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ellerman lines captains

Search Discovery, our catalogue, by name of person or ship in T 335 to find what the award was, the person's rank at the time, and the ship they were serving on. By 1914, the Ellerman group controlled four subsidiary companies: Ellerman City Line; Ellerman and Bucknall Steamship Company; Ellerman and Papayanni Lines; and Hall Line (though the City and Hall line were often referred to as one Ellerman City & Hall Lines[4]). The company now operates container shipping services between the UK and China.[11]. The passengers reembarked and the vessel safely arrived in port."[7]. 1905 ROYAL MAIL Steam Packet Co. - Steamship Ocean Liner - London, England - $21.82. The Linked Data Service provides access to commonly found standards and vocabularies promulgated by the Library of Congress. Our corporate office is open Monday to Friday, 8 am to 6 pm Crew accommodation was likewise improved. 26, December 24th 1951, Motor Age Motor Car Automotive Magazine Vol. OK I'll bite, Did my time '68-'76 deck officers apprenticeship came ashore with Mates ticket (after seeing the light where Ellermans & the industry was going). 1861 sold to H. Withers, Liverpool. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The scale of the company was also impressive from a local perspective. His first ship was the schooner 'Swift', purchased in 1831. Items in the Price Guide are obtained exclusively from licensors and partners solely for our members research needs. The Wilsons and North Eastern Railway Shipping Co was formed in 1906 to operate services from Humber ports to Hamburg, Antwerp, Ghent and Dunkirk. We place some essential cookies on your device to make this website work. If Rock. We'd like to use additional cookies to remember your settings and understand how you use our services. torpedoed and sunk by UC.17 off Lizard Point, Cornwall. 1901 to JRE, 1903 scrapped. Look to be in very good condition. 10 March 1905, Aviation Week, Vol. In October 1916, the Wilsons sold their "business unique" to Ellerman Lines Ltd for some 4.3m. Ellerman City Liners has started a regular China to the UK service, the GB Express, which turns in approximately 60 days using four chartered ships ranging in size from 2,464 to 5,060 teu. Several port cities have streets named after John Ellerman, for example Amsterdam and Antwerp. John Murray. 26, June 27th 1960, 2023 - WorthPoint Corporation | 5 Concourse Parkway NE, Suite 2900. Ellerman is a historic name in global shipping, with a proud tradition of excellence. LXI, No. Ellerman Lines Ltd, shipowners London;Glasgow, Lanarkshire Esperanza and Milo Steamship Co F McNeill & Co Ltd, felt manufacturers London F Schrader, leather factors Liverpool, Lancashire. 59 photographs of named individuals connected with the company: George Allan; Captain J. C. Allan; Mike Allwood; Captain A. Atkinson; Captain W. O. Atkinson; Mr & Mrs Vanden Boer; Captain Chalmers; Sir Charles Connell; Cranna; Paul Ellis; Ole Enghave; J. 1967 sold to Philippines renamed Mabuhay. Montgomerie & Workman | of 31. The Wilson operation was renamed Ellerman's Wilson Line and traded as a separate entity with its own distinctive livery of red funnel with a black top and most of the vessels had dark green hulls. document.write("s.swig"); Thats how were able to ensure the provision of economical, high-quality transport and global freight management services. What a gracefull old lady she was, when her boilers weere not driving the Ch & 2nd Engs crazy that is. You are bidding om a Vintage 1915 Ellerman Hall Line Steamship Captains Hat. Scrapped in 1950. 1915 shelled and sunk by U.28 while 50 miles off Scilly within the group have Was quite a come-uppance for me having just completed the maiden voyage on the Hull, the newest ship in the fleet bounced over to the oldest lady in the fleet. Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd. Wallsend. By 1952, 25 of these new style 12-passenger ships had entered service, making for a total of 45 new vessels since the war, and with a further 14 for use on the Portuguese trade routes and Mediterranean services. LXXIV, No. Tradues em contexto de "to be Britain's" en ingls-portugus da Reverso Context : Lord Nelson clearly proved himself to be Britain's greatest naval hero. TheShipsList | Return 1947 chartered to Wilson Line, 1963 sold to African Coasters, This shipline sailed between Liverpool and India, Liverpool and Egypt and Manchester and Ellerman & Papayanni | Westcott & Laurence | control of the emigrant trade from Northern Europe to USA and offered to buy Leyland. Ellerman Line's motor vessel CITY OF CAPETOWN (ex CITY OF MELBOURNE/1959/9,914 grt) seen above in the River Scheldt in May 1977. lives. 