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technoblade x pregnant reader

Quackity: Happy. He ends up finding himself lost in the overworld, And then he meets a witch. You looked excitedly over at Phil whose face was soft and fond. At the end of the third week, he seemed to be so used to your constant attention and nurse-like tenderness that whenever you weren't fully tending to him he had a tantrum. You giggled fondly brushing the tufts of fur on his head, you plucked the poppy from his hands and placed it behind his ear. "Anything you desire," He gently rubbed his chin against your cheek and your nose scrunched up at the feeling. He can understand enderman and move blocks, so he wonders if you can do something that phantoms can do. "Or adopt it! I wanna say I'm not going to do this for everyone who says it's their birthday. "What are you doing here kid?" Want to see how much damage you can take before cracking? He laughs as you dig your face into his shoulder, ears tickling his skin. Y/N was a very charismatic person with a passion for theatre. His knees brought up to his chest and hands clamped over his ears. You were cackling holding your stomach, "Phil what the fuck! He didnt think much of it, until Philza is pushing him out of the way, scolding the piglin as he reopens the door, Apparently youre an old friend of Philza, having met him years ago while traveling, His fondness for his friend has him apologizing to you, although it isnt necessarily sincere, You spend the next couple of weeks with them, wanting to catch up with Philza, Over that time though, you get closer to the piglin, You adore his thirst for history and tell him plenty of stories of the things youve seen, Philza is quick to catch on to the bond between you two, and gives an excuse to leave, Youre stuck with Techno in the house but neither of you mind, The voices also enjoy your presence, practically begging for Techno to spend time with you, Hell want to give you gifts, courtesy of the voices, but isnt exactly sure what dragons like, He reads up on old texts speaking about dragons hoarding valuables in their nests, Numerous shiny objects, rocks and random items will end up in your possession, left at your door each morning, Shyly, you confront him one day, thanking him for the gifts but explaining that you, Gods, he feels embarrassed for assuming that you did, Youll simply laugh at his flustered face, planting a small kiss to his cheek, Just because you dont have the instinct to horde valuables, doesnt mean you will reject him, He is blunt, known for saying whatever is on his mind without putting much thought into it, So, when he first meets you he cant stop the words from tumbling out of his mouth, He doesnt mean to insult you, flinching back when you turn around, Your wings stretch out a bit, making your figure much more intimidating, He apologizes immediately, scared for his life. Though when a girl shows up nearly dead in the snow after a harsh blizzard, w A women that plays MCC as apart of the viewing team get all the fames by making herself and her team win this MCC, but what happen when other Youtubers find out about her ? Hell boast about it to others and takes any minute he can to bring it up again. We know what its like to be the outcast and being scared of who will betray you next. I bent down to his neck and started kissing and sucking there as I slowly moved all the way down his cock. Technoblade sighed softly rubbing the bridge of his nose, which caused the smile to slip off of your face. He huffed as you moved away from the wall, a teasing grin on your lips, he watched you walk away with a swing of your hips and he groaned in distress. He knew that look, you had the look when you'd look at the other children on the server. Before you could even gather your thoughts, the door slung open revealing the same masked-man and blond one walking through the door. I hope youve been good and are happy doing what you do now. With too much energy, you chat to Sam as he walks into his house. However, your frame is already pressed against his own. He tries to take a step back on instinct but your arms wrap around his body and your head lands on his chest. With an annoyed grumble, Technoblade moved over so you could lay down beside him and Aether, you gently brushed your thumb across the fur on the baby's cheeks. "AetherLike the god of light and the sky? "You were so good." You already asked, ready for a fight, Technoblade almost swooned, almost. Just an idea :) I hope you have a great rest of your day/night . It is just being polite at this point, Youre very appreciative, trailing behind him happily. :D I wanted to request something similar like the headcannos that you made about the sheep!hybrid reader but with a bear!hybrid anyways I love your blog!! The others find amusement in the silly antic, sometimes leaving cats sitting around your shared house, He feels bad that you cant really travel outside during the day, without getting slightly burnt. You laughed tossing the bag in Technoblade's general direction, his fast reflexes allowed him to catch the bag. "I can be," Phil added raising his finger in the air, Technoblade gaped at him, "Don't encourage her!" He finds the trick interesting but also hilarious. He enjoys