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why does naofumi marry melty

While Naofumi considers the slave merchant to be a useful person due to his role in providing him with various slaves for his growing army, he does not indicate any real trust for the man. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. She comes with three face plates including a standard expression, an angry expression perfect for combat scenes and an emotional expression from when her and . Raphtalia becomes significantly more outgoing towards Naofumi and even has a decent handle on him, carefullyfinding ways to get him to comply with her choices despitetheir master-slave relationship. After seeing L'Arc's home and influence, it inspired Naofumi to create his own territory to fight the Waves. However, Melty still loved her sister, and was unhappy about her impending execution, and was grateful when Naofumi decided to spare her. Does Naofumi marry melty? In each of those encounters, Naofumi recognized Shadow from the rest of the shadows only by the particular way of speaking about her. Despite their first interaction with each other, they get along very well with together and enjoy each other's company since they both have a fondness for the Raph species. During negotiations after Whore's second attempt at screwing over those whom she felt had wronged her, Mirellia arranged Malty to be married off to King Faubrey which is seen in noble courts as a horrible form of capital punishment; practically a death sentence for problematic high society. After the events of the Spirit Tortoise incident, Naofumi meets Ren again, this time their roles reversed, Naofumi is now loved and adored by the public while the three other Heroes are hated and despised. Kizuna tends to be more diplomatic and friendly to her enemies while Naofumi would rather show a strong hand. The series builds a large number of characters and relationships, which leads to inevitable questions on who does Naofumi end up with in The Rising of the Shield Hero. Eventually, Naofumi did indeed marry Melty (and several other women, including Raphtalia) and in effect became Trash's son in law. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! If you are married to a U.S. citizen, you will enjoy many benefits, but also face a few inconveniences. Keel is also obsessed with Naofumi's cooking and will even eat it off the floor if it drops. Like many others, she finds some clear fault with Naofumi's personality. Such as she giving other female party members a hard time and secretly kicking them out (even selling the one named Rino as a slave to a noble), her exceptionally wasteful spending of funds (both the parties & the national treasury) or pushing inexorable taxations on grief stricken rurales and her attempts to kill Melty, something which Ren and Itsuki noticed but he did not (or even deliberately neglected). Eventually, the two have a heart-to-heart conversation which briefly touches on the subject of marriage. She dislikes being treated as a child or being called "second princess" by him and eventually convinces him tocall her by her name instead. There is hope that they will get married in the future! Raphtalia matures rapidly from a child to a young adult within a week or two due to the effects of her level grinding and her being a demi-human. Naofumi realizes his suspicions of the man and his movement had been more right than not. Press J to jump to the feed. This is first demonstrated when Melty attacked Motoyasu who was holding Filo captive. He hates the Shield Hero because he fought a war with Siltvelt, a country that worships him.Because of such, he unjustly villainizes Naofumi, simply because he bares the role, unwillingly; and helps Malty with her lies, even . Fitoria, like the Filolial Queen, is capable of transforming into a massive bird. It has been hinted on a few occasions that S'yne may have romantic feelings for Naofumi. Naofumi also finds Ethnobalt to be quite an effective intellectual asset and has thought about replacing Filo with Ethnobalt several times, which upsets her when she realizes Naofumi is thinking of it. As she spends time within Naofumi's village, she gains confidence and immense fighting skills. How does MYNE die? In return, Naofumi is fond of Raph-chan. Likening his warped, self-serving opinion of himself and persistence of theocratic supremacy in the name of God to Malty's spoiled and deluded sense of entitlement towards whatever she wanted. Naofumi only remembers Imiya's first name as the rest of his name seems too long and complicated for him to remember. Generally speaking, Naofumi has found Filo's expression of selfishness, gluttony, and childish-tantrum behavior to be annoying. Light Novel Spoilers Together, they were able to plan an ambush that killed Mirellia and liberate Malty from her slave crest for good. Melty expressed her desire into wanting to befriend Filo and vice versa. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Whenever Naofumi takes pleasure in the suffering of those who've caused him grief, especially Malty and Trash, Raphtalia tries to reign him in and cautions against expressing this joy. This is seen where her father was visibly shocked to learn of all of his eldest daughter's lies being revealed via the temporary slave brand marked on her set to shock her every time she lied, hinting that Aultcray never even suspected Malty of lying to him. Naofumi sees himself more as Filo's owner like how he views Raphtalia as his own daughter, thus not seeing Filo as a love interest. To spur him into action, Naofumi pretended to be villain. In the anime it was a pie she was slated to take to Raphtalia's table during festivities, but was caught in the act by her younger sister Melty and ended up electrocuted by her slave crest when she tried to lie about her malignant intentions. Even after betraying them, stealing everything they had, and then leaving a note where she admits these things while also insulting them, she still has the gall to tell them that all her problems are Naofumi's fault and she might be willing to love them if they kill him. Later, when the charges on Naofumi were absolved by the Queen, the Spear Hero refused to accept Malty was behind the framing of the Shield Hero for the longest time; Motoyasu even agreed to shoulder her debt to some extent. The pope's true nature sours Melty's opinion of Melromarc's most holy man when the latter reveals just how far he and his sects nefarious schemes truly stretch. Naofumi's trust of Melty is completely based on Filo's good grasp of character who has complete trust in her. If you're getting married in Pennsylvania, you must first apply for a marriage license. This made Atla trust Naofumi and request him to take care of her brother because of how she originally wouldn't live much longer. He enjoys petting her that it's how he spends some of his free time. When they meet again by having another similar conversation, Sadeena expresses her respect towards Naofumi's strength and surprise on how well he holds his liquor and even eating a lukor fruit. After his rampage, Ren finally admits it was his fault that his party died and starts to atone for his sins as he begins training with Eclair while living in Naofumi's village. After being talked down, Malty and her father's punishment was revised and her legal name would be changed to "Bitch." When Melty first met Filo she immediately became interested in her which stems from her fascination with Filolials in general. So it didn't happen in the anime. Myne pretending to help Naofumi was a set up to convict him of arguably the worst crime in Melromarc: rape against a woman in a matrilineal society. Once having easily convinced the Spear Hero of falsely claiming Naofumi had something as ridiculous as a "brainwashing shield", by which he supposedly mind controlled people around the country into accepting him. At this point, Naofumi and Raphtalia are constantly bombarded by onlookers who are anticipating their relationship to get more intimate, but the two take their own pace. Fearing her mother's wrath towards him, Melty rushes to mend his relationship with the Shield Hero but fails due to the Hero's constant refusal. Because Melty has never seen a Filolial like Filo (her large appearance, ability to speak, and ability to take a human form) before, this interest grew even further. Answer (1 of 7): Ah, yes. From now on, he desires to truly help people in trouble and to make everything right again. Shadow tends to exasperate Naofumi mainly because of the teasing attitude she often takes towards him and her belief that if Naofumi takes someone to level up it is because she wants to make him her lover. Does Naofumi marry melty? Whore. L'Arc also tends to envy Naofumi due to Therese's attention to him due to how skilled Naofumi is at creating accessories, this has led L'Arc to practice his skills in creating accessories a lot, which is why which all her classmates began to say that her face became one similar to Naofumi's. Naofumi initially chose Raphtalia for her low price, and because he wanted to imagine enslaving Malty, who trumped up the false charges against him. She also told him it would kill her if she betrayed him or lied to him which shocked him further and only he could remove it. Who is the weakest hero in Shield hero? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Eventually, Naofumi did indeed marry Melty (and several other women, including Raphtalia) and in effect became Trash's son in law. Their relationship improves to the point that he allows Melty to play with Filo again when he originally warned Filo not to befriend her and would entrust Filo to Melty when he returned to his world. However, due to her actions of helping Takt and her later encouraging him to kill Queen Mirellia, her own mother, and him later doing so to her own pleasure, Aultcray was shown to have been completely horrified by his own daughter's actions and later fell into shock upon realizing Malty's true character. Later upon recovering thanks to Naofumi, Aultcray orders her execution despite his personal attachment to her for the sake of his country and finally have Malty pay for her crimes. Rapunzel is a very beautiful 18-year old (in the film) young woman with fair skin, rosy cheeks, large green eyes, brown eyelashes, brown eyebrows and light freckles around her nose.. Was Rapunzel pregnant? As Ren explains how his party was murdered during the Spirit Tortoise Incident, he calls them weak and blames his now deceased party members for their deaths and not himself, causing Naofumi to call him out for this. While Naofumi was ultimately Fohl's dear sister's savior, Fohl was ultimately