26 Dec. 1916, Aviation Week, Vol. Shipping Ltd, Newcastle renamed Fenchurch. Ellerman Lines was a UK cargo and passenger shipping company that operated from the late nineteenth century and into the twentieth century. In 1985 the shipping business was bought by its management, then sold to the Trafalgar House conglomerate, which merged it with its ownership of the Cunard Line to form Cunard-Ellerman in 1987. His father died in 1871, and left a relatively modest estate of 600. Isles. document.write("gum@g"); His first ship was the schooner 'Swift', purchased in 1831. Ellerman Lines Benevolent Fund's charitable objectives: For the benefit of such person or persons as the trustees shall in their absolute discretion from time to time determine being persons in need of assistance and being (a) captains officers or others of all ranks or classes who are or have been in the Employment whether afloat or ashore of . In all, 103 ocean vessels, with a total cargo capacity of 600,000 to 750,000 tons, were destroyed. Ellermans also losta staggering 85 ships during WW2 including the flagship City of Benares which was taking child evacuees to Transfers between various companies A longshoreman employed by petitioner, a stevedoring contractor, was injured while helping to unload a vessel, and he sued respondents, the shipowners, in a Federal District Court on the basis of diversity of citizenship, alleging that the vessel was unseaworthy and . Abbreviations Ellerman Lines Ltd, shipowners This page summarises records created by this Business The summary includes a brief description of the collection (s) (usually including the covering dates of the. The second season of Stargate SG-1 an American-Canadian television series began airing on June 26 1998 on Showtime. Robin from "City of Newcastle" January-June 1971?? Today all that remain are a few chartered ships still carrying Ellerman colours and City names on Mediterranean routes. Transportation and Vehicles Hull. Overview The Ellerman Line was formed by John Reeves Ellerman at the end of the nineteenth century. 1921 transferred from Wilson Line, 1930 reverted to. 1940 torpedoed and sunk by U.65 in the Atlantic. Hi Everybody, im looking for all Ellerman city Line crew from 1965 until 1973. Ellerman has an unbeatable shipping heritage, dating back to 1892. Built in 1952 for the British-India Steam Navigation Company as a passenger and cargo liner, she sailed between London and East Africa. United States Supreme Court. It was founded in the late 19th century, and continued to expand by acquiring smaller shipping lines until it became one of the largest shipping firms in the World. Ellerman City Liners, created recently by UK-based forwarder Uniserve, has taken the 12-year-old, 2,872 teu Windswept on a. privacy policy, Transport and communications > Shipping companies, GB/NNAF/C104357 (Former ISAAR ref: GB/NNAF/B11442 ). Atlanta, Georgia 30328 | 877.481.5750. 1885 purchased from G. H. Horsfall & Co., Liverpool, Captain Gibb . The second and last Baronet, also Sir John Reeves Ellerman, was then 23 and little known. From examination of No. The company suffered from competition and modernising trends in the shipping industry that occurred in the second half of the 20th century. 1935 scrapped. CAPTAIN Served from 1974 - 2012 Served in Ellerman City Liners David Williams Served from 1949 - 1976 Served in Ellerman City Liners David Reynolds NAVIGATION CADET Served from 1973 - 1975 Served in Ellerman City Liners Mike Daniel Served from 1956 - 1969 Served in Ellerman City Liners David Beattie 282 Argued: February 20, 1962 Decided: April 2, 1962. You are bidding om a Vintage 1915 Ellerman Hall Line Steamship Captains Hat. The captain attempted to turn around because we'd made no progress for three days, but the winds . Its ships were in four classes: mixed cargo and passenger ships; cargo ships with limited passenger accommodation; pure cargo ships; and short sea traders for service in the Mediterranean. This Hat was made in England between 1902 to 1915. In 1901 the company was bought by J. P. Morgan's International Marine Mercantile Company, but Ellerman remained as chairman, and the owner of 20 ships. BR motive power depot allocations since 1948. All 80 on board were saved. You can send us an email at info@ellermanlines.com, 2023 ELLERMAN CITY LINERSWebsite by MBM Europe, Image: Ellerman City Liners vessel M/V Buxhansa making transit from Da Chan Bay, Shenzhen. Articles, Railroad Rarities: Celebrating the New Year with Our Favorite Finds, Heed the Call of the Sea with Nautical Antiques. 1941 torpedoed and sunk by U.372 in Atlantic. 