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udorn air base thailand photos

I was a North Vietnamese interpreter with USAF/NSA. I served at Korat Thailand from November 1965-November 1966 as a Weapons Technician on the F-105s. Agent orange was sprayed on us while doing a preflight inspection. Comment and Posting Policy. I know that he was transferred to Clark AFB Medical Center for wounds he sustained purportedly in a bar fight. Thank you. Found I had CLL in November of 2018. Thank you for your comment and your service. 10 years and going. Udorn 08/1970 to 07/1971 Looking for photos of Hospital tents for that time. Stationed at Korat Thailand 1974-1975. EVERY VA case that was filed with the VA relative to your search will come up. Facilities such as the control tower, headquarters, living quarters, and others are indicated, but the officialperimeter of the base of is not clearly discernible. I was diagnosed 3 years ago with two forms of bladder cancer. I have a very rare blood disorder and have to take very strong meds to survive, I remember asking the guys what they were spraying all over the compound and the answer was for bugs!!! I came down with type II Diabetes and then in 2006 I was diagnosed with Hairy cell Leukemia. (70-71) FLEW 50+ MISSIONS OVER LAOS AND CAMBODIA. How do I get map of the base to substantiate my claim? I can find no record of U-2 service at Utapao. If you were there you were in contact with agent orange. Contrary to the belief of the VA a chain link fence DOSE NOT STOP THE drift of the spray in to the tin BKS with all windows open all the time Needless to say I got Bladder CANCER! He passed away 15 Dec 2020. was in use. Scurry, Texas. Any type of work other than my assigned AFAC. The 333rd Air Base Squadron at Udorn RTAFB was redesignated the 6232nd Combat Support Group (CSG) in July 1965, then . Cambodia at Mimot or Krek, Kampong Cham Province, during the period beginning April 16, 1969, ending April 30, 1969. As part of a Military Assistance Program (MAP) funded project, the Secretary of Defense authorized construction of an airfield in Nakhon Phanom to improve logistic . I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2014 and learned shortly after about the direct correlation between prostate cancer and agent Orange. Other key basesfor USAF operations included Korat, Ubon, U-Tapao, andDon Muang, andUdorn. Retired in 1992 as MSgt from Tx Air National Guard , also as photo . if you look at the road that goes to the beach it starts where the vp squadrons were. 6.Any photos of the tanker trucks that sprayed the base or photos of men spraying the perimeter fencing, yep, I have sent those in with claims, too. 1968.if so lets communicate.I need help to substanuate Just Broke 90, I was approved for AO exposure. Anyone else reading this pleaseet me know on here. And best of luck to all my brothers and sisters who served. I was the Operations Sargent. The US deployment came home in 75, but the Thais around the areas of the bases were exposed to it continuously then and since. I came to Korat as a PFC from Phu Bie Vietnam and left as a Specialist E-5. We had to work with the thai police who carried weapons and we could not. Thanks. I served in Ubon Air force base late 70-71 as a mechanic. . I said yes and thats when we found information about AO at Takhli. Had surgery to remove lymph nodes in my groin and starting chemo next week. Surgey for tumor removal and repair of a broken humorus bone from the tumor., radiation, and 6 months of intensive high dose chemo. To jack stover. His name was Robert Lewis . we lived in tents, waited for rain to shower and ate c-rats until the seabees came. Applied in 2015 for Compensation according to the Presumable VA list, and was denied not service connected. My only AO disability is diabetes. Leroy Paluch, Michael Everett, Stephen Lawson I would be glad to. My brother was the very best brawler I have known so I still find it hard to believe that he would have been badly injured in any kind of brawl. - U.S. Air Foce Veterans whe served on RTAF bases at U-Tapao, Ubon, Nakhon Phanom, Udorn, Takhli, Korat and Don Muang, near the air base perimeter any time between Feb. 28, 1961 and May 7, 1975. I could sure use a map showing the location of the MARS shack. Havent had any luck finding maps showing our location on the base. Thanks for all of the help brothers. Hello Donald, My name is Pablo Quinones. I would appreciate anyones input. (NOTE: I thought that this would have to be my last VA Claim to have to file.) Trying to get help for my x-husband.Thanks. It was no secret and the commanders knew as well as everyone else. On the reverse is a map titled U.S. Jailing some who died there days later. They also refuse to acknowledge i was a mechanic on C123K spray aircraft returning form Vietnam. etc. The reason they gave me was that I was there in peace time. Often worked End of runway. The Air Base. The second time I got the run-around youve read in so many other accounts: No evidence of AO use in my area or base during my time there, I was the wrong AFSC wasnt a cop, couldnt prove perimeter duty, etc. I loved Thailand and the people, and have no regrets having been stationed there for a year. I was stationed at Korat 74-75 388 MMS 46250 weapons mech F4. I am quite sure we did everything thing but devour agent with our daily meals and duties. I supplied them one, and they still said no. From what I have been able to piece together, he either served at one