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sugarcube is not defined

Controls the playback of the playlist, which must be set up via <>the deprecated <> may be used instead, though it is not recommended. Registers the passage as an initialization passage. Returns the seed from the seedable PRNG or, if the PRNG is not enabled, null. This means that some code points may span multiple code unitse.g., the emoji is one code point, but two code units. Several UI API methods have moved to the new Dialog API. Intended to allow authors to easily wrap their custom object types (a.k.a. Global event triggered once just before the page is reloaded when Engine.restart() is called. When SugarCube is reloaded by the browser, it checks if a playthrough session exists and loads it to prevent any inadvertent loss of progress. Returns the processed text of the passage, created from applying nobr tag and image passage processing to its raw text. Returns whether the named template exists. StoryInit is run, as always. Registers the passage into the Jump To menu. For example: If you run the above, you'll see $x is 0. The $args special variable has been deprecated and should no longer be used. This means that some code points may span multiple code unitse.g., the character is one code point, but two code units. Normally, those aren't issues as you should not need to use the result of an expression as an argument terribly often. See the .flat() method for its replacement. For normal projects, authors are encouraged to continue to use the StoryInit special named passage. The versions that forward to a specific passage are largely unnecessary, as you could simply use a normal link, and exist solely for compatibility with the <> macro. I really hope there is no other post similar; if so, my apologies for asking again. Tried changing the magnifier strenght, no change. Problem If its return value is falsy, the override is cancelled and navigation to the original destination continues unperturbed. The built-in Restart button, along with the methods UI.restart() and Engine.restart() are provided so that the story can be restarted without restoring a session. Donate Requirements SugarCube's sole requirement is a modern web browser, and by modern I mean one released within the last several years (you do not need the absolute latest and greatest shiny). Performs any required processing before the save data is saved. See Template API for more information. Macro API. Testing is strongly advised. Returns the Passage object referenced by the given title, or an empty Passage object on failure. Note: Note: 2) Added library after the script were you see that error To solve this I'll leave this issue open until you have a time to test it let me know how it works for you!! This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. If you want to change the font, color, or character, then you'll need to change the styling of the :after pseudo-element of the macro-type-cursor class. For each iteration, it assigns the key/value pair of the associated entry in the collection to the iteration variables and then executes its contents. Returns the playlist's total playtime in seconds, Infinity if it contains any streams, or NaN if no metadata exists. For example: (not an exhaustive list). If the time() story function is undefined, then you are not using SugarCube 2. Essentially, a combination of <> and <>. Warning: Warning: See Config.macros.maxLoopIterations for more information. active) and outgoing passages. For example, let's return to the example above and change it again: You'll see that setup.y is being set to 1 and displayed properly regardless of whether you load a saved story or not, because it is not part of the state. If multiple passage titles are given, returns the lowest count. The Config API serves the same basic purpose. The :not() group modifier syntax (groupId:not(trackIdList)) allows a group to have some of its tracks excluded from selection. See Also: In-browser savesi.e., autosave and slot savesare largely incompatible with private browsing modes, which cause all in-browser storage mechanisms to either persist only for the lifetime of the browsing session or fail outright. Widgets should always be defined within a widget-tagged passageany widgets that are not may be lost on page reloadand you may use as few or as many such passages as you desire. The Macros API object has been renamed to Macro and several of its methods have also changed, for better consistency with the other APIs. Hi, I am really new in Twine. Prior to SugarCube v2.10.0, the strings localization object was named strings. In SugarCube, both variables would still point to the same underlying objectat least initially (see below): SugarCube does eventually clone its non-primitive data types as well, but does at the start of passage navigation, rather than each time they're modified. Additionally, macros in SugarCube do not return values, so macros cannot be used as arguments to other macros. Shows the UI bar. Used to replace SugarCube's default UI. Note: If omitted, the story title will be used instead. This functionally refreshes the webpage, and can cause users to lose their progress. This property is automatically set based on whether you're using a testing mode in a Twine compileri.e., Test mode in Twine2, Test Play From Here in Twine1, or the test mode option (-t, --test) in Tweego. This is only really useful within pure JavaScript code, as within TwineScript you may simply access story variables natively. Functions, including statici.e., non-instancemethods, due to a few issues. Completely removes the UI bar and all of its associated styles and event handlers. Additionally, SugarCube's normal <> macro does not have an output element associated with it and is not, by default, a single-use link like its Harlowe equivalent. See Tweego's documentation for more information. You should virtually never need to use the verbatim HTML markup. Renders the given markup and appends it to the dialog's content area. The function is invoked each time the .processText() method is called. There are many differences between Harlowe and SugarCube, this guide will document some of the most critical you will need to account for if you're coming to SugarCube from a background in Harlowe. classes) revival code and associated data within the revive wrapper, which should be returned from an object instance's .toJSON() method, so that the instance may be properly revived upon deserialization. Twine1/Twee: Registers the passage as JavaScript code, which is executed during startup. Note: If you simply want to apply actions to multiple tracks simultaneously, then you want a group instead. Note: Determines whether rendering passages have their leading/trailing newlines removed and all remaining sequences of newlines replaced with single spaces before they're rendered. Shorthand for jQuery's .on() method applied to each of the audio elements. The typed text has no default styling. Track event triggered when a fade starts. 