1941 torpedoed and sunk by U.94 in Atlantic; loss of 44 In June 1901 the London Liverpool and Ocean Shipping Company Ltd was formed as parent company for the Formed in 1855, Papayanni Brothers The following list was extracted from various sources. 14 lives. This brand died in 1991 when it was bought by Andrew War Shipping. ex- Otto Kalthoff, 1919 war reparations ship renamed Bulgarian, It is one of a class of 30 powerful locomotives designed to haul heavy trains at high speeds. Membership is open to all that are interested in the British Merchant Navy both past and present. In 1900 the company purchased the West Indies and Pacific Company, then in the following year J Pierpoint Morgan began his futile effort to establish monopoly and M. Kohli. scrapped. Our access to distribution centre facilities at key global freight hubs will enable you to manage your international inventory with confidence and cost-effectiveness. document.write(".com'>"); Ellerman, a long-standing shipping name was revived last year under the UK ownership of UniOcean Lines, and has performed around 30 ad hoc charters over the past couple of years to serve its freight forwarding parent, Uniserve with much-needed vessel capacity on its key China-UK trade. HMS Malvernian, 1941 bombed and sunk off Spain. 1964 renamed City Of Leicester, 1965 sold to Greece renamed This ship, finally departed Cape Town on 4th June 1971 bringing to an end Ellerman's passenger services to South Africa/Mozambique which had started in 1892. Ellerman & Bucknall Line Tea/coffee Cup And Saucer, Ellerman's Hall Line Steamship Naples Italy Rosenvinge C1910 Postcard Jr, Ellerman & Bucknall Steamship Co. LTD. - 50 Cards/box - Bellydancers, Ellerman's Hall Line To Egypt And India Postcard. The focus was on re-building their international trade routes and to this end they purchased outright 12 cargo ships from the Government which they had managed in the war. 14, April 3rd 1961, Motor Age Motor Car Automotive Magazine Vol. 1939 torpedoed and sunk by U.41 off Spain; loss of 16 lives. The company expanded in 1900 by acquiring 20 ships from the West India and Pacific Steamship Company. Ellerman continued to operate a skeletal service with its remaining ships, and in 1916 Ellerman personally bought Wilson Line of Hull, bringing 67 short-sea vessels into service with the company. ex- Cortia, 1966 purchased from Sweden renamed Cortian, 1971 document.write("mail"); 1906 purchased from J. McCormick & Co, Leith, 1909 went By registering with our site you will have full instant access to: 268,000 posts on every subject imaginable contributed by 1000's of members worldwide. Shortly before his death he transferred almost 80% of the shares in Ellerman Lines Ltd to two grantmaking trusts: the Moorgate Trust Fund (1970) and the New Moorgate Trust Fund (1971). Lord Macmillan. The name Ellerman has been synonymous with shipping since the 19th century. In 1973 it merged all its shipping companies into one division. John Ellerman made first move into shipping by purchasing Leyland Line which was subsequently sold to J P Morgan in 1901. 1, July 2nd 1962, Aviation Week, Vol. This involved obtaining several German liners as well as placing orders for new ships. This made Ellerman's one of the biggest fleets in the World. I joined my first ship in Glasgow. the name of the archive where they are held, and reference information to help you find the collection. Has stainf and wear as pictured. 30 No. Ellerman City & Hall Lines - The sad irony of it all. This was a complete contrast to the buff funnels with a black top and white dividing line used by the grey hulled Ellerman Lines' vessels. Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd. Newcastle. Image credit Captain Michael dela Luna Master M/V Buxhansa. 1879 chartered to the American Line, 1888 sold to Lord Gough The. The following list was extracted from various sources. Wilson Line Playing Cards 1920/30, "City Of Athens" Ellerman's Hall Lines Postcard, Aviation Week, Vol. in 1886. By registering with our site you will have full instant access to: 268,000 posts on every subject imaginable contributed by 1000's of members worldwide. sold to. 1855-1901 Pale pink with black top changed to Ellerman Lines Ltd. service). Malta, Karachwritten U, City Of Chelmsford == Liberty Ship == 1943 == Ellerman Lines, Ellerman Lines "City Of Liverpool" Original Watercolour, Ellerman's Hall Line Steamships Egypt India JRE Mail Line C1910 Postcard, Ellerman & Bucknall Steamship Co. Robin Williams x Electrcian. Today in Naval History - Naval / Maritime Events in History Other Events on 17 September 1574 - Death of Pedro Menndez de Avils, Spanish admiral and explorer, founded St. Augustine, Florida (b. The letters on the items are printed. this data. By the end of World War 2, a total of 60 Ellerman Ships had been lost. is not an all inclusive list but should only be used as a guide. In 1967, as containerisation began to rationalise the World's shipping services, Ellerman Lines (excluding the Wilson operation) controlled 59 oceangoing vessels.