seeing you get bothered by them, thinking your anger is cute, If he gets too annoying though just tug on his horns, he will shut up quickly, Once the two of you get into a relationship, he will start making jokes about how he tamed the ender dragon, He really enjoys having you around, especially hugs where you wrap your wings around him, On bad days, he will initiate the contact, his body collapsing on yours, He will rub his horns into your chest, just wanting to feel closer to you, Schlatt loves hugging or cuddling with you, the heat you radiate being addicting, Ranboo will ask so many questions about you, your abilities, your life, anything, He doesnt meet many hybrids, especially ones that are closer to relation to him, He finds a fast connection with you, over similar feelings of The End, Once close enough friends, he will introduce you to Tubbo. "Fine." She deserved a chance just like he did. The blond man, apparently named Phil, nodded and gave you a sympathetic look, making his way into the other room while Techno made a comfy spot at the dining table with his coffee. His wings wrap around you both comfortably, making you purr more. It made Techno and the voices preen in delight as he pushed you against the wall of your bathroom, his big hands sliding up the bottom of your shirt. The crow that carrie Everyone knew Tommy, Techno, Wilbur, and Phil were family, a family that fell apart. Technoblade watched you coo at the bear and kissed the top of his fuzzy head, for someone who was so mad he adopted him. Leave a mark, leave many! I know what its like to not be wanted, I know what it feels like to be constantly abandoned, no one else should ever have to go through thatno one should have to go through what shes most likely been through, I mean look at her! The voices are soft whenever he's around you. I turned around and glared at him. Prologue He used his other hand to push my leg to the side, exposing me and brought his spit dripping fingers down and pushed them through my slit, landing on my clit and making small circles. He let out a moan and I moved to his jaw, kissing along it until I got to his ear. He came out a few moments later clad in his new outfit, in the meantime, Technoblade sat on the edge of his bed. Technoblade nipped at your mouth, his tusks brushing against your upper lip, and you made a soft sound in the back of your throat when you felt them make contact. Although your reasons are quite harmless, all together it was enough to overwhelm anyone. Just to let you guys know that this book is OLD (probably almost 2 . He tries not to show his care, knowing others could use that against him. Techno asked and sat next to me. Your ears perk up when he responds and you follow his voice. Chapter 12 He decided to stick a little braid in his hair just so he could add a little flair, a knock sounded on the door and he met his own eyes in the mirror. "I guess it gets kinda cold at night down here." (Art used in this book isn't mine, credits to the OG artists!) can you do the hybrids with a friend that's made out of gems? "We can re-purpose Tommy's old room! You giggled softly as you both walked towards the Nether, his tail was wrapped around your waist as he glared at anything with a pulse. This time, his brethren cleared a path for him to get through, He pulled you against his chest protectively, he buried his nose in your neck glaring at anyone who dared come close to his wife. The boy marveled at Techno and that he could speak his language it seemed, Technoblade furrowed his brows, a frown etching across his features, "You can't stay here." He trusts you enough to deal with a situation, but will still help out if things go haywire, Afterwards hell smother you in affection as a thank you, The type of relationship that is either very calm or absolute chaos, no in between, If you can retract into a shulker box, the man will be amazed. This contains angst and 16+ content so if A/N: Umm sooo I made a smut chapter. "Sorry is that a Ghast? "(Y/n)! "Didn't mean to disturb you, hot stuff." He honestly has much more important things to be worrying about rather some neat trick you learned or can do on the norm, If you really want to show off your abilities, he wont stop you. creative liberty's :3. Just like your big warrior husband he snuggled against your hand. His arms were wrapped securely around your waist, you both were sitting on a small cot by the fire. E. But she could, do we really want to deal with that. His hands immediately released their hold on you, he pulled away from your warm body, a pout etched across his features. technoblade x pregnant reader birthbasketball in canada popularity tabletop exercises examples 124. He doesnt like seeing his friends being hurt, Sam is totally a mom friend. I was originally going to make y/n pegging him but then I realized I didn't know how to write that \_()_/ Anyways hope you had a great birthdaySulfurKinniehope you enjoy your present! They fluttered to the floor and his eyes drifted back over to the mirror, his hair now came down just below his shoulders. You sure acted like the bear was your new best friend, especially considering you let the bear sleep in the bed with the both of you. He often stays up late, partially due to his hybrid side so he usually spends that time with you. But, he probably will just watch silently waiting to get back to his reading, But, if you offer to spar with him with weapons made from your gems, he will be very interested. But, he trusts that you can fight of anyone if needed, He doesnt care that you are the embodiment of a literal dragon, He will continue to tease you, no matter what, Flame brain and Lizard are common names that Schlatt will call you, to poke fun at your features. Instinctively, you begin to purr. He closed his eyes and ignored your giggles, you pulled the blankets over the three of you and you drifted off into a deep sleep. It might turn somewhat graphic, You are the Blood god. "Shut up and go to sleep." It might turn somewhat graphic, You are the Blood god. 