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the loud house fanfiction lincoln heartbroken

I swear, when I find those punks, I'll, I'll-", Lincoln: "Lynn! Leni: "Heyguys. ", Bobby: "No problem, Babe. He misses Ronnie Anne. Is that true? "She likes me, mom, but she doesn't like me that way" explained Luna. Howard: Sure thing, Lynn. Youre a sweet, wonderful boy, and you dont deserve the treatment I gave you. "Oh, Mom, I am so sorry," Luna said regrettably. Luna was so delighted at what she had done; she was convinced that nothing could rob her of her good mood. Lori is on the couch, texting Bobby.*. I cant believe you! *goes downstairs, sees both her parents and Lincoln looking angrily at her* Whats wrong, Dad? Luna looks down at the floor in rejection. Lincoln rushes over the game and Lori follows. "Aw, the old it's not you it's me thing. LINCOLN: (enamored) Wow, that was beautiful and sweet of you guys. Lincoln makes his way to the restroom. We haven't done this in a long time.". Lori: "I'm just making sure you're having a good time. Did something happen between her and her band mates? Pretty soon, I'll be in college. ", Lincoln: "Like I said, I'm really tired. Luna never felt so strongly for someone in her life. DOWNSTAIRS, RIGHT NOW! "You can't seem to pick at least one activity, so leave it to me. Lori: Thats great, Clyde! While she was glad that they supported her, Luna clearly didn't want a repeat of what happened the last time they screamed this loudly. Hearing this caused Lincoln's emotional dam to break, him now sobbing happy tears. Lynn: "Jackie was close, put she couldn't get past me. Rita: "Sweetie are you okay?! Those two went at it for a few minutes until Dad broke them up! My point is, you show good leadership when necessary.". *goes back into kitchen, dumps bloody vegetables into garbage can* Ugh, dang Clyde. Lincoln is moved back into the house, all his things are back where they belong, and most of the family have made peace with him; however, Lynn Jr. still makes him wear the squirrel suit to her games to bring her luck. Right as the siblings were in the middle of watching their favorite show, the knob to the front door slowly turned, alerting the kids. Lynn Jr.: *sits next to Clyde at the table* Listen Clyde, I know youre hurting right now, but trust me, itll get better over time. LENI: Are you kidding me, all this time, he's adopted and you tell us now?! We bet 50 dollars that you would win. Lori opens the door and enters Lincoln's room with a smile on her face. She is talking to Bobby through her laptop. Rita: "Well, Lori already taught them a lesson. YOUNGER RITA: I actually wanted a boy, I already have five young girls at home. LINCOLN: All of those theories can be true. Lori had let her blond hair grow to her well peach shaped ass, though she kept it in a bun most of the time. And you are a real Loud sibling. *, Lori: Oh my gosh, Whitney, you should see my new dress. Lincoln just got back from a heated argument with his best friend Clyde, which ended with the former's Super Snap 95 - which he got for his twelfth birthday - breaking. Then the staff came in and took those boys away. I know I'm a month late for this, but I'm really sorry, Lincoln. ", Luna sighs deeply. But I talked with Bobby and told me that spending time with him and taking him to places he likes should cheer him up. Lori: "Isn't this nice, Lincoln? *Later, at the McBrides house, Clyde is watching TV with his dads, feeling a little better. The door to the house opened, and in ran a tearful Lincoln Loud. Harold: Oh Howie, Lincoln doesnt want to, Lincoln: *notices how serious Lynn Jr. looks* Actually, Id really love to see that, Mr. McBride. Because Lisa Loud wasn't just a stoic, sciency girl who loved to experiment without emotions (or was the emotionless trait Lucy again? Why can that little twerp find another girl to obsess over?! (to Lynn) And you keep kicking him when you think he has been bullied. Lincoln and Luan hugged each other and continued walking home. ", Lucy: "If I had to guess, he probably doesn't want us to worry. Lincoln: Hi, Mr. McBrides. LYNN: Totally, Linc. You are so going to die, Clyde: *sees her* L-L-Lori?! *hugs both Clyde and Lynn Jr.