antagonistic towards Naofumi. Both dislike the fact that they are engaged but it seems like it cannot easily be undone. Eventually Naofumi shows his first signs of affection by stroking Raphtalia's head with her permission. Midway through the series, Naofumi has become the most useful hero in the group by far. After that, they met again on several other occasions, mainly to exchange information. While Itsuki was under the Pride curse and began accusing Naofumi of being evil, Rishia defends Naofumi from Itsuki's baseless accusations. Myne pretending to help Naofumi was a set up to convict him of arguably the worst crime in Melromarc: rape against a woman in a matrilineal society. Mr. Iwatani's originally kind personality snapped violently, he became distrustful of anyone who is not a slave, and for a very long time . Thus causing the hatred he feels for the disgraceful former princess to grow and become more maniacal as time passes. She tells Naofumi that Malty is a person who will out lives at the cost of others and believes that she survived the spirit tortoise. When you purchase Naofumi initially believed Motoyasu played a part in framing him for raping Malty for his own personal gains, but over time, Naofumi came to realize that Motoyasu is very naive, delusional, stupid and evidently doesn't know that he's being manipulated by Malty. When they finally face each other, Raphtalia ends up revealing their respective true identities. She has become something of a tsundere towards Naofumi due to these events, and it's implied that her feelings for him extend beyond what she wants him to hear about. Although she was purchased more along the lines of a beast, he raises her with compassion alongside Raphtalia. Honestly, I think they did kiss, but I also think that the studio did this scene in a way that leaves it ambiguous on purpose. He, along with other Heroes, believed Malty's false rape charges on Naofumi and berated him as well. After Malty eventually betrays him, Motoyasu falls into depression, which leads to Filo cheering him up and causing him to fall completely in love with Filo and start calling Naofumi "father-in-law." When Naofumi cured her with an Elixir of Yggdrasil, which was created by his Shield, Atla became very attached, if not affectionate, towards him and wished to be of great use to him. Naofumi likes Imiya largely because she reminds him of Raphtalia when they first met. Naofumi thinks about how he would've originally liked this before being betrayed by Malty but now finds it annoying. The Rising of the Shield Hero Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Later, Ren along with Itsuki points her involvement in the foul play of the Sacred Duel between Naofumi and Motoyasu and stands for Naofumi. After Ren's persuasion, Itsuki agrees to investigate the abduction case against Naofumi. Assuming you are familiar with the a. Naofumi, on the other hand, creeps out on him. The Rising of the Shield Hero has emerged as one of the most-loved isekai anime of recent years, offering a slightly grittier and more realistic depiction of life for a hero in another world. This is largely because he never got the chance to make the same trouble the rest of them did. Naofumi also began to pamper her a little more since in the world of Glass she took a form according to her age for a while, when Naofumi saw that she was not older than Raphtalia when she met her so when considering everything she went through being so Young, Naofumi decided to pamper her a bit. However, this didn't stop Raphtalia on somewhat complying with Naofumi's actions and decisions to not be involved with her. Rishia doesn't share the negative view of the Church of Three Heroes because of her education at Faubley and expresses fear at Naofumi's demeanor until Raphtalia is able to remove her doubts. When Melty began to travel with Naofumi again because of a conspiracy surrounding the Cult of the Three Heroes and Malty, Filo expressed her joy into traveling with Melty again. He refuses to believe all the rumors of Naofumi's "evil deeds" and claims that there must be a reason for his doings. When he came face to face with Naofumi, he was too friendly with him and refused to believe him to be the Shield Hero, as he claimed to be. After the Spirit Tortoise incident, Malty approached Ren and took advantage of his damaged emotional state to manipulate him and use him to escape from Naofumi arresting her. Malty seemed to consider Raphtalia nothing but an annoyance and completely underestimated her during their final battle, which resulted in her complete defeat, subsequent arrest, and eventual . After been talked down, her punishment was having her completely stripped of her royal status and her civilian name changed to "Bitch." This reflects a relationship similar to a parent and daughter. Does Naofumi marry melty? However, after some time, he ended up becoming just like others, selfish to the core! "Naofumi, thank you for bringing me home!" From the popular anime series "The Rising of the Shield Hero Season 2" comes a Nendoroid of the Second Princess of Melromarc, Melty! So Naofumi as the shield hero would be a status symbol they can use to in diplomatic relations with Shieldfreeden and Siltvelt, while keeping the rightful Ruler at home among her people. Malty often acts like a doting big sister to Melty in regards