charlotte observer legal notices
Search. Public Notices ; Government Transparency ; Calendar. Get this The Charlotte Observer page for free from Tuesday, August 19, 1997 pat over property goes on By SHANNON CRISP Staff Writer INDIAN TRAIL Union County's two biggest municipalities . var l=new Array(); 0000001035 00000 n Rebecca Nance Celaya January 08, 1955- January 10, 2023. You can: Need help with something else such as logging into your account or to 22-CP-002022 Division: Probate 0000006365 00000 n There are also legal notices and personal sections available. Please email your notice to or call 520-432-7254. The Hornets are 6-18 on . Now Republicans want to do the same for dozens more counties using a sneaky legislative maneuver. The Business Observer is the weekly newspaper for business leaders on the Gulf Coast of Florida. Notices for the past 12 months are available in the current search. 0000005250 00000 n Charlotte Messenger, African American newspaper, 1882-1889 Digital NC. With more than 50 years of experience, our staff is dedicated to your legal advertising needs. Unit conveyed TRACT 2 A presently effective undivided 0 701 percent interest in and to the Common Areas and Facilities referred lo in Article III ol Hie Ueclaiation The Address of tne real property is as follows: 9B15-F Vim a Circle Charlotte North Carolina 28213 Present Record Owner (s) Brian Hicks and wife Charla W Hicks The terms of the sal are that fhe reel property hereinabove described will tie sold for cash tn the highest bidder and that the undersigned may require thu sumessful bidder at the sale lo Immediately digxisit cash or a c nriiliml check in the amount ot ten percent (10) ot the high bid up ft ant) including $10U000 plus five percent (5) of any excuses nv r $1000 00 An Order tor possession ot the projierty may be Issued pursuant lo GS 45-21 29 in favor of Hie purchaser and against the parly nr parties in possession by the Clerk ot Superior Court ot Mecklenburg County Any person who occupies the pro(ierty pursuant to e rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1 2007 may after receiving tho Notice ol Sale terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice lo the landlord Upon termination of the rental agreemenl the tenant Is liable for rertl due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective dale of (tie termination Tho real property hereinabove descntied will be sold 'as Is' subiect to any and ail superior liens including taxes and special assessments The sale will be held open lor fen (10) days for upset bids as by law required Date and Hour of &ite MONDAY SEPTEMBER 13 2010 at 12 00 (Noon) Place of Sate MECKLENBUHG County Courthouse Date of this Notice August IB 2010 W DAVID THURMAN Attorney tor Hokler 301 S McDowell St Suite 608 Charlotte North Carolina 28204 (704) 377-4164 LP64 98606 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER CLAIM OF LIEN RE 10 SP-604B UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power granted m the recorded Declarations and North Carolina law (including NCOS Set lion 47F 3 1 16) which authorize the foreclosure of the Claim of Lien filed against Michael J Limerick and Jane S Black Limerick by Overlook Owners Association Inc (hereinafter Association ) filed June 2 2010 and tiled in Case Number 10-M 6892 in the Office of the Clerk ol Sujieriof Court lor Mec klenburq County and because ol a la'' ire tn make timely payment of assessments and oilier charges levied by the Association and pursuant lo an Order entered by the Clerk of Ihr Superior Court and pursuant tn demand of tin- Assoi ihIiom the undersigned will expose lor sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale in the Courthouse of Mecklenburg County In Hie City ol Charlotte North Carolina at 11:30 am on the 16th day of September 2010 all that certain parcel ol real estate including any undivided interest in common area and all improvements and fixtures located thereon in Mecklenburg County North Carolina more particularly described in Exhibit A and identified as follows ADDRf SS OF PROPERTY: 12111 Overtook Mountain Drive Charlotte NC 28216 PRESENT RFCORD OWNER(S): Michael J Limerick and wtfe Jane S Black-Limerick BEING THE SAME PROPERTY descntied in the deed recorded in Deed Book 19020 Page 34 Mecklenburg County Public Registry The terms ol the sale are that the property wll be sold lor cash to the highest bidder and a cash deimsil not in exceed the greater of live percent (5) of the amount of the Iwi or haven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($750) may tie required at the time of the sale The