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EssilorLuxottica has a portfolio of more than 150 renowned brands spanning various categories, from frames, lenses and instruments to brick and mortar and digital distribution as well as mid-range to premium segments. 2018-2023 ESSILOR OF AMERICA, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */. When you visit any website, it may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. EssilorLuxottica renews license agreement for Target Optical, Pearle Vision receives outstanding industry recognitions: Entrepreneurs Franchise 500 and Womens Choice Award. When you visit any website, it may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. . Thank you! position: absolute; Essilor has 21 employees. Strategic learning advisor and Country HR manager with a wealth of experience working in America and European based MNC focusing in healthcare, leadership development, hospitality and consulting fields.<br><br>Major know-how includes, but not limited to, refining organisation structure, labour law and legal matters, change management, dual countries strategic management (HR & crisis management . #block-seemore.c-hero .c-hero__overlay { Contact sales. These cookies provide a better customer experience on this site, such as by remembering your login details, optimizing video performance, or providing us with information about how our site is used. [CDATA[/* >