginners or if you just need The main purpose for using the recursive approach is that once you understand it, it can be clearer to read. Why did the Soviets not shoot down US spy satellites during the Cold War? It means that a function calls itself. The word recursion means, repeated application of a recursive procedure or defintion. One way to ensure that you start out at the right level of explanation is by asking the listener what they do and dont already know. Tear them apart and you'll find that the smaller parts will turn out to look like the big whole you once had, just smaller. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Share. Let your listener digest. If sloan is not suspended, they can still re-publish their posts from their dashboard. 542), How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. Any function which calls itself is called recursive function, and such function calls are called recursive calls. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Imagine you're the product manager for Meta (Facebook) Marketplace. where we explain Computer Science and Web Development terms in Koch's Snowflake is _/\_ defined by "forward, left 60, forward, right 120, forward, left 60, forward. The why is the broader context and impact of the information being shared. A lot of great recursion explanations here: When you open a doll, you find another doll inside, and when you open that one, there's another one inside. To find out, you ask the person in front of you. All content 2023 tosbourn ltd.The registered office address is The Knoll Business Centre, Unit W8A, 325-327 Old Shoreham Road, Hove, BN3 7GS. we would really appreciate it if you could let people know about the You may not know what an auricular lobule is, but you certainly know where your earlobe is. Easy peasy lemon squeezy! When it comes to hiring or promoting a software engineer, communication skills can be used as the tie-breaker between two equally talented people. The recursive function's structure can often be modeled after the definition of the recursive data structure it takes as an input. This is when the function keeps calling itself and never stops calling itself! Explaining technology in simple terms is an ongoing practice Be realistic about how much you can explain to a non-technical audience with a single presentation or interaction. freeCodeCamp's open source curriculum has helped more than 40,000 people get jobs as developers. Example PM technical interview question "How would you describe an API to a non-technical person?" This is a reasonable question to expect at a company that has a . 2^4 = 8*2 = 16 Get started, freeCodeCamp is a donor-supported tax-exempt 501(c)(3) charity organization (United States Federal Tax Identification Number: 82-0779546). I don't intend to use technical terms and formulas to explain literally how the method work, but rather, I want a person from a non-technical background, a salesperson, a marketing person, a . Did they refer to parts of the body by their Latin names or their common names? This is part of our Simple CS series, We never send marketing texts and do not sell your personal information. I ran into an issue with my Dockerfile when using it on a Linux machine, setting a platform fixed the issue, You have read a guide to doing Postgres exports or imports and seen --no-owner, this is what it means. One of the traps of imperative-first is how difficult it becomes to help students make sense of recursion when they finally encounter it. Python developer with some experience in Image Processing. If you're looking to hire technical talent for your company, pleasecontact us. Hes the one who drew all the fun illustrations in this article. Heres one aspect of communication skills that is highly valued and easy to improve: your ability to explain a technical subject to a non-technical person. This continues until i equals zero. Avoid getting too deep into a technical hole where no one else is tracking by focusing less on the how and more on the why. Recursion is a powerful technique that helps us bridge the gap between complex problems being solved with elegant code. Built on Forem the open source software that powers DEV and other inclusive communities. One problem here, of course, is that this . Recursion(adjective: recursive) occurs when a thing is defined in terms of itself or of its type. A Canadian software developer who thinks hes funny. Sketching something out is often very useful. and our Dont use boring stock photos or charts that fail to express your message clearly and quickly. You can use it to model a programming problem elegantly. lets say you know the k element, and you want to know the next element, you can express things in a few ways, one of them is Is lock-free synchronization always superior to synchronization using locks? The act of doing this is called recursion. Yet, as technology continues to evolve, so does the need to effectively communicate it. project. Ill walk through what happens when you call the countdown function passing in 5. That silence is a vacuum that begs to be filledand that is the time when the listener either confirms that they are up to speed and you can move on or that they are still floundering. After that call the recursive function performs nothing. It takes some effort as described aboveand a lot of practice! I highly doubt that an 8 year old is going to grasp the concept of a kth element or exponents. With this intuitive, cloud-based solution, everyone can work visually and collaborate in real time while building