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floating arm trebuchet ratios

Lastly, with everything aligned, clamp them together in the stack and let dry. extra lateral support Without the other, the tracks may not be aligned or the width of the drop channels might narrow or widen (Not staying even= bad) 11. on Step 17. We will be building this for our college pumpkin launch later this summer. *I want a 3.5:1 ratio. Next, grab you trigger pin and just hold it beneath the CW bolt. Webof the pivot, mass and inertia of the arm, mass of the projectile, ratio of the pivot/arm's center of gravity, mass of the counterweight, wind speed, and release angle. I see you mentioned you built 2. Center it; make sure the same length of bolt is protruding from either side. i need to make mine 3x3x3. Ok the longer support will go on the side where the track is longer, the side that the drop channel is farther away from. Image by Ron L. Toms. The aluminum support pieces are not necessary if the trebuchet is short enough or the CW is very light- if you can raise the cw to the top in one shot, g4u. Then cut the axle about 3 inches shorter than the width. Clamp the beam and let it dry, allowing the appropriate time for curing (follow resin instructions). It will prevent frame strikes, jams and other problems later on. Just get several throught the drop channel assembly and into the track. The wheels were fixed in a similar fashion, and axle grease was used to lubricate the wheels. The arm extension is added onto the rest of the arm with three different methods. if you buy pt lumber make sure they are approved for use in it.. Although they need to be lined up, don't worry too much about the squareness of the main track supports to the base, since that will be corrected by diagonal pieces, from the track supports to the track itself. What did you finally use for the rollers? on Introduction. on Introduction. Use a drill press if you are going to drill one hole because one hole needs to be better aligned than a bunch of smaller ones. Drive 2 screws through the drop channels and into the supports. The frame is made of 4x4 held together with deck screws and carriage bolts, and our design allowed for the frame to be removed from the base with bolts only. 2 segments of 3 ft. (0.9144 m) long 2 X 4 by 2 in (0.381 X 0.0508 m) 12. 10 1/4 in. The most common of several trigger mechanisms is two eye bolts and a peg through both bolts. I had no idea what the problem was at first. Use a washer wherever metal is coming in contact with wood. Once everything is square, true, straight aligned or whatever you feel like saying, We can put this beast together. WebSmall floating arm trebuchet plans. I will be launching this in a range 200yds and I'm looking to toss under that because I will be demonstrating my trebuchet about 50yds or so from a football field and I will be tossing the weight towards the field and at the other end is a parking lot. If you want to, you can glue the joint, but only if you are sure you won't need to take it apart later. To fix this, you get a thicker CW bolt, and hopefully a hardened one. The pin is made of all thread, 1 ft long, with the threads on the end ground off. Tie the longer end of the rope through the hole in the end of the arm. 2 rectangles of 3/4" in. Untangle the ropes and walk the long one out its length to the front and side of the trebuchet. If you need more help with the guide blocks let me know. Make sure they are placed correctly, and make them as square as possible to the base. Simple Table Top Catapult. On the fraying edges, use only one strip and fold it over. on Introduction, do you have the exact dimensions of the final product. (This is actually for the trigger) 9 years ago 3. then, to check we add the short arm and long arm length together: This way, the screws take force from top to bottom, not sideways. And do lots of testing, with a realllllly long trigger string. It includes what I used at the time. When the trebuchet is placed on an uneven surface, the base will sag into whatever dip or bend upwards because of whatever hill. Then, obviously, drive in the screws. 1 X 6s flex alot. and if everyone wants the step I'll add it. 1. Im going to try to attach an image of this fine litle machine if i canim not an expert at this. Credit for the trigger design goes to my neighbor, Joe, who thought up the design after seeing how bad the folding trigger design was. All you are really doing is putting the arm in the drop channels. Cutting off the threads makes them easier to pull out from under the CW bolt. Push one of the corners of the diagonal support next to the bending brace, but keep it one the base. They are basically the same things as the 2 x 6 diagonals except they are 2 X 4 and they have more half-laps cut in them. These Are not included in the instructable because I did not think they were necessary. Reply ), Reply I've always wanted one did you ever build a smaller one to start with? If you really want to include them, they should also be cut about 3 inches longer, until you know what to cut. You also want to keep the track in a straight line, otherwise the wheels will fall off the edge. Take a break. Approx. http://youtu.be/MS9OepeTELc, Reply This design appeared in the late 20th century and may be the most efficient design . Drill a hole somewhere near the end of the armit doesn't matter, but it should be at least 3/4" from any edge. The arm is the key part in the trebuchet, as it provides the momentum, the height, and contributes to the angle of release. I have to study your plans before I decide whether to tackle such a project, but at first blush, I am impressed. 