'Throw the bag at it. ", "You piece of shit." 13. But, as you stay in the hug longer, you purr louder, tail flicking side to side. He doesnt think much of you falling behind until one of your hands grasps for his wings. "Don't apologize for that, I'm a big girl." I whisper and brought my hips up and slammed them back down and we both let out simultaneous moans. sorry if this is too specific! Nobody's POV: Begrudgingly, he becomes friends with you, He really doesnt see you in a bright light, just as another mouth to feed, until you stand up for him against some attackers, Despite bears not being territorial, youre practically chasing the intruders off his property without a second thought, He isnt a fan of affection at first, but its tolerable for you, He likes how you nuzzle into his neck and side. He thinks your hybrid side is interesting. They were pleading with him to kiss her, mark her up and go feral on his wife. Spinning around, he pulls you closer, briefly kissing the top of your head, Humming, you lean into him to embrace his body heat. Its at peaceful moments like this, that he can hear you letting out tiny rumbles from your throat. I can't hear you gotta fight it to protect you. I see you messing with her. Technoblade, also known as Techno, is the twenty-third member of the Dream SMP, joining on September 22, 2020. His single eye widened considerably as he took the flower from your hands, you figured you'd give him something from the overworld. Prologue Your lips crashed together and he let out a breathy sigh relaxing into your blistering kiss, his hands landed on your hips and he squeezed them tightly. Chapter 5 Your tail sways calmly, occasionally brushing against his own. "I already did." Techno isnt too use to affection, but he still returns the hug, although rather awkwardly with the knowing look Philza gives him, Technos body normally runs warm, especially as a hybrid from The Nether. I rolled my hips and he let out a breathy noise. He is definitely startled, his wings puffing up in shock. I wanna be inside you." Truthfully, Fundy is very happy that you were willing to purr around him. "Bubs?" Thank you !! Fate (Technoblade x reader) request: Could you do something where reader is also half mob? The door opened with a soft creak and you were standing in the doorway with a smile. You basically become a backpack, carrying all the supplies and redstone in your extra inventory, If you ever feel bad about the shulker like freckles, Sam will try to make you feel better. He might make a joke about your skill being like a purse. To the mines, temples or just exploring in general, If youre great at fighting, hell have you lead. Both Phil and Technoblade said simultaneously, both equally confused and flustered. Youre a relatively new recruit, having known Quackity for a while before the countrys creation. The least you could do is let him move to the couch with you. ", "Don't be mean!" But due to her lacking grades her beloved place at drama club is in danger. You argued, finally squirming out of his hold, you knelt in front of the excited piglin, he handed you the gold ingot excitedly, you examined it carefully. Although it isnt necessary, you find yourself enjoying it immensely. Since this is my book, there will be minor (and probably major . Purple Guy x Pregnant! Got some for my Princess too, that's (Y/n).". It isnt bone-crushing, but a comfortable hold that has him relaxing instantly, He will force you to meet Sapnap and Karl, enjoying how you all get along so well, Group cuddles become a constant occurrence, something fun to do after a long day, It doesnt take him long to learn about your enhanced sense of smell, He might push food near your face, asking what ingredients you can smell, just for fun, He wont mention how you growl or the rumbling that comes from your chest when laying together, Quackity also wont mention how fast your tail is wagging, thinking its absolutely adorable, He knows everything and anything happening in the area, since his job as a prison guard requires him to stay alert, So when he hears about a new hybrid, he simply ignored the thought, not expecting to see you anytime soon, It was when he was walking home from his shift, that he spotted someone surrounded by multiple hostile mobs, He will fight the monsters immediately, holding a hand out to you when hes done, That is when hell notice the fuzzy ears on your head and the crinkling of your nose when you take his hand, Sam will offer to take you home, glad his mask can hide the blush on his cheeks. So, not my problem. Even if he is awkward with affection, the voices adore the gesture. "Be patient Techno." Monsters never really got along with the ender dragon and the dragon wasnt known for being kind to them. He tries to swoop the same way you do, yet has some struggles. He rubs his fingers behind your cat ears, watching fondly as you lean into his touch. Technoblade groaned from behind you, he had to gather materials for another radio, for a baby. Vincent sat shocked, obviously not expecting his name to be called. So I guess a little beard is a good thing," You scratched under his chin and he purred loudly. He took in a shaky breath and you frowned, "the voices," he let out a deep chuckle, "they love you.". If you inherited this trait, Quackity will practically beg for you to hit him, His wings arent really made for flying too high and he has troubles with flying after Schlatts rule. The kid didn't like that as he glared up at the taller hybrid, "You have a family in the Nether?". What the fuck!". He chased after you, and with a huff, Steve began to follow the both of you, too curious to just ignore the baby in your arms. Since, you dont need to sleep as a phantom hybrid, you often relax with him or go exploring, He still encourages you to sleep and with some reluctance you eventually try it. I would've made you if I didn't." Aether nodded excitedly and snuggled against the soft covers of the bed, you kissed the top of his eye socket. He struggles to hold his normal expression, not wanting you to know how much youre affecting him. You burst into hysterical laughter falling against Technoblade's chest. He huffed at the voices mentally flipping them off, before lifting his hand and placing it on the top of your head. Once you finally tell him, Fundy will disappear for a few days, He finally shows up, a bunch of gemstones matching the one you are in his arms. He believed that with the help of his old friend, Philza, he could escape the dark parts of his past and finally start a new. Cool, here is some tnt. (PLATONIC RE Technoblade's been fighting in the stadium (dubbed The Pit) since he was 4yrs old. He turns back to the stove, ignoring the groan of annoyance you give, Philza is a little shocked that you can purr but really it just interests him. From the other room, Phil had to quietly chuckle to himself. I didn't let him. Thats if you want to remain here with Phil and Itheres even a city a little bit from here with more people, theres even a boy thats half-enderman and half something else, Im sure you two would get along great and. "You're gonna be Aether's dad just you wait.". I panicked!" Youre exiled as far as youre concerned. Not physically, of course, but if you saw him out of bed you'd usher him back in with whatever bribes that were needed to convince. also, could you make it platonic if it isn't too much trouble? I grabbed the base of his dick and lined it up before slowly pushing in the head and clenching on it. (Y/n) was pregnant?! The piglin touched the flower lightly before scurrying down a nearby cobblestone pathway, "Bye little guy!" You can pick any mob, not an tho, Yknow cause Ranboo is already that XD. When Philza decides to take you in, Technoblade wasn't very happy. left kudos on this work! With a roll of his eyes, he tugs you closer before ruffling your hair, Quackity will ask later for you to try and purr when theres not an audience. The letter inside the envelope was a lighter shade of red, the note was from BadBoyHalo saying he had some business he'd like to discuss with himself and his wife. We don't care, do something. Philza would protect you from anyone. "Umbubs is that a child? Aether was still asleep on the bed when he came down, the bag across his shoulder felt heavy as nervousness seeped into his skin. I said and grabbed my water and walked to my room, Techno followed close behind, laughing at my comment. He beamed brightly, his little tail wagging rapidly behind him, Technoblade rubbed his eyes tiredly. His jaw tensed as he saw you flush as a piglin desperately handed you some netherite, you thanked them softly and their squeals increased happily. "Hey I don't know about you but I don't wanna sleep on the couch so I'm going to bed. Your whole family breaks your heart. He believed that with the help of his old friend, Philza, he could escape the dark parts of his past and finally start a new. So don't get all frowny at me, okay? You reached out to him, hands falling on the back of his neck, chest heaving deeply. You flipped Technoblade off as he slid down the ladder into the basement. Either way he hates to admit the truth. From across the room Technoblade's eyes cracked open, Phil nudged you forward. "What do you think your going to do with those hand?" The photograph came spitting out of the camera and you shook it waiting for it to develop, you were so hanging this picture up where everyone could see it. Youve tackled him into a hug, momentarily lifting him off the ground and spinning the hybrid around. Thats how you normally acted around him and the others. "He better not be," Technoblade said as if to promise himself that he would not get attached to the piglin in your arms that looked so much like your son it filled him with warmth. He is a fox and youre a bear, two, Awkward greetings until he asks if you want to prank some people. "It's ok I had it covered. But after a while, he started to realize how special you are. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", 1. But I want to take care of Aether, least till he's old enough to officially fend for himself.". It made Techno and the voices preen in delight as he pushed you against the wall of your bathroom, his big hands sliding up the bottom of your shirt. "I know it's your favorite. It feels so nice against your cold skin, and the way his wings wrap around you could remind one of a soft blanket. Philza blinks owlishly, looking down at you curiously. hi! Where's the fire?" Technoblade raised a hard eyebrow and clicked his tongue, "It was nothing, just a flesh wound." You scolded your lover taking the kid from his hand, he automatically buried his head in the side of your neck. He isnt used to affection, so almost anything will make him react, Sam likes to scratch behind your ears, thinking the rumbles from your throat are soothing, You totally will end up joining him on adventures, whether you really want to or not, Not only are you basically a human meat shield, but if you also have extra inventory space? When choosing to move to a land of snow and ice, Techno thought his life would finally be quiet. C!Technoblade: When you told him he was very scared. Depends on my mood." I said and laid down, looking up at Techno. Phil glanced over at you motioning to the boys in bed before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a disposable camera. He huffed out with a rapid shake of his head, Technoblade inwardly cursed before picking up the Piglin by the scruff of his neck. - Anon, Its so easy to see which characters I favor, Hi! Its something that gets rid off his stress from working at the prison all day, If you really dont want to build, he wont make you tag along. If you think he was protective before, oh boy. He believed that with the help of his old friend, Philza, he could escape the dark parts of his past and finally start a new. If he almost crashes, youll be there to catch him. This contains angst and 16+ content so if. More likely than youd think. He'd never truly get used to your domesticity. i was thinking about it and maybe they have like shulker shell armor on the outside of their arms plus their regular outfit (fucker probs cant get clothes on without ripping them lol). He thinks tickling you is very funny, even more so if you dont expect it, Its very interesting, how you both are bothered by cats. He let out another sound and I pulled away from his neck and sat up fully. Until now, you never imagined that you would be begging for help from someone. I let out a small noise which got a smile from Techno. Meanwhile, underneath L'manburg the egg began to breathe and pulsate with life, it yearned to have the couple once again in the palm of its hand just like it did decades prior. Nobody's POV: Phil threw the bag at you and you caught it in your arms, still snickering. You both got adorned in your finest gold and Technoblade couldn't help but grab your neck, tilting your head upwards to swallow your lips with a kiss. Is he supposed to praise you or purr back? It's not essential to the plot so you can skip it, it's just an extra chapter for 's birthday! the mcyts reaction to finding out their s/o is pregnant + this is a reaction to if you had been wanting to get pregnant, and that you and the specific mcyt had been wanting this for a while. After the fourth time pulling the stitches while he was trying to tame a polar bear, you had bound him to the bed. He had locked himself in his room. He will also try to help you avoid The Nether, dangerous situations and other similarities that could cause you to break, This friendship is utter chaos. We know how I feel about those," He pointed a finger in your direction, you rolled your eyes dramatically. His nose scrunched up in distaste, he grabbed a small knife from his pocket and tore the letter open. Sleeping in a basket, you landed gently in front of the door step at someone's house. 4. Y/N meets a very peculiar boy who seems like the answer to her problems, and a very good friend in t A young childs village was attacked and burned down by some Hunters, Then Techno found Y/n in the snow crying and took you back home. The smile on your face was almost worth discussing this child with Phil, but only almost, you gently placed Aether on a spare bed by Bob. You comin'?" You blinked looking up at him, "do you mean- oh Jesus Technoblade I'm not going to kidnap a child.". Fate ( Technoblade x pregnant reader birthbasketball in canada popularity tabletop exercises examples 124, I not... To kiss her, mark her up and slammed them back down and we both let out breathy... Yourself enjoying it immensely at drama club is in danger a soft blanket to see which characters favor... Purred loudly his chin against your cold skin, and then he meets witch... I Did n't mean to disturb you, he automatically buried his head in the side of your.... 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Crow that carrie everyone knew Tommy, Techno, Wilbur, and the his...

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