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88m ncoer bullets

Excellence, Needs Improvement, Senior Rater and Success Bullets). Loheide NCOER.pdf. (Leads others, Builds trust, Extends influence beyond the chain of command, Leads by example, Communicates) Click on a Tab to View Bullets. o increased production efficiency by 11% in the absence of the Station Commander three times in 2nd and 3rd QTR FY22. o exhibited the skill, temperament, and reliability of a true professional. qualified entire squad as expert with M-16 and M-60, awarded the expert Infantryman Badge (EIB), shares experiences readily, constantly teaching soldiers, constantly seeking to improve, completed three subcourses during rating period, coached and played on company softball team, established a comprehensive cross training program for his section, his platoon had only one tank on deadline report (for 10 days) during last 11 months, was often unaware of whereabouts of subordinates, had the highest deadline rate in the company due to apathy, lacks the endurance/stamina to complete company runs, unprepared to conduct formal training on three occasions, failed to meet APFT standards for the two mile run and sit-ups with a total score of 148, selected to compete at DA level in the Phillip A. Connelly competition, 100percent accountability of all property during change of command inventories, completed over 60 hours of military correspondence courses during rating period, Sergeant's Time briefing book selected as standard for the battalion, totally committed to quality of awards, NCO-ERs and OERs, 100percent timeliness and processing rate utilizing his system and expertise, provides students the latest in course material by devoting countless after-duty hours revising lesson plans, motivated three soldiers to compete in Division NCO of the Year competition, demonstrated competence resulted in her selection as NCOIC, Preventive Dentistry Course, over five more senior NCOs, his competence enabled him to rank 3d of 20 recruiters in mission accomplishment, competed in brigade level NCO of the Quarter Board in which he placed second of seven NCOs, improved supply reconciliation of overdue documents by 66percent with expert knowledge of ammunition procedures, developed and supervised a company Force Protection Plan for an OCONUS deployment resulting in zero incidents or compromise, commended by Kenyan Minister of Defense for his outstanding medical instruction to over 150 Kenyan soldiers, planned and executed an immunization program for a reserve battalion allowing over 200 personnel to receive all required shots, completed six semester hours during the rating period towards a Bachelor's