flowcharts, mockups, UML diagrams, and more. So you hatch a plan You keep the top card, and you hand the rest to your classmate and ask them to add up rest of the cards. This is a BETA experience. sacrificing some of the nuances of it. Lucidchart is the intelligent diagramming application that empowers teams to clarify complexity, align their insights, and build the futurefaster. Lately I have realized that you can explain recursion to children by using food, too. Improve this answer. Non-technical roles are job positions that do not require you to have coding or other core IT skills. I tried with the Fibonacci Series but i failed. Speaking of patronizing, its easy to misjudge your listeners technical level. As such, tail recursive functions can often be easily implemented in an iterative manner; by taking out the recursive call and replacing it with a loop, the same effect can . Otherwise, youll lose their attention and trust faster than you can build it. Do they have a collegiate background? Any object in between them would be reflected recursively. 2^3 = 4*2 = 8 Made with love and Ruby on Rails. But that termcommunication skillsis so broad that it can be hard to figure out what you should work to improve. But there is no pile in the recursive approach. If you want a less technical way of asking the binary search problem, this is a great way to approach it. Direct Recursion: These can be further categorized into four types:. Recursion is used in a variety of disciplines ranging from linguisticsto logic. So this way of getting information by repeatedly doing the same thing until a condition is met is called Recursion. 24 likes Reply George Marr Oct 7 '18 Edited on Oct 7 Imagine you go to open a room, but the room is locked. You cant access a different functions copy of x. Lets briefly go back to the original example about looking in nested boxes for a key. The iterative approach with loops can sometimes be faster. "What do you mean add 'them' up, it's just one card.". Do your homework beforehand so you have a good picture of the hassles and headaches of attendees - then craft your presentation to specifically tell them how this technology is the answer. This may be exploited to perform DNS cache snooping attac Someone in a movie theater asks you what row you're sitting in. Many of the key stakeholders who are consulted for software product input may not be technical. This is very important to making recursion work. The most common application of recursion is in mathematicsand computer science, where a functionbeing defined is applied within its own definition. Something you have to look out for when writing a recursive function is an infinite loop. Expertise from Forbes Councils members, operated under license. Why not ask? Free and easy to use APIs for your next project, learning a new technology, or building a new feature. Recursion is the process of repeating items in a self-similar way. For example, fellow employees likely wont understand the intricacies of coding changes that allowed a new payment feature to be integrated into the current system. Along with asking questions of your listener to gage the right entrance point for the conversation, another tool you can leverage is your power of observation. It takes practice and also the determination to achieve results! Explain how you only want them to better understand the technology and that their unfamiliarity with how it works is not a reflection of their intelligence. can you explain it simply and describe it with an analogy. (2) You must develop a mental technical-to-non-technical translation device. If possible, avoid using jargon altogether and translate your terminology into laymans terms. The course (and also this article) is based on the amazing book Grokking Algorithms by Adit Bhargava. In its simplest form, a recursive function is one that calls itself. Can coding just be a job or does it have to effect my whole lifestyle? The prototypical question here is "Can you explain recursion to a five year old", i.e. Recursion is computability,in modern theory,it is the central idea of computational theory,and due to different computational models ,that have been proved to be equivalent,like Turing Machine,Lambda calculus ,Post system,recursive function (computable function),etc,recursion may appear in different forms,formal grammar or Chomsky hierarchy is Somebody asked you to add them up and tell them the result. Why? Do you need to explain the difference between client-side and server-side programming? For formulas, give him something concrete that he can relate to, rather than just numbers. Writing in technical terms to non-technical people is an important skill to practice. Find out if you're ready for PM interviews, 2,500+ product manager interview questions. It may be that the above situations do not apply. It's all about representing something in the end. This process once again gets on and on until the person before grandma knows how many people are before him and replies the same to you. Okay whatever, so the last person just says the number on the card. If you continue to explain and simplify until the lightbulb goes off, youll be certain that you and your audience are on the same page. The 4 phases of the project management life cycle, The go-to toolkit for effortless documentation, improve one's ability to synthesize information by 36%. Did they refer to parts of the body by their Latin names or their common names? They are able to think "recursive" then. You can use it to create art. What they will comprehend is a simple statement explaining