profierty to tie offered pursuant to tins Notice ol Sale is teiinq offered for sale transfer and conveyance As Is Whore Is' The Overlook Owners Association Inc onus nut make any representation or warranty relating to the title nr any physical environmental health or safety conditions existing in on at or relating lo the property being offered for safe and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such conditions are expressly disclaimed The property will be sold subfect to restrictions ancf easements ol record any unpaid taxes prior liens and stwcial assessments any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure and any lax required to lie paid by N CG S 7A 308(a)(1) The sale will tie heki open lor ton days for upset bids as required by law That An order for possession ot I he property may be Issued pur suant to N C G S 45 21 29 in favor of the purchaser anti arjatnst the party or parlies in possession by the clerk ot superior court ol the county in which Hie piojmrly is sold Any person who occujjies the property pursuant to a rental agree merit entered into or renewed on or afler October t 2007 may after receiving Notice ol Saif terminate Hie rental agreement upon 10 days written notice tn trie landlord U(Kn termination ol a rental agreement the tenant is liable lor reel clue under the rental agreement prorated lo Hie effective date ol Hie termination TTils the 12th day ol August 2010 POSTED Sellers Htnshnw Ayers Dortch 8 Lyons PA Attorneys for the Association By Charles E Lyons Witness to Posting EXHIBIT A Bering all ot Lot 73 ut OVERLOOK AT MOUNTAIN ISLAND LAKE as same is shown on map thereof recorded in Map Book 27 at Page 552 ol Hie Mecklenburg County Public Registry Being Ihe same property described In the deed recorded in Deed Book 19020 at Page 34 o( tfie Mecklenburg County Public Heyislry LP64 95490 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER CLAIM OF LIEN RE 10 SP-4717 UNDER AND BY VIRTUE ol the fiower granted In thu recorded Declarations and North Carolina taw (including NCOS Section 4 ZF J 1 16) which authorize the foreclosure ol the Claim of Lien filed against Juan Jose Juarez and Gabriele Echevarria by Lamplighter Village Property Owner's Association Inc (hereinafter Association") fifed March 17 2010 and tiled in Case Numtier 10 M JO 70 in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court for MeckienlHiry County and because ot a failure to make timely (laymenl of assessments and other charges levied by the Association and pursuant to an Order entered tiy the Clerk ol the Superior Court and pursuant to demand of fhe Association Ihe undersigned will expose for sale at public auction to the highest tedder for cash at the usual place ol sale in the Courthouse of Wee kfenburg County in the City ol Charlotte North Carolina at 11:30 am on the 16th day ot September 2010 all Ituit certain Iiarcel ol real estate including any undivided interest in common area and all Improvemtmls and fixtures located thereon in Mecklenburg County North Carolina mote (Mrticularly duscrilxjd in Exhibit A and identified as fellows ADDRESS OF PROPERTY 9700 Dotfyshore Place Chartotte NC 28215 ' PRFSENT RFCORD OWNER(S) Gabrlela Echavarrla Juan Joae Juarez and BEING THE SAME PROPERTY described in the deed recorded in Deed Book 21546 Page 588 Mecklenburg County Public Registry Ttie terms ol the safe are that the property will be sokt tor casfrto the highest bidder and a cash dejxisil not to exceed the greater of five pen mil (5) nt the amount of the ted or Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($750) may tie required at the time ol the sale The pro(xrty lo be ottered pursuant to this Notice of Sale is being offered tor safe transfer and conveyance "As ts Where Is" The Lamplighter Villarje Proxrty Owner s Association Inc does not mnkp any representation or warranty relating to the tilfe or any physical environmental health or safety conditions existmq In on at or relating to the property Iximq offered tor sale and' any and all responsibilities or Imtelitms arising out ot or in any way relating lo any such conditions ore expressly disclaimed Ttie property will be sold subject to restnclioim and easements ol record any unpaid taxes prior hens and special assessments any transfer tax associated wife the foreclosure and any tax required to he pud by N C G S 7A 308(i)(t) Ttie sale will be liekt open for fen days lor upsel bids us required by law That An order for possession of ttie property may be Issued pursuant to NCGS 45-21 29 in lavor ot the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk ot superior