or more listening posts or was in combat. USAF fighter-bombers first arrived in late1961. My Dad, Marvin M. Parker, from GA, was an Air Force airman serving in Udorn, Thailand (1970-1971). Id also like to find out what my dad did while he was there. Korat RTAFB, Thailand: Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base was a base of the Royal Thai Air Force in northeast Thailand, approximately 157 mi northeast of Bangkok and about 5 mi south of the centre of Nakhon Ratchasima (also known as "Khorat" or "Korat"), the second largest city in Thailand. I,m 90% disabled & will help any way I can. 4, 6922 SW. Was stationed in NKP 68 609 air commando sq. But I found it. Rich Kollen visiting Chiang Mai. Am 6 foot 3 inch Af American. I was a canine dog handler along the flightline and base parameters and one of my most common memories was the smell of the chemical agents to kill vegetation and the mosquito foggers. photos are very powerful. This surgery left me mobility impaired. WHOs the right VA do I CONNECT. I am so sick and tired of this mess.My CAD is getting much worse now.. F-104C 57-916 with nose art "Time Hog" on the ramp of Udorn Air Base in 1967 (Photo by Kenneth W Buchanan) @ Not extremely sharp but very unique color photo showing the "Time Hog" being in white color. I only was approved for Agent Orange exposure due to my being able to PROVE to the VA that, on my way to Thailand, our military transport plane landed at Saigon and when I left we were routed on the military plane and landed on Saigon on the way home! Antenna (Referred to as The Elephant Cage due to its enormous size and thousands of yards around it were emmaculately kept free of any & all vegetation by I suspect was Agent Orange liberal applications from rotar and fixed wing aircraft since sabotage was a constant threat. In addition Marine Aircraft Group 15 operated from Royal Thai Air Base Nam Phong from June 1972 to September 1973. . Worked at Communication Center. 47TFS. There DDT and herbicides were deployed in and at the perimeter of this small camp. 5. I served in USAF at Sagion Tan Son Nhut AFB in 1964,I worked in large tent about a 100 yrs from the pad where an C123 transport was maintained and I pasted by the plane twice a day if it not out spraying Agent Orange.The plane nose was named Old Patches because it fly low ans slow over the tree tops doing its mission.I remember men would stand in the back of a duce and quarter filling the planes tank with agent orange by using a hand pump from a 55 gal drums.I remember seeing the stuff over flow from the drums and pump onto the ground.These men wore no protective gear the fuseledge of the plane would covered from spraying runs.Back in the 60s there were no Hazmat warning,and no one knew a lust green jungle one the day,a few days later dead.I remember taking Hughy out along the Makong river and both side of the river were dead seems like a mile on each side.The stuff really works.I my heart I feel those men are not with us today having working in those conitions.I was told Agent Orange was shipped to war in Cargo ships by the the thosands of drums.Udorn AFB was the same around the base on a fly in there.By now all those Airman are dead and I guess there still a need for more proof. Well I got called up and guarded the base perimeter. Three T-28 Trojans taxi at Udorn. Agent Orange is an herbicide that was used to defoliate the thick jungle in Vietnam and elsewhere in Southeast Asia, such as the Korean Demilitarized Zone. I got spayed twice while working nights while working fighter between embankments. On 8 June 1967 the squadron relocated from Udorn to Tuy Hoa Air Base, South Vietnam and began to receive HC-130Ps to replace their HC-130Hs. Then in 2015 Lewy Body Dementia, with Parkisonism showing up as the primary symptom. Prostate cancer, ishemic heart disease, hypothyroidism. I am trying to file claims for benefits for him or get them finished up rather. After reading all the comments by my fellow veterans. When I told them I figured it out they said, Too Late!, I served at U-Tapao royal thai airfield from 1968-1969. 8th TFW / Telecommunications / UBON June 1972 June 1973. He was diagnosed with neuropothy in early 2000s. [AUST ARMY SIGNAL CORP. ] THANKS. I come from a family without heart issues. 8,699. but continue to deny IBM as Service Connected. I lost my husband, also a Vietnam vet, who served in Saigon and in Thailand, who for years ignored symptoms, playing ostrichwhen he felt lousy, which was about most of the time, hed say, its just my allergies. I operated a USAFPCS Truck from the APO to the Aerial Port Terminal, driving along the base perimeter road that ran parallel to the base perimeter fencing, where almost daily Thais were busy spraying the foliage with a sweet smelling item (later found out to be herbicides (aka Agent Orange), so our Security Forces could have a clear killing zone in case of any impending Sapper Attacks occured. I have since applied for compensation been turned down because the VA says there is no record of me serving as an AUGMENTEE on the BASE PERIMETER. I was stationed at Camp Vayama, Sattahip, Thailand. Co. of which I was a member. The cement barracks and the hospital were also in that area. I filed a claim with the VA. First they said that AO was not used at Tahkli since 1964, then they said that They never received my medical records( which I sent). Well I did in 2018 and Im still fighting for it. Prostate monitor. He was stationed in Thailand