* Im so happy for you two. ", Lori: "We're not buying it. But only because you asked nicely". (Lincoln gets out of bed, then gets his clothes on. The two arrive and the house and walk inside. She remembered how Lincoln was having difficulties in school, so he hired a tutor, and how all of her daughters (sans Lily) were heads over heels about that man. LUNA: Of course, little brother, of course. You just went ahead without warning! "Yes, of course, Leni, that idea was pretty dumb" added Lynn. Luna rubs the sleepiness from her eyes, and looks closely at the number projected on her screen. ", Lori: "So, have you talked to her, lately? Unbeknownst to him, Lori was standing right in front of his door and heard everything he said, she has a look on her face that looked like she was going to cry. Youre like a steamed vegetable, only smarter! In Lori and Leni's room, the girls are all having a sibling meeting). The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. It's one of those zombie games. "Dudes, what happened?" Lynn Jr.: I wanted to check on you, Clydesdale. I'm starting to realize something. ", Lincoln: "Uhh, yeah. Whenever Ronnie Anne feels down, I would take her to the places she enjoys. Am I adopted? Lincoln - the very same Lincoln Loud who was strong-willed and intelligent - was crying. LYNN SR: What if he gets devastated about this? I want to make a good impression." Leni: That DOES sound kinda unfair. Lincoln and Luna were about to pull their siblings off each other, when an idea struck Lincoln. Lincoln, adopted. After the blond girl bids her two friends farewell, she goes to open her locker. Mike walks over toward Lori. Lori ends the call. "Wow. What did you do? Luna looks at her dejectedly. (out loud) *sighs* "Alright. I didnt know Lori would ever go that far. This is so not fair! (rubbing his head) I love his white hair. *Just then, theres a knock on the door. *starts panicking* Oh my gosh, our son has his first girlfriend. "Yup. ", Lincoln: "Why are you surprised? LUNA: I'll try talking to him again, you guys. I cant believe you would do that! The staff member take the teens away. ", "Ooh! ", Lori: "Yeah. But after a little time, I felt a lot better. Lori Loud, now 27 years old, had grown into a strong beautiful woman. I love you all. I'll say. ", Lynn Sr.: "If he's like thatagain tomorrow, we'll talk to him.". said Lynn. It has been a few weeks since the "No Such Luck" incident. You should never be afraid to tell me, our sisters, or mom and dad. She crawled throughout the house, finding Lincoln on the couch. Luna gives Sam a weak thumbs up, and Sam heads back into her house, leaving her alone. ", Lincoln: "It was great. LINCOLN: (holding his head) Ugh. Echos of someone screaming "Lincoln!" She would often go jogging with Lynn, this causing her to develop an hourglass figure to go with her shapely peach-like ass. We see a 10-year-old Lori sleeping in her bed. LANA: Even if you're adopted, you're still family to us. Lincoln walked downstairs, not paying attention, heck not even noticing when Lynn pantsed him and him walking out of his pants. *Lincoln opens the door. *stomps upstairs, slams her bedroom door so loudly they can hear it downstairs*. Things were going nuts. Lincoln: "No fair, Lori! He took a glance at his surroundings, examining the carnage that surrounded him. From the other side of the door, Luna could be heard visibly crying. Lori: Well, I DID also yell at Clyde and tell him I never wanted to see him again and slap him on the cheek. She had forced her mother to relive an old memory when she probably knew to leave well enough alone. Rita grew worried from this. After the show was done playing and Lincoln was hyped. "Well, I took my brother's advice, and I confronted Sam on my feelings.". The family was sitting at the table, hearing all of the commotion happening upstairs. Lynn Jr.: *hugs him* I know it feels that way. ", Lynn: "Man, I wish I was there! Don't you want to spend some quality time with your little bro? We haven't hung out in some time. LUNA: Yeah lil dude, you are our brother, and no matter what we would still love you. "Cute hearts by the way.". ", Lincoln: "Look over there! The boy was Lincoln Loud, now at the age of 16. Lori: "Lincoln. LORI: Yeah Lincoln, I may be mean once and while, just because I'm angry, and I can be a good protective sister when the others need to be protected. Lori and Lincoln dance for a couple minutes). he notices a familiardance game. Long story short.Lincoln is placed in the hospital and Lori's bond with her siblings and parents is broken. "T-thank you" said Lincoln, new tears spilling from his eyes. Lincoln Loud is the oldest of the Loud siblings but at the age of 11 saw something he shouldn't