pampered chef host rewards
// set question count to 0 so that when the user wishes to retry, the quiz is on the right question count } .pcOffersHost .pcOffersHostContainer{flex-direction:column;width:100%;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto}.pcOffersHost .pcOffersHostImage{flex:100%}.pcOffersHost .pcOffersHostImage img{border-radius:10px 10px 0 0; width:100%; max-width:100%}.pcOffersHost .pcOffersHostText{flex:100%;}.pcOffersHost .pcOffersHostText span{width:100%} "With this party, you earn all the rewards. }, } flex: 100%; } display:flex; .pcOffersSubText{ max-width: 900px!important; You will not be connected to a party or Consultant. Everyone can receive savings between 2.5% to 25% on their entire order depending on the sales at the party. vertical-align: bottom; margin-left: 6px; top of page. personality: "Fundraiser" .hostRewardsBanner .hostRewardsBannerText {flex:100%;} "My birthday! padding:40px 40px 40px 20px padding: 40px; font-size:20px; Explore Pampered Chef Host Rewards 2022 with all the useful information below including suggestions, reviews, top brands, and related recipes,. } else { } else { } var qnOption = qn["option" + i]; } As a thank-you for hosting, you'll earn rewards starting at just $200 in guest sales. flex:50%; border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 10px; .pcFlexStory {margin-bottom: 40px }.pcFlexStory .pcFlexStoryContainer {display: flex;border-radius: 10px;background-color: #fff;padding:20px 20px;}.pcFlexStory .pcFlexStoryText {font-family: "Foundation Sans Roman", sans-serif;font-size: 18px;line-height: 22px;color: #000 }.pcFlexStory .pcFlexStoryText h2 {font-family: Antonio-Regular!important;font-size: 37px;line-height: 120%;margin-bottom: 20px }.pcFlexStory .pcFlexStorySubText h5{font-family: Antonio-Regular!important;font-size: 34px;line-height: 120%; text-transform: none;}.pcFlexStory .pcFlexStoryText span {margin-top: 20px }@media screen and (min-width:768px) {.pcFlexStory .pcFlexStoryContainer {flex-direction: row;align-items: flex-start }.pcFlexStory .pcFlexStoryImage {flex: 1;align-items: center;}.pcFlexStory .pcFlexStorySubText{flex: 1;align-items: center;padding: 20px;}.pcFlexStory .pcFlexStoryImage img {max-width: 100%;}.pcFlexStory .pcFlexStoryText {flex: 2;}.pcFlexStoryMob{display:none;}}@media screen and (max-width:767px) {.pcFlexStory .pcFlexStoryContainer {flex-direction: column;margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto }.pcFlexStory .pcFlexStoryImage {flex: 100%;padding:20px;text-align: center;}.pcFlexStory .pcFlexStoryImage img {max-width: 100%;}.pcFlexStory .pcFlexStoryText {flex: 100%;font-size: 13px;padding: 0px 0px 20px 0px;}.pcFlexStory .pcFlexStoryText h2 {font-size: 27px;}.pcFlexStory .pcFlexStorySubText h5{font-size: 20px;text-align: center;}.pcFlexStory .pcFlexStoryMob {text-align: center;}.pcFlexStory .pcFlexStoryMob span{width:100%;}.pcFlexStoryDesk{display:none;}} } if(location.hostname == ""){ #hubCardsFilters { highestPersonality = "Wedding"; "", margin-left:auto; Discounts start at $100 in sales. line-height: 135%; The Pampered Chef host and guest specials are unrivaled. line-height: 135%; question: "How do you want to get rewarded? Learn More About the Kits. ], showPage(1); } margin-left:auto; personality: "Shared" } padding:20px 80px 20px 80px ", max-width:300px; background-color:#F4B768!important; font-family: 'MuseoSans-900'; }. } .hostRewardsMobileButton{display:block; margin:20px;} #pcAssociationBanner{width: 90%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;} #host-circles{flex-direction:column;} } // bring the particular page into view. } #host-circles .circle-number img{ #mobile-head thead { }, #host-circles{ color: #282727; flex:50%; .pcOffersHostBanner .pcOffersHostBannerImage img{max-height:200px; margin-right:auto; margin-left:auto;} }, #host-circles{ .breadCrumb { visibility: hidden }. margin-left: 50px; font-family: "Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif; The Large Reusable Storage Bag will be automatically added to with each qualifying host order. #hubCards .hubCard { ", } border-left: solid 1px #327E8A; } } All the attention is on *me*! .hostRewardsTable{flex:100%;padding:20px 0px;}.hostRewards .hostRewardsTable span{width:100%} height: 250px; // find out the current percentage of completion and updates the css consultantID = "001000"; Shared rewards host are only eligible for the Large Reusable Storage Bag. } .pcOffersHostBanner .pcOffersHostBannerImage{flex:15%; text-align:right;} }, margin-top:40px;border:1px solid #C7C7C7;border-radius:10px;margin-left:10px;margin-right:auto;width:46.75%; Say Yes to the Apron and Get Up to 50% Off in January. border-radius: 10px; #hostTable p strong{ font-style: normal; font-size: 16px; highestScore = score["Wedding"]; margin-right:auto; } } } } } Talk to your consultant to decide where to party and what you and your friends will learn." } box-sizing: border-box; Host benefits that are redeemed by the host on their party consist of Free Product Rewards, the monthly host special, ha. flex-direction: column; }); } // for keeping track of the score }, #hostHeading { font-family: Questa; position: relative; #hubCards .hubCardImage { #filterSpacer { } else if(location.hostname == ""){ } margin-left:auto; document.getElementById("findConsultantButton").className = ""; align-items:center; personality: "Fundraiser" if(_dl.consultant_association && _dl.consultant_association != ""){ #hubCards { #host-circles{flex-direction:column;} border-radius: 10px; // to unselect all of the options .hostRewards .hostRewardsImage{ // get the current select option margin-bottom:40px; #hubCards .hideLink{display:none;} pages[0].style.display = "none"; @media screen and (min-width:768px){ } Save together. // bring the particular page into view. }); var qn = questions["question" + currentQn]; @media screen and (max-width:767px) { if(location.hostname == ""){ font-weight: normal; background: #1a5962; document.getElementById("hostparty-type-2").innerText = } width:100%; if(location.hostname == ""){ option2: { }, 250); #tpc-footer .allHeader:hover,#tpc-footer .deskHeader:hover,#tpc-footer ul li 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18px;vertical-align: -webkit-baseline-middle;vertical-align: middle;}@media screen and (min-width:768px){}@media screen and (max-width:767px){#tpcfooterlcForm label{display:block;margin-bottom:15px;margin-right: 0px;}}, function footIcon(selected) { #hubCards .hubCard { All Rights Reserved. margin-left: 20px!important; #hubCardsFilters .active { width:97%; if(consultantID != "" && country != ""){ }); max-width: 50% 40% Future Party Pick Get 40% off any item or set at parties booked from yours. #hubCards img { ", border-radius: 50%; "Have a cause that's close to your heart? font-family:"Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif; } text-align: left; Hosts get twice as much to spend on products when guest sales are $650 or more. .hostRewardsDeskButton{display:block;} content: "Volunteering or giving back to my community. ", } margin-right: 5px; text-align:center; flex-direction:row; } else { } document.getElementById("lcCountry").value = country; align-items:center width: 100%; $156/ year (Best value- Save $36!) . #hubCards .hubCardImage { var highestPersonality = "Host"; flex-direction: column; var htmlStr = "
" + qnOption.content + "
"; ", line-height: 135% !important; if (currentQn < 3) { #takeQuiz h1 { } } pages[num].style.display = "block"; var option = document.getElementById("option" + i); #hostTablePartyVid { } setInterval(function(){ color: #fff; margin-bottom: 5px !important; Check out our latest Test Kitchen LIVE! question: "What's your favorite special occasion? flex:1; #mobile-head th { strong { } Based on 2020 host redemption of specials, discounts, half-price items, and free product value. } font-family: "Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif; } option1: { #hubCards .hubCardImage img { background-color: #FFF; } margin-right:auto; .pcDouble .pcDoubleContent .pcDoubleFeature .pcDoubleFeatureBox .pcDoubleLogo img{ line-height:135%; var personalityResult = result[highestPersonality]; position: relative; bottom: 0; height: 100%; padding:40px; Called Pampered Chef to see about a replacement and they are telling me it only had a three year warranty. personality: "Fundraiser" #hubCards .hubCard { } line-height: 20px; Plan out your wish list NOW, I will contact you after all guest orders have been placed to go over what you have earned. color:#fff; .about{ border-radius: 10px; }, } } country = "CA"; function showPage(num) { font-family: 'MuseoSans-700', sans-serif !important; margin-bottom: 20px; #hostPWSBox #hostPWSBoxPicRow{text-align: center;} country = "US"; border-radius: 10px;margin-bottom: 40px;max-width: 700px; Free product rewards cannot be applied to monthly host specials, half-price products, discounted products, half-price combos, shipping, or sales tax. /* Consultant Box Style */ } width: 100%; } }, .hostDashboard { #hostFutureReward { }, #takeQuiz { See details. max-width: 95% padding: 5px 15px; showPage(1); background: #1a5962; font-family: "Foundation Sans Roman", sans-serif; The bigger the party, the bigger the savings. padding: 10px; line-height: 20px; var footIconState = jQuery(selected).data("isopen"); btn[3].checked = false; content: ", justify-content: center text-align: left; margin:10px 10px; margin-left:auto; .hostRewards .hostRewardsText{ } question2: { to see all the Shows you're invited to or hosting! font-family: "Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif; } padding-bottom: 41.50%!important; } } font-style: normal; } align-items:center; max-width: 900px!important; #hubCards .quoteCard .quoteName{ font-family: Antonio-Regular; margin-top:40px;border:1px solid #C7C7C7;border-radius:10px;margin-left:auto;margin-right:10px;width:46.75%; height: 100%; padding: 40px; var pwsURI = ""; In a Shared Rewards Party, guests get to earn discounts along with the host! var btn = document.getElementsByTagName("input"); Have a cause that 's close to your heart Fundraiser ''.hostRewardsBanner.hostRewardsBannerText flex:100!, } border-left: solid 1px # 327E8A ; } } All the is... ; } } All the attention is on * me * and guest specials unrivaled! 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