RTAFB but not sure where. Nevada VA hospital. I was stationed at Udorn RTAFB in 1967-68 in the USAF. One last thing. from the Perimeter fence line. {Response to: Post No# 8 D lashay He passed away from Pancreatic Cancer on July 4th, 2016, three and a half months after being diagnosed with diabetes and the cancer. This is the first I have heard about possible AO exposure in Thailand for some who served there, depending on their MOS / AFSC, or requirements to work perimeters. I was told if I was in Vietnam regardless where I would receive full benefits. The only thing he disclosed was that the lives of men depended on how well he performed the duties and responsibilities assigned to him. Can I use this blog as apiece of evidence to support his claim? Depending in what shop your Father was in Im sure that I had to run across him in that hangar we worked out of. One day the foliage at the end of the runways was green the next brown. Not just as Congress decided in it new regulations. I worked nights and slept days and, sometime in the middle of my year, an F-4 was returning to base with a hung 500lb bomb. (Courtesy photo by Michael E. Fader) I was also at Udorn ,Thailand in 1974 to 75 as a RF-4C crew chief. Do your homework before writing articles. I finally caught up with our Rosegarden group about a year ago and attended my first reunion in May of 2022. Flew into Udorn and Vientiane, Laos. I believe theres another reunion in the works for 2024. We walked in it, ate our C rats in it, and at times we slept in it. Worked on the trim pad. that area was build by the navy seebee, not the red horse. Oh I guess I forgot to mention exposure to A O increases your chances of developing autoimmune diseases by a factor of several hundred thousand. aircrew member on an EC121 Rivet Top aircraft. What was the # of your B. I, myself, have not suffered from exposure there, but several of my colleagues and good friends from that period have died from complications due to Agent Orange, and several others still fight the ongoing process of the exposure. What other tasks did he do that could have brought him to the perimeter? The photo was taken shortly before the aircraft received its . I do believe that every Service Member who was Deployed to Thailand was affected in some fashion medically and health wise. Stationed at NKP 1967/1968. The VA refused my claim twice now for compensation due to the fact that I wasnt in the Military Police Co which would have patrolled the perimeter of the airbase. 2b. I lived on the perimeter road where the Pathit Lao sappers broke through. NKP RTAFB 1971-1972 in the 56th FMS . I was in Takhli 68-69, Hanoi Hanna said the Cong was coming over Dec. 3, 1968 and so myself and others were training along part of the jungle and perimeter of the base and I was set along the flight line during that time. Sent another request for reconsideration in 2022, it takes months awaiting that response.Problem is I do not have copies of TDY orders from 50 years ago. Greatly appreciate any information. Base perimeter was barbed wire fence. I know that Udorn was classified as a front line facility. Considering the amount of inquiry around this matter, findingofficial maps that offer highly-detailed depictionsof the locationswhere Americans were based in Thailand and that were madeduring the Vietnam warhas proven elusive, even at the Library of Congress. I was stationed in Korat, Thailand at Camp Friendship from 22 Mar 67 to 7 Mar 68. Reply. ANY IN FO WOULD BE GLADLY RECEIVED , JOHN BOYD . In addition to the wealth of Technical Services capability at Udorn, a number of other valuable support assets have been developed. Did you by any chance know him? ASA units in Thailand, clarified by Gary Kay: The 5th RRU was there first, of course, and it morphed into the 83rd RRSOU, still in Bangkok. That was a small air Base. I had pictures of my duty section with no vegetation and an identical picture I took 37 years later tank farm covered in vegetation. Worked 50 yards from airbase perimeter. I was deployed to NKP Thailand August 1962 with USN MCB3 to construct the battalion base camp and later to defoliage the jungle and underbrush to construct the airbase 8 miles inland from the Mekong River, out of mortar range. His doc stated that he had diabetes before the cancer. We left just after Jack Trimble was shot down. God Bless, and good luck on the benefit that you so deserve. The film features footage of various US Air Force fighter jets, including the McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom, the Lockheed C-5 Galaxy, and the North American T-28th Trojan. The Library of Congress does not control the content posted. But thats the Marine Corps way. Any help would be welcomed. Before = Would like to make contact with Robert Calhoun 388 Security Police Squadron Korat. I had no idea that AO was being used to clear the jungles before we went in to grade and build barracks. He recently passed and we are trying to get help from the VA. Did anyone work with him and possibly have any pictures of him being near the perimeter? My assigned AFAC ending April 30, 1969, not the red horse a weapons Technician on base... To find out what my Dad, Marvin M. Parker, from GA, was an Air force base 70-71... Valuable support assets have been developed either served at one or more listening or! Who was deployed to Thailand was affected in some fashion medically and health wise could.. 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