4. Approx 25 ft. (7.62 m)1/2 braided nylon rope Luckily we caught it and injuries were avoided. Lastly, hammer a nail anywhere into the end of the arm. So, again, cut off the ends of all the 1 ft, 5 in. You also will need to push them out slightly, so that the gap is 3/4" at least. Additionally, the bending of the CW bolt meant that it was not perfectly aligned with the drop gap, so it would slow down and bump on the way down. Then, drive in the screws. WebA floating arm trebuchet's arm is mounted on wheels that roll on a track parallel to the ground, with a counterweight that falls vertically, allowing for greater efficiency by increasing the proportion of energy transferred to the projectile. Quickly, before the other guy gets sore holding the arm, the person on the trebuchet will need to slide some scrap 2 X 4s around a foot long over the gap in the track. Okay, now I'm not kidding. Need some advice please. After the first 25 shots or so with the trebuchet, there were two things apparent: the arm could easily be made longer and could greatly increase the range, and the the CW bolt needed to be made stronger. 1. This list of materials is copied directly from my science fair project. It includes what I used at the time. The lumber list is really long, but Make sure all the hardware can support whatever CW you are using. Also use a continuous, smooth metal ring A thin steel cable might work better.Axles and Shafts: We used small segments of steel pipe and drilled holes in them to make bushings. So now we're going to add some extra supports that will prevent the 2 ft 1 X 6 from bending, Lateral support and extra track support. Thank you for your generous gift to the DIY community. Use a forstner bit or any other drill bit and drill holes parallel to the length of the long 1 X 6 and near the inside corner. So if I could toss the weight a 100yds would be perfect. 3000, Guillotine-Style Catapult Designed and made in the USA for better quality, better performance! So, if you want them to be the same height, you may need to change the angles or the lengths mentioned here. Always stand way back from the trebuchet, and keep the safety blocks in place until you are ready to fire. 1.6 X 3.5 = 5.6 On the arm, drill a hole for an eye bolt, and use a washer on both ends. We did indeed build a small scale floating arm trebuchet very close to the specifications your physics assignment is calling forand it has demostrated ability to throw small "bouncy balls" from a vending machine 270 feet, and big bouncy balls (slightly bigger than a golf ball) over 180 feet. 6 1/4 in. 3. refold the ends so that the seams are both at least 3/4" from the edge-it doesn't matter if they are on the same side or not. 3. For this step you will need four of the eight 3.5 ft pieces, and the two 6 ft. long pieces. This step is fairly simple. First, you need to know Steam Community: Medieval Engineers. Floating Arm Trebuchet Page 3 of 3 First 1 2 3. (See the last photo if this is confusing) When loaded, your projectile should sit directly between or slightly behind the upright beams. Okay now you need to cut the axle. Tie a figure 8 knot. anyways, the trigger design is fine, but whatever design you use, make sure it won't accidentally slip. Licensed under CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia For the trigger you will need the: This way, it's easy to angle the board to get angled shots. diagrams showing the medieval trebuchet design vs. the modern floating arm trebuchet, and brings in the relevant math as well. [3] If you Please comment for any Don't judge me) Remember the bumping problem. will this still work that small? You should have 21 feet left. 1. pretty simple step. In response to urbanmx, this was our very first trebuchet. Place your projectile in the sling. Now he needs to grab two supports of any kind (probably scrap wood) Make sure it is strong enough to support the counterweight. WebThe trebuchet dates back to the middle ages where they were used as a siege weapon. Ensure that the shafts you choose have a diameter that mates well with your inside wheel diameter, as well as your inserts. Does anyone have a solid works file for this trebuchet? Cut at least 3 inches longer unless you are very good at cutting angles accurately (A miter saw would help)\ The trigger will be added later. It takes awhile to calibrate the different lengths and ratios to reach optimal firing capabilities. A shorter length sling will work better for lighter projectiles, while a longer length will be better for heavier projectiles. If not look at step 10. To do this, I stood the arm vertically on the ground, then climbed to the top of a ladder with a mallet. To reset the device, the counterweight must be raised back to the original height and locked in with the trigger mechanism. NOTE: all CAD modeling was done using student software, for educational purposes. While the floating arm design can have a lighter frame than a traditional trebuchet because the overall forces produces are less,[7] the impact of the arm on the glide track will cause eventual damage and may need maintenance. 3/8 X 4 eye bolt (Including bolts) 6. the beginning Ok, so this is what the entire bulk of the trebuchet rests on. attach an appropriate length of 1900lb test chain. The entire throwing arm runs on wheels set in a horizontal track and shifts to accommodate the counterweight. grab the last 3 ft, 6 in 2 X 4s. Experiment the way I did with different long/shirt arm ratios, keeping in mind that a bigger ratio will require lower tracks and a heavier counterweight. Ideally, the arm should be vertical or slightly forward when the sling releases. Basically all I'm trying to tell you is: drill one hole with a drill press with a long enough drill bit through all of the boards of the short arm at once. WebThe floating arm trebuchet is a modern take on an ancient war machine. (Forward to the direction of motion makes it release later, backwards= release sooner. For me, for the side with the longer support, this was about 5 ft, 7 inches from the very bottom of the drop channel. 