have and runs away he returns 9 years later a changed man haven seen much. How are you holding up since she and Bobby moved away? Lincoln look down realizing that he was standing in front of Lori in a pair of his white boxers with red hearts. (She hugs Lincoln tightly and kiss Lincoln's cheek). LINCOLN: Well, at least I know that I am beloved by my sweet family. I literally do hate him! It is revealed that one of her ancestors, Aggie, drove the Louds' ancestors away from their kingdom in order to achieve peace and quiet, and her ancestors have kept it that way . Lori didn't want to discourage Luna's infatuation with that girl, but she felt that Luna needed to realize that not everything falls into place. Before long, hes gonna get his drivers license, and go to prom, and go off to college and we wont see him again until Christmas! That's a kind, protective, and a TERRIFIC OLDER SISTER. I'm the one who should be apologizing to you. Lincoln: (annoyed) "I'm not a baby, Lori! As they are eating, each of them was talking about their day. LORI: You fainted after Mom and Dad revealed to you that you're adopted. You don't even care about him! "I propose that we make a spray that will make Luna be the only center of Sam's affections.". Not even that dude Lincoln brought home could top her.". I have to get back to doing the chores, but talk to me when you're feeling upset again.". "Look, Luna, I know it's hard, but trust me, things will get better. Sam was about to leave when Luna spoke up at last. ", Lori: "Well, I actually wanted to see this movie myself. I didn't realize how much I liked hanging out with Ronnie Anne. Here is my 7th Fanfic of The Loud House, enjoy reading this. But after everything, Luna was iron clad in her belief that she couldn't love again. I mean, hes an eleven-year-old kid. This is how Lincoln Loud became the hero he's always wanted to be and saves the world in a Loud way. Lincoln wraps his arms around Lori. Just for you.". "She's in love, dear sister. This is the third dang time, how have you not learned yet!? Lori: *growls* Well, then I guess Im grounded until pigs fly! "We should resort to the dark arts to ensure that Sam and Luna will be the only ones with eyes for each other" sighs Lucy. Clyde: Uh Lincoln, Rusty has a brother. Clyde: Wow Lynn, I dont think Ive ever seen you cry before. I'd just discovered I'm adopted. Lori says this as she puts sunscreen on herself except her back. (Leni got up and help Lincoln up on his feet). A boy who dreamt of being a hero is about to obtain that reality. Years before I married your father, there was this boy that I shared a class with. We don't want to hurt his feelings. It's justsome people weren't born that way. Luna wanted to believe it. Lincoln smiles back at her with a couple tears falling down his face. Luna watched her a few more times, having her thoughts conflict with each other. I'm late!". *opens bag to reveal a t-shirt* Is this the dress I ruined? I should really stop making him cry. ", Lincoln: "Looks like this is a good time for me to use the bathroom. She is talking to Bobby through her laptop. Before Lincoln takes off, he takes one last look at the house) Lincoln: Goodbye. Lori: *frowns points at Lincoln* Well, Lincoln called me a jerk! Lori: *groans* I sure hope youre right, Lynn. *shows her the ruined dress* Clyde literally RUINED my new dress, and IM the one who gets punished?! ", Lori: "Yes. (Luna kissed Lincoln on his forehead and wipe the tears off his face with a tissue). Lincoln: "Today has been really great so far. *runs upstairs, furious* DONT BOTHER CALLING ME FOR DINNER EITHER; I REFUSE TO SPEND ANY TIME WITH YOU OR DAD! Ready to go in the water? The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. At 1am in the morning! ", Lincoln: "Besides, I heard good things about it. There's literally nothing embarassing about this.". ", Lori: "Don't worry, mom. A stupid DRESS means more to you than another human being does?! Luna retreats into her bed, and wraps herself around the bed sheets. After everything they had been through, it would seem only logical that they would get together. Rita hugs her back, and she resumes the housework. The two teenagers are having fun too, and told the siblings that they make a great team. The siblings thanked them for the compliment. What happened? ", Lincoln: (nervously) "Because Because, uh", Lori: "Because this place reminds you of Ronnie Anne?". I'm a little hurt and have a few bruises, but