court ot ttw county in which ttie profrerty is sold Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or afler October 1 2007 may after receiving Notice of Sate terminate Hie rental agreement upon 10 days written notice to Hie landlord Uxn termination ot a rental agreement the tenant is hat for rent due under Ihe rental agreement prorated to the effective dale ot the termination This the 1st day ot July 2010 POSTED: Setters Hinshaw Ayers Dortch 8 Lyons PA Attorneys for the Association By Charles E Lyons Witness lo Posting EXHIBIT A Bemq all of Lot 188 of Lamplighter Village Section 2 subdivision as shown on a map thereof recon ted in Map Book lb Page 575 Mecklenburg County Pubkc Registry ' Being the same property described m the deed recorded in Deed Book 21546 at Page 508 of the Meckierixirg County Pubir Registry LP6495501 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION To Benamin Smith Ihe above named defendant: Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been tiled In I tie above entitled action The nature of tne relief I wing sought le as fellows The Plaintiff Charlolte-Mocklenburg Hospital Authority has tiled a complaint seeking damages for money owed You are sought to make defense to such pleading not taler than torty (40) days after August 22 2010 (exclusive ot said dale) and upon your failure lo do so Ihe party seeking service against you will apply to the Court lor the reffef sought This 18th day ot August 2010 ROBERT G McfNTOSH THE MiINTOSH LAW FIRM Attorney for the Plaintiff PO Box 2? Email Legals, 501 Goodlette Rd. For an exact match, enclose your keyword(s) in quotes. These sites, however, are not administered by the City, and may not reflect the most up-to-date inclusive legal advertisements and/or public notices listings as appear in print versions of the publications. Read today's latest news headlines from Charlotte and North Carolina. N., #D-100 Return to Search Results 23-00218N. How to claim the prize, Letting NC school systems violate the calendar law hurts small businesses like mine | Opinion, Suspicious subject found in backyard was 18-year-old gunshot victim, NC police say, NC House Republicans find a sneaky way to override the governors veto | Opinion, NC school districts keep defying an antiquated law. Official Charlotte County Clerk Website. Mrs. Judith Hannon Calvin, 29, of [address deleted for privacy], died at her home Saturday. fax: (941) 362-4808 HWn8~:XXIQ[I&vVkv+y! Local Local Joe Marusak 704-358-5067 Joe Marusak has been a reporter for The Charlotte Observer since 1989 covering the people,. She was born in Charlotte July 29, 1934, daughter of Mable Helms Hannon and the late Clifford G. Hannon. %PDF-1.4 % Now some may lose their lease. Charlotte Semi-Weekly Observer (1892-1892). hb```b``Qc`g`= l,6.M6(20\-we/V3is&u{2eQq<>f$%?*xzIgY.|8"p:: &c'h@89'H+ !X*. Charlotte Observer Legal Notices All required in your own unless we can charlotte observer legal notices that can play the los angeles police department. Ads notifying residents about public hearings and other matters would be allowed to appear on local government websites, as would legal notices that attorneys are required to provide in estate settlements and other matters. Kirchner Thurmond Kirchner Tlmbes 8 Yelverton PA 15 Middle Atlantic Wharf Suite 101 Charleston South Carolina 29401 Attorney tor the PlalntitfB LP6495015 NOHtHCAHOLINA MECKLENBURG COUNTY KERWIN JOHN BURKE IN 1HL GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 10-CVD-t 1997 vs j NOTICE OF SERVICE OP PROCESS BY PUBLICATION MOISES DANtEL MENDOZA 8 ) JOSE GONZOLES RIVERA Defendants TO: JOSE GONZOLES RIVERA TAKE NOTICE that a pleading seeking relief against you has been hied in the above-entitled action The nature ot the reliel being sought Is: compensatory damages lor personal Injury sustained In an automobile collision on or about September 6 2009 You are required lo make defense to such pleading not later than forty (40) days after August 29 2010 (exclusive of said date): and upon your failure to do so the party seeking service agamst you will apply lo the Court tor the relief sought This the 24th day of August 2010 TIPPENS 8 ZUROSKY LLP Jeremy C Bradford Esq NC State Bar 35179 Attorney tor Plaintiff Post Office Box 37207 Charlotte North Carolina 28237 Telephone- 7043430018 Fax: 704343-0083 LP6497089 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY - 08-SP-429 Under and by virtue of the power and authonty contained in this certain Claim nt Lien executed and delivered by Colville Garden Condominium Homeowners Association and recorded in the MECKLENBURG County Coudhouse North Carolina in 07 M 11076 on September 12 2007 and because of default havmc been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by salt Claim ot Lien and failure to do and perform the stipulations and agreements therein contained and pursuant to demand of the Owner and Holder of the indebtedness secured by said Claim of Lien the undersigned owner and holder will expose for Bale at public auction to me hiyliest bidder tor cosh the property described to wit: TRACT 1- All ot condominium Unit 961 t-C in Building 7 referred to and described in Declaration of Unit Ownership under Chapter 47A of the North Carolina General Statutes for Colville Gardens Condominiums (the Declaration") recorded in Book 5294 at Pages 843 through 898 inclusive In the Mecklenburg Public Registry as Supplemented by Supplemental Declaration recorded in Book 5552 at Paqe 788 in the Mecklenburg Public Registry said Condominium Unit being also shown and descntied on Architectural Plans (the Plans ) of Colville Garden Condominiums on file in the Mecklenburg Public Registry in Unit Ownership File No 321 Reference is hereby made to the Declaration and to the Plans fer a specific description of Hie Unit conveyed TRACT 2 a presently effective undivided 1 429 perce est as tenant in common In and to the Common Facilities as referred to In Article III of the Declaration The Address of the real properly Is as toilows: 961 1-C Vinca Circle Charlotte North Carolina 20213 Present Record Owner(s) Brian Hicks and wife Charla W Hicks The terms ol tho sale are that the real property hereinabove described will be sold lor cash to the highest bidder and that Ihe undersigned may require ttie successful bidder at the sale lo immediately deposit cash or a certified check in the amount of ten xjrcent (1D) of the high bid up to and including $100000 plus ive percent (5) ot any expenses over $100000 An Order for possession of the prox?dy may be Issued pursuant to G S 45-21 2!) Charlotte Observer: The Blogs (NC) is a text database** that includes all the blogs published by the Charlotte Observer from 2005 to current. else output += unescape(l[i]); The combined print and online audience for most newspapers is larger than ever. Michael Gordon has been the Observer's legal affairs writer since 2013. In fact, this editorial board has long advocated for getting public information in front of more people, not less. 0000025569 00000 n Notice is hereby given that DONALD C BEGGS, OWNER, desiring to engage in business under the fictitious name of DON BEGGS EQUIPMENT located . 0000024981 00000 n Its also bad for the people they serve. 0000000996 00000 n hb```b``-b`c`z @QJ Zm,[pjl?K%#,6eOmo"0b!kmYA^:xYO(}~RNu5 pv>i +act3 y\ K009`I0yuy%w6`uNxLa1C,lV@hWp"@ nFb endstream endobj 4101 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[115 3952]/Length 90/Size 4067/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream . About $425 million a month is currently being verified through the platform and distributed to the more than 120 financial institutions that work with the company. The Charlotte Observer and Raleigh News & Observer editorial boards combined in 2019 to provide fuller and more diverse North Carolina opinion content to our readers. 0000058646 00000 n Becky was born in Charlotte, NC to Charles and Betty Nance. Charlotte Messenger 1883-1883 Pleasant Adam Stuart Fink 19802018 0000001630 00000 n 2007 and terause ol default having been made in trie payment of the indebtedness secured by sain Claim of Lien and feilum to rfo and perform the stipulations and agreements therein contained and pursuant lo demand of the Owner and Holder m the indebtedness secured by said Claim of Lien the undursiqned nwnor and holder will oxjiofle for safe at public auction to the highest bidder lor cash the property therein described to wit TRACT 1 All of that condominium Unit 961 5-F In Building 1 as mlenerl to and ctescritmd in Declaration of Unit Ownership under Chapter 4 7A of the North Carolina General Statutes lor Colville Garden Condominiums (the Declaration i re orrlcd m Hook 5294 at pages 843 through 898 indie ve m tin Mecklenburg Public Registry as suppleinen:j py bnppiemenMl Declaration recorded in Book 57tv1 t puf 451 in the Mecklenburg Public Registry said Confirm' iiii Unit being also shown arid described nn Arciu1et1uiil plans (fee Plans ) of Colville Garden Condominium- op liir in tne Myiktenhurg Public Registry in Unit Ownership file No 321 Reference Is hereby made In the Declaration -mo to the Plans for a specific description of tin? 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