19. Short arm, washer, bolt, washer, wheels and bearings, washer, bolt. Look at the pictures for alignment. (remember the CW is supported by the trigger at the beginning, and the the trigger is screwed directly into the drop channels. ) 1. Question jk. 8. on Introduction, hey I'm a physics student trying to replicate your design. when the counterweight is raised, the trigger pins are slipped through one eye bolt, under the counterweight bolt, and through the other eye bolt. Again, use a bowline knot. Basically, THE CW BOLT MUST BE MADE STRONGER!! Long sides of the base Also cut down the guide pieces of wood and sand down where they are hitting on the plywood arm to eliminate "bumping," which slows down the arm and loses energy. Thanks for writing this 'ible. coping saw and orbital sander (The one I used here) The arm is done. Oh, and the arm itself. The floating arm trebuchet is a counterweight siege weapon which is a modern variation[1] of the medieval trebuchet. Mark the line directly across the flat face of the track, perpendicular to the long edge. Did you make this project? I forget what you are supposed to do next anyways Angle iron or steel sheet would work. I may or may not fget a response considering it is 2013 and not 2010 but I need to build a trebuchet for my physics class and i came across your model and had a few questions. Unless I've forgotten something, I think we're done. Then very carefully you will have to put in the safety blocks again and reset the trigger. Did you make this project? We think that the downward throws were caused by these two heads. 4 rectangles of 3/4 inch (1.905 cm) thick wood 9.5 X 9 in. Build the frame in two identical halves (left and right) and then attach each half to the frame. The 5/8" CW bolt bent like a taco with only 16 pounds on either side. trebuchet main track supports and track.tiff, Strap-On Cleats for Ice and Snow Traction, Hollow Wood Surfboard - Plywood and Cedar. If you have a router, it would be easier to do this by just cutting away the material. Thats a bit longer than 7 feet because i rounded 7 4.5 up, it was really 1.55555555 I won't tell you which one was the best yet, although you can probably guess. 20 yell heads up, countdown , just make sure everyone know you are firing. 2. But make sure you go to the website for wheels that I recommended in the Instructable to avoid paying too much for wheels. I simply layed a fairly long board over the diagonal supports in the back, extending out a bit to give support to the sling until it was lifted up into the air. WebThe short arm/ long arm ratio is what I was testing, and the different ratios are 2:1, 2.5:1, 3:1 and 3.5:1. I only barely can, with only about 60 lbs. The sling releases when the loop on the end of the sling rope slides off of the pin. Thanks for the great instructable! Twisting braces ? Additionally, I would make the arm as long as possible as well. This was a bit too heavy as we had to load each weight manually to fire our trebuchet. The box should have a bottom that is "outside" the walls, screwed in from this bottom and into the walls, not through the walls and into the bottom. I really want to build a floating arm trebuchet, so maybe I'll do that between this year and next and we'll have stuff chucking competitions. Lemme know how to improve the instructable This kit is professionally engineered, designed and manufactured in the USA. I'd look around on YouTube and compare different sizes of trebuchets. these will be used in the trigger WebOverall Motivation and Problem Statement For this project, we are to create a trebuchet to test in a competitive setting with a group of four to five people. This will be the top. upper arm/lower arm length 4 9/16 inch (115mm) / 2 3/32 inch (53mm) This will take some effort. Next, grab two of the 4 ft 5 in pieces. Phsstpok's rule works well in determining the BR, maybe better than with HCWs. To include the Luckily, It's also pretty simple to make. Make them small as possible, but make sure they can still guide the arm until its wheels hit the track. the arm itself Threee previous sections are for the counterweight boxes. 23. It should be drilled all the way through the flatter 3.5 inch edge side. All scaled proportionally from the larger version (the tall vertical pieces are 130mm long, throwing arm 150mm). ALSO, the base boards (I used 1 X 6) should be thickened. Unfortunately, there were some problems in the sketchup base that I made (and could not be easily corrected) that threw off a couple of measurements. It would be better if both ends were one solid piece of wood. The angle and length of the pin control when the sling opens. Just on top of the tracks. look in improvements, may need to be changed On the folds themselves, use one strip of tape per side with a slight bit of overlap and stick the two pieces together. If you are going to use a thicker CW bolt, you need to make the drop gap wider. This would, however, change the lengths of the diagonal supports. Trebuchet. *must be able to fit inside counterweight boxesSling Width was around 2 feet, I think. 91.4 meters. 5. 3. This means that 3 and 1/2 parts of the short arm plus the short arm itself equal the total length of my entire beam. You will later put more screws into the half-lap area, so the joint is not only held together by these screws. Webagain revised in spring 2002 with the introduction of the Floating Arm Trebuchet. Hit the track in a straight line, otherwise the wheels slightly, so that the is! The 5/8 '' CW bolt push them out slightly, so the is... Axle about 3 inches longer, until you know what to cut this that. While a longer length will be building this for our college pumpkin launch later summer. Arm as long as possible to the website for wheels project, but first. An uneven surface, the base bending brace, but make sure the same height you! Would work and hopefully a hardened one m ) 12 one out its length to the.! Bolt is protruding from either side and into the end ground off axle about 3 inches longer, until know! 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