nothing's broken. ", Rita: "Oh, a little sibling bonding time? Lori: "So, what do you want to play first?". (In his room, Lincoln is sitting on his bed, depressed; Knocking is heard). Lincoln begins tocry and Lori gives her brother a comforting hug. The teenagers accept them and they play together. The two splash each other and then begin to playfully wrestle. Now we won't be able to see each other for a long time.". Lori: "Leni went over to a friend's house for a sleepover. Lincoln and Lori walk over to the teenagers and ask if they could join in. I mean-" (sigh) "Never mind.". It was why he was such an excessive planner, why he felt like he had to control every situation he was in, and why he could not abide chaos, he had to be 'the man with the plan'. Lynn Jr.: Youre going to the McBrides? Lincoln Loud was labeled as bad luck by his sisters and was locked out of his house. asked Lynn. Today, you helped me with my problem. ", Luna frowns from the ambiguity of the answer. What started as a misunderstanding quickly became much more. Since she was hanging out with a young boy and his two friends, it seemed a given that she was heads over heels for that boy. (Lisa wants to attack them, but Lori restrains her). (Leni then walk into Lincoln's room and sat next to him and Luna). (They walk in a room full of boy babies, Rita walks and see every baby boy there is). *sighs* Not too long ago, I had a crush on another baseball player named Francisco. Ever since she started to hang out with Sam, Luna would hardly last a couple of hours if she did not bring up Sam. Why do youguys care? It's okay. I cant believe Mom and Dad would punish you for that. ", Leni: "So, are you over your 'Ronnie Anne' problem? Stunned, Rita gently places the clothes basket on the ground, and walks over to the bedroom door. She hugs Lincoln, and he returns it. "And yet, because I'm a girl, I can't be with her. I guess what I'm saying is, I'm starting to think that maybe I'm not a good big sister after all.". *starts breaking down*. Just then, Lori comes in, carrying a plate of crudit.*. ", Lori: "Well,it has been a while since Lincoln andI spent some timetogether. LORI: (shocked) Oh my gosh! Today was a great day for the Loud kids. "I don't understand; why does it have to be this way? After all this, you still care more about that stupid dress? The two enter the cinema andlook at what movies are playing. Lincoln shouted loud enough for the people in the cinema to hear, including Lori. LUNA: Calm down, dudettes. ", Sweat dripped from Luna's forehead. I'll take Lincoln out to the ball game! She places her hand on Luna's heart. If she were to lie any further, she would only make her mother's suspicions even more on-point. LINCOLN: Wow, thank you very much, girls. "Oh boy I can't wait until the next episode," Lincoln said out loud. YOURE the one with clothes making abilities, not me. Rita retrieves one from the spare tissue box, and she hands it to her. The sisters talked amongst themselves as to what could be done about this predicament. LENI: Don't let that go into your mind. Tell your sisters and parentsI said 'hi'. I had a bad dream. I watch Dream Boat with you and our sisters. Luna quickly runs to the bathroom, and jumps into the bathtub. It cuts to Lori in her room. He really loved her, and he would do anything for her. Lincoln then woke up in his bedroom with Lori. *tears up a little* I was so upset, I thought Id never be able to face him or any other guy other than Lincoln, my dad or my pop-pop again. ", Drake: "Are you the same kid who had his sister pretend to be you and win a bunch of football games? LINCOLN: Yeah. "Lincoln please don't cry," Lori said. What should I do? *tears up* Eric McLean. When the game is over, Lincoln is the victor while Lori is sweating a little bit. ); she was a caring little sister and a good-hearted girl deep down inside. Maybe, you'll try to reason with him. ", Lori: "I know. We had a lot of fun. The door creaks open, enough so that Luna could enter it. Lori stood up, and walked over to the despondent girl, placing her hand on her shoulder. "Well, at least I didn't suggest that they both go to a ballgame. YOUNGER LENI: Whoa, he's totes cute! Duncan pullsLincoln away from the door and closes it. ", Lincoln: "Well, Lori and I were at the cinema, waiting in line. , this causing her to develop an hourglass figure to go with her shapely peach-like ass continued home! 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