[9]. cargo Private and exclusive, Ellerman House offers 13 rooms and suites, a tranquil spa, two ultra-modern villas, indigenous gardens, spectacular Atlantic Ocean views, and easy access to local attractions. After calling at Ningbo and Dachan Bay in early December 2021, she set sail from China for Tilbury, her . Ellerman is offering that rarest of things in todays ultra-challenging container shipping market a good news story! ex- Ville de Paris, 1902 purchased from Cie. Havraise de Peninsulaire, In 1991 they passed it to the Andrew Weir Shipping Group, who sold it to Hamburg Sd in 2003. 30 No. Formed in 1855, Papayanni Brothers joined the Ellerman Group in 1901 and became Ellerman & Papayanni Line. We focus on service, reducing costs, and listening to our customers, allowing us to take pride in what we do, and to change the future of shipping for the better. Check out our ellerman lines selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. Ship web site. After complex negotiations agreement was reached whereby Ellerman and his Ellerman City Liners EXPRESS DOOR-TO-DOOR MULTIMODAL SOLUTIONS Ocean Schedules Supply Chain Services The introduction of our new USX service demonstrates Ellerman's commitment to delivering excellence to customers and continued drive to meet market conditions and evolving demands. document.write("S. Swiggum"); Vintage, and Original, circa 1905 postcard. renamed Asturian, 1921 sold to Franco-British SN Co. 1904 purchased from Rabassa, Montevideo, 1912 sank. LV, No. JREs father died in 1869 and the family moved to France, although JRE was later sent to be educated in Birmingham. By the early 21st century, following a series of changes of ownership, the much-storied name had disappeared below the horizon. It was founded in the late 19th century, and continued to expand by acquiring smaller shipping lines until it became one of the largest shipping firms in the World. 16, October 16th 1922, Motor Age Motor Car Automotive Magazine Vol. The Anchor Line was founded in 1856 as Handysides and Henderson, sailing Glasgow to New York and Glasgow to Quebec. Durban renamed Bulwark. This includes data values and the controlled vocabularies that house them. Captain Maniac : 0 : Nov 23, 2022 9:03pm Nov 23, 2022 9:03pm: View count query : dreamtracker : 1 : Nov 18, 2022 4:32pm Nov . He used these assets to form the London, Liverpool and Ocean Shipping Company, based at Moorgate in London. In 1992 the Trustees merged the two funds into the John Ellerman Foundation. Book 'Instructions to Masters and Officers', Ellerman Associated Lines, on board copy from SS City of Capetown, 1931. 1940 requisitioned as Armed Boarding Vessel renamed Ellerman Lines was built by the recently nationalised British Railways in 1949. In 1966 Ellerman Lines joined the Associated Container Transportation (ACT) Group consortium and started the successful containerisation of its Mediterranean services. Railway Shipping Co. 1901 to JRE, 1917 shelled and sunk by German submarine U.94 Mainly sailed out of Canada on CCL (Hull, Colombo, Ottawa & Toronto), Did the maiden voyage on the Hull east-about ending up in St John, One trip on the Arcadian on the Naffy Med run and one on the Bedford down to Yarpy. Ellermans fleet calls at Shanghai, Ningbo, Shenzhen, Tilbury, Ho Chi Minh and Vietnam with transit times of as few as 29 days. Hullo. ELLERMAN LINES, LIMITED v. THE PRESIDENT HARDING, (S.D.N.Y. In 1908 the company bought the financially troubled Bucknall Steamship Lines who operated on numerous routes between the United Kingdom, South Africa, the near East and North America, which in 1914 was renamed Ellerman & Bucknall Steamship Co.[3]. 11 Oct. 1940, Aviation Week, Vol. As well as premium ocean freight services, Ellerman provides a full range of pre-carriage and on-carriage transport solutions a true door-to-door offering. A rectangular red flag with the the white initials 'SS'. By creating an account you agree to us emailing you with newsletters and discounts, which you can switch off in your account at any time. 1971 sold to Maldives rnamed Maldive Victory. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. Please 374534954658 1940 torpedoed and sunk by U.37 off Portugal. A line drawing of the Internet Archive headquarters building faade. Losses in the war were heavy, particularly to Germany's U-boat fleet. It was founded in the late 19th century, and continued to expand by acquiring smaller shipping lines until it became one of the largest shipping firms in the World. Normandy, 1946 returned to JRE, 1957 scrapped. By 1953 Ellerman's fleet had been almost completely rebuilt, consisting of a total of 94 ships with a carrying capacity of 900,000 tons. to The Fleets, TheShipsList - (Swiggum) All Rights Reserved - Copyright 1997-present LXXII, No. Ellerman Lines is a Merchant Navy class steam locomotive, a type introduced by the Southern Railway's Chief Mechanical Engineer, Oliver Bulleid, in 1941. Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd. Newcastle. The Elllerman brand dates back to 1892, becoming one of the largest British brands before the Second World War. Wilson's NE Following the acquisition of various companies Ellerman Lines Ltd was formed on 22 January 1902 becoming one of the greatest shipping lines in the world. Your search results for bibby norwich city: 1152 newspaper articles contained information about bibby norwich city filtered by: Place: liverpool, lancashire, england 35029 was built at Eastleigh in 1949 and rebuilt there in 1959. over in 1916 lost another 49 ships. Merchant Navy gallantry awards for the Second World War, 1939-1947. JRE was appointed as Managing Director and in 1893 he also became Chairman at the age On 18th September 1940, the ship was torpedoed and sunk by German U-boat U-48. 1954 - UK - Great Lakes - US Atlantic ports - Mediterranean - UK. 1872 rebuilt to 2593 tons, 1901 to JRE, 1902 House purchased the company which there-after traded as Cunard-Ellerman to the Mediterranean until Andrew Weir Shipping bought the Ellerman interests in 1991. Sold during the Great War and renamed Ellerman's Wilson Line, the company continued much as before until the Ellerman Group was reorganized in 1973. Ellerman's blue pennant with the white letters 'JRE' is hoisted above. Ellerman Lines was a UK cargo and passenger shipping company that operated from the late nineteenth century and into the twentieth century. By the early 1970s the Ellerman group had expanded its commercial interests into other areas, including hotels, brewing and printing. became Ellerman & Papayanni Line. In 190405 the company bought McGregor, Gow and Co of Liverpool, which was known as Glen Line. 1855 - Liverpool - Mediterranean ports and Spain. Before long the old networks of passenger and cargo services had been restored. Torpedoed and sunk off Newhaven, Sussex by, August 1977 to Ben Line Steamers Ltd. 9 March 1979 scrapped at, Requisitioned by the Admiralty as a troopship 1914 1915. Bethlehem Fairfield Shipyard Inc., Baltimore, Maryland, Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Co. Ltd. Newcastle, Palmers Shipbuilding & Iron Co. Ltd. Jarrow. Most of the ships categorized as Ellermans by the 1858 purchased from J. Dudgeon, London, 1859 Ellerman City Liners, a subsidiary of UniOcean Lines, was relaunched in 2021,[10] bringing the Ellerman name back into commercial use for the first time since 2004. The Ellerman team has comprehensive experience within the worlds shipping lines industry. In total, the Ellerman Group lost 60 ships out of its fleet of 105.[8]. The second season concluded after 1917 torpedoed and sunk off Greece by UC-71. 1964 renamed City of Durham, 1964 sold to Greece renamed Buying as pictured. The locomotive was then sold for scrap to Woodham Brothers where it arrived in March . The firm was then reorganised as Frederick Leyland (1900), and operated with a capital of 2,800,000. The Ellerman Lines, Limited, London, owners of the s.s. "City of Naples," brought an action against the Trustees of the Harbour of Dundee, concluding for payment of 250,000 damages in respect of the collision of the "City of Naples with the wreck of the s.s. "Clan Shaw" in the estuary of the Tay. 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[ 11 ] supports our community 1900 ), and information. October 16th 1922, Motor Age Motor Car Automotive Magazine Vol market a good story., particularly to Germany 's U-boat fleet use our services Steamship company ellerman lines captains purchased from Rabassa Montevideo. Expanded in 1900 by acquiring 20 ships from the West India and Pacific Steamship.! ( ACT ) Group consortium and started the successful containerisation of its Mediterranean services by acquiring 20 ships the... 'S one of the Internet archive headquarters building faade concluded after 1917 and... The Sea with Nautical Antiques 1940 requisitioned as Armed Boarding vessel renamed Ellerman Lines, LIMITED v. PRESIDENT. Henderson, sailing Glasgow to Quebec 16 lives Liverpool and Ocean shipping company that operated from the late nineteenth.... Concluded after 1917 torpedoed and sunk off Greece by UC-71 in 1992 the Trustees the! Postcard, Aviation Week, Vol you use our services of 105. [ 8.! 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