to the actions of the crown, but the main reason why she was targeted for her and the Cult's latest scheme to undermine Shield Demon naofumi in the first place was, simply because she rebuked her regarding the matter of having Naofumi and the King reconcile since it was on the Queen's order. This motivated Trash to wake up from his stupor and regain his title of the Wisest King of Wisdom and the Staff Hero. She was particularly horrified at how the malignant nobleman resorted to torture and mutilation in order to get his way. When Naofumi's name was cleared, Melty and Filo now spend more time together much to both their joys. Sharing the same mindset of Malty in many ways and was almost similar to her, thus the two demented aristocrats got along well with one another and joined in on all of the evil acts. Naofumi considers Ethnobalt to be an incredible intellectual resource. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested! Melty, on the other hand, cares for her sister's well being (even after Malty attempted to murder her) despite knowing full well her rotten character, but also understands that Malty needs to be punished and held accountable for her crimes. Regardless, Naofumi deeply respects Sadeena for her strength and begins depending on her in the rebuilding of the village and training the villagers to fight the Waves. In the web novel, Naofumi does in fact marry Melty while still having relationships with other characters. Eventually, Naofumi did indeed marry Melty (and several other women, including Raphtalia) and in effect became Trash's son in law. Malty being who she was, grew irate and insulted by the revelation and promised to murder the pope for betraying; in her words, the next queen. Naofumi's relationship with Itsuki is very strained, to put it politely. Naofumi bought the siblings because of the potential he saw in their bloodline and saw her as a means to ensure her brother's loyalty. Ambition of the Red Princess is a Rising of the Shield Hero Alternate Universe Fic co-written by Qinlongfei and Comrade Broseph.. When they meet again in the Spirit Tortoise, which was rampaging because of a man named Kyo from Glass's world, they display their respective hostility towards one another but are willing to become allies against Kyo as their common enemy. However, she slowly starts changing her mind about Naofumi when he saves her life against an assassination attempt from the Church of the Three Heroes; henceforth, under the Shield's protection, their relationship finally begins to thaw, although she is still terrified of his harbored resentment toward her family. For example, when she kicks Motoyasu in the crotch during her first encounter with him, Naofumi immediately feels she was a brilliant investment andtells her to do it every time henceforth. She joined Naofumi's party after being kicked out of Itsuki's party. Spear Hero spends his time chasing girls when he's not adventuring. . Like Raphtalia, Filo displays great affections (including romantically) towards Naofumi. Going so far as to liken the man as "evil" before and after hearing about the terse history he shared with Raphtalia, the slave girl in his care. Eventually, after tracking down him down, Naofumi, with the help of Eclair, suppresses him and knocks some sense into him. They decide to keep travelling together because it is safer, especially for Naofumi because his levels have been reset. Naofumi was forced to purchase her as a slave early on in order to compensate for his lack of offensive abilities, along with the stigma of the false charges against him that prevented him from forming a party with anyone else. Malty's nasty behavior mixed with the church's influence and her raging jealousy prompts her to constantly obstruct Naofumi's journey and attempts to get stronger in the vilest of ways without a hint of remorse. They start off on neutral footing, but it soon becomes alienated by his dark disposition, which only gets worse when he learns of her royal lineage. Naofumi first meets Kizuna when he falls into Kyo's trap while traveling to Glass' world and is dropped into an inescapable prison instead. Its important to stress that what happens in the web and light novels might not translate to the anime, as each variation has made slight amendments. Naofumi's party where the only ones who properly trained under her. Notably, despite how she had betrayed Motoyasu, Ren, and Malty. Unlike most people of Glass' World, Ethnobalt didn't fear Naofumi since he came from another world. No, thanks. After betraying Naofumi, taking his stuff, and framing him for an attempt of raping her, she gives Hero of the Spear the stolen chain mail and convinces him of her being the victim. Ethnobalt to be villain complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested of... Occasions that S'yne may have romantic feelings why does naofumi marry melty Naofumi because his levels have been reset hatred he feels for disgraceful. Speaking about her eventually Naofumi shows his first signs of affection by stroking Raphtalia 's head with her co-written... Up becoming just like others, she gains confidence and immense fighting skills originally would n't much. Enjoy many benefits, but also face a few inconveniences they finally face each other, Raphtalia ends revealing. 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