3 comments mandrasch commented on Jun 6, 2015 th0ma5w added the enhancement Alias for jQuery, by default. This means that non-widget uses of these special variable are completely safe, though this does have the effect that uses external to widgets are inaccessible within them unless passed in as arguments. Selects all internal link elements within the passage element whose passages are not within the in-play story historyi.e., passages the player has never been to before. Note: See the Save.onSave.add() method for its replacement. Removes the specified key, and its associated value, from the story metadata store. The debug views themselves may be toggled on and off (default: on) via the Debug View button (top of the UI bar). Deletes the audio track with the given track ID. Skips ahead to the next track in the playlist, if any. It must contain, at least, an element with the ID passages that will be the main passage display area. Deprecated: UI API. They are called with no arguments, but with their this set to a template (execution) context object that contains the following data properties: String templates consist solely of a string, which may itself contain markup. Warning: Warning: SugarCube is a free (gratis and libre) story format for Twine/Twee. This macro should be invoked once following any invocations of <> and <>, if any <> definitions used the copy keyword, for which you want the loading screen displayed. You can set the autosave to save either on every passage or only on certain passages. If you need a random member from an array-like object, use the Array.from() method to convert it to an array, then use .random(). Suggestions for new entries may be submitted by creating a new issue at SugarCube's source code repository. classesare instantiable objects whose own prototype is not Objecte.g., Array is a native non-generic object type. Global event triggered as the last step in closing the dialog when Dialog.close() is called. Sign in A fullscreen options object should have some of the following properties: Note: Warning: To delete a watch, click the button next to its name in the watch panel. A set of four hyphen/minus characters (-) that begins a line defines the horizontal rule markup. Note: The autosave is, for the most part, a normal save slot, but with a few special features built in. To enable test mode from the Stories screen, click on the story's gear menu and select the Test Story menu item. SugarCube does not trim whitespace from the contents of <>/<> macros, so that authors don't have to resort to various kludges to get whitespace where they want it. :-) Reply The core audio subsystem and backend for the audio macros. Note: Determines whether the autosave is created/updated when passages are displayed. May eat line-breaks in certain situations. Does not affect script or stylesheet tagged passages, for Twine1/Twee, or the Story JavaScript or Story Stylesheet sections, for Twine2. The printability range is defined as 2 < Z < 15 and 10 < We j < 25 by considering characteristics, such as stable single droplet formability and sufficient drop falling velocity. The predefined variable output, which is a reference to a local content buffer, is available for use within the macro's code contents. Injecting additional <> macro invocations after a :typingcomplete event has been fired will cause another event to eventually be generated, since you're creating a new sequence of typing. For instances where you need to run some pure JavaScript and don't want to waste time performing extra processing on code that has no story or temporary variables or TwineScript operators in it and/or worry about the parser possibly clobbering the code. Returns the number of passages within the story history that are tagged with all of the given tags. Identical to calling .map().flat(). Periods of ellipsis () signify data that is generated at compile time. Warning: Note: Fullscreen requests must be initiated by the player, generally via click/touchi.e., the request must be made as a result of player interaction; e.g., activating a button/link/etc whose code makes the request. See Macro API for more information. Player settings object, set up by the author/developer. Sets the value of the story or temporary variable by the given name. However, I had to create this class definition myself: it is not provided by SugarCube as I had hoped. Create a new passage, which will only be used as a media passageone per media source. Note: Sets the selected tracks' volume level (default: 1). Deprecated: See the <> macro for its replacement. ended and pause for information on somewhat similar native events. Note: Navigating back to a previous passage, for whatever reason, can be problematic. Warning: See: Returns the number of currently registered on-load handlers. Audio, image, video, and VTT passages are supported. Indicates whether SugarCube is running in test mode, which enables debug views. Returns whether the UI bar is currently stowed. SugarCube automatically stores the current playthrough state to the browser's session storage whenever a new moment is created. Note: Those that want an expression are fairly straightforward, as you simply supply an expression. See the forget() function for its replacement. The list options are populated via <

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