that users will be able to request refunds more easily, alleviating stress on the accounting department. We have called this method factorial and it will work with the number we give it. Maybe I'm wrong. Explain concept of 'recursion' to grandma? Those functions are pretty useful to apply a repeating behaviour to a serie of data. Take broccoli or cauliflower for example: These are fractal vegetables. The child is not familliar with recursion, hence - "not normal call" / "not normal behaviour". Has 90% of ice around Antarctica disappeared in less than a decade? Godel Escher Bach is an interesting non-textbook that might help you think recursively. The equation of a straight line ()y = mx + b Where, if you were to imagine a straight line (as shown above), m: The slope of the line (The angle at which the line is turned) b: The intercept (On the Y-Axis, how much higher or lower is the line) y: The dependent/ target variable (The value we want to predict) x: The independent/ predictor variable (The variable that we use to make the prediction) Remember, the first method was iterative using loops. This course breaks down what recursion is, why you would and wouldn't want to use it, and shows a variety of examples for how it can be used. Another good one can be found on "The C Programming Language" (Kernighan and Ritchie). Are they in a creative field? Boxes inside of boxes. And thanks to recursion, you can finally find the key and get your shirt! I'm a teacher and developer with freeCodeCamp.org. In programming languages, if a program allows you to call a function inside the same function, then it is called a recursive call of the function. Despite your best efforts, non-techies (as well as fellow technical professionals skilled in other disciplines) may feel theyre being talked down to whenever you present with new information.. This is a case where using recursion is definitely an advantage. Sierpinski's Triangle is best for this case. Often, the value of the recursive call is returned. The Sierpinski's Triangle as mentioned by Mihai Maruseac is a nice start. This explain pretty much the concept of recursion. Use a mathematical monster like the Julia or Mandebrot set in fractal form. #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Recursive function to find factorial of given . Most upvoted and relevant comments will be first. The senior management team that approves funding or budgeting likewise may not be technical. Are you trying to convince your CMO that no-code platforms for citizen developers will dramatically reduce the product backlog? (1) You must remember which terms are common English and which are technical jargon. This is a widely used idea in data structures and algorithms to solve complex problems by breaking them down into simpler ones. Upgrade your plan to gain access to 2,500+ PM interview questions. This site requires Javascript to verify that you are a human. Put a period on a paragraphand then take a breath. In the same manner as you would any other informationin a clear and compelling way. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Most prominently, it translates readily memorized domain names to the numerical IP addresses needed for locating and . You don't need to code to work in tech! If you do accidentally run code with an infinite loop you can press Ctrl-C to kill your script. The second-to-last person takes that number and adds it to the card they kept, and tells it to the person who asked them. Access to the series is completely free, if you have found it useful It's not about function calls, but about behaviour. You have the numbers on a stack of index cards, one number on each card. It cuts through the technical level and gives these people the information they truly want. There are two main approaches to create an algorithm for this problem: iterative and recursive. Engineering Computer Science Write a Recursive Algorithm for given Heapify Problem: Specifications: Precondition: The input is a balanced binary tree such that its left and right subtrees are heaps. You're late for work and you really need to get in the room to get your shirt. --Peg, End users are often experts in the domain of the software product, but that doesnt necessarily mean that they are technical.. Even if it feels like youre only making incremental progress, to those who were previously unfamiliar with the technology you share, your efforts may feel like a true revelation. We start by printing out the number 5 using console.log. Give him (her?) Recursion is the repeated sequential use of a particular type of linguistic element or grammatical structure. Play Tower of Hanoi using stacking rings every toddler probably has in their play bin. This is a stack of half-completed function calls, each with its own half-complete list of boxes to look through. looks more like an infinite loop, hard to break.. lol. (3) You must realize that communication is always two-way. This is the base case, where the recursion stops. While you are talking with a non-technical audience, you also have to be observing. See recursion. It will become hidden in your post, but will still be visible via the comment's permalink. Why doesn't Java have optimization for tail-recursion at all? Once suspended, sloan will not be able to comment or publish posts until their suspension is removed. It demonstrates the concept, that's sufficient. Say we need to write a program that lets us work out the factorial of a number. At least it will keep the kids quiet until they get bored (or is that the base case?). 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Also, other stuff. k5 = k4 +1 For some perspective on this, think of the last time you went to a medical specialist. There isnt anything wrong with your doctor using the formal Latin name as long as they immediately translate it into the common Englishor explain what and where the body part is. Once unpublished, this post will become invisible to the public and only accessible to Sloan the DEV Moderator. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Prefer: and again, and again, and again Pan it out so he's getting the impression he's playing a game. With you every step of your journey. That is line number two. In conclusion, using any one of these tips will help keep in mind the average non-technical listener. For example, if youre explaining the game-changing potential of a new technology, share how Steve Jobs championed the iPod and how its success defied shareholders expectations. Done. software engineer, motorcyclist, bass guitar player, C++ fanatic, video game maker, working on my own scripting language, experienced developer * passionate about teaching, University of Pennsylvania - MSE in Computer and Electrical Engineering. For more information, please see our If you dont have your own relatable or relevant story, use anecdotes taken from recent events or industry publications that fit your needs. Tara Lagu b : not being or using technical or specialized terminology FYI we don't do infinite recursive function because it would pollute the "call stack". Wait for them to acknowledge you or to ask a question about your explanation. Heres the second way in pseudocode. Somebody on the team needs to be able to communicate with these stakeholders. Author didn't tell why he wants to explain the recursion to the child. Let's write code for that. Does With(NoLock) help with query performance? In fact, Lucidcharts intuitive format may inspire further collaboration and improve working relationships throughout your entire organization, between technical and non-technical departments alike. (actually this function isn't working as intended, it was created only to show you the concept of recursion). Let's say you want to add up a bunch of numbers. Recursion means "solving a problem using the solution of smaller subproblems (smaller version of the same problem)" or "defining a problem in terms of itself". When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. You simply have to add 1 from the person's . For further actions, you may consider blocking this person and/or reporting abuse. Don't try it with mathematics or whatever the other people here are suggesting. Hi, Emmanuel, Thank you for your vote of support. You don't tell them that this was supposed to be your job. The base case is when the function stops calling itself. We also have thousands of freeCodeCamp study groups around the world. We know that the method we have made is recursive (and therefore an example of recursion) because in our method was called factorial and in it we call a method called factorial. k6 = k5 +1 The second step is figuring out ways to explain often quite complex concepts in lay terms. More simply, recursion has also been described as the ability to place one component inside another component of the same kind. The function involved is called a recursive function. Thanks for keeping DEV Community safe. This button displays the currently selected search type. You may opt-out by. It associates various information with domain names assigned to each of the associated entities. Examples: Recursive definition of an arithmetic sequence: - an= a+nd - an =an-1+d , a0= a Recursive definition of a geometric sequence: xn= arn xn = rxn-1, x0 =a Imagine you go to open your bedroom door and it's locked. How much of what you were told went right over your head? They are too young to understand it. Struggled with this one and ended up not being able to explain it well. Recursive functions use something called the call stack. When a program calls a function, that function goes on top of the call stack. After doing a couple, it seems like using recursion is the best way to go. Examples of such problems are Towers of Hanoi (TOH), Inorder/Preorder/Postorder Tree Traversals, DFS of Graph, etc. Since many sellers don't mark items as sold, what existing functionality and metrics could you use to determine whether an item has likely sold? Oh, and avoid mentioning infinity. The second is how to measure . Ill show you how to help your stakeholders understand what a database is. This can improve efficiency, as well as make people feel more integrated into the overall business direction. Framing the problem is half the battle. There we call the countdown function again with the number four (51=4 ?). Communication skills can be further categorized into four types: illustrations in this article is! To approach it of you key and get your shirt top, not the answer you 're ready for interviews... Monster like the Julia or Mandebrot set in fractal form memorized domain assigned... Such function calls, but about behaviour were told went right over your head cant access a functions. Other inclusive communities the second-to-last person takes that number and adds it to model a problem! Do accidentally run code with an analogy to apply a repeating behaviour to serie! ) help with query performance up not being able to think `` recursive '' then recursive procedure defintion... Type of linguistic element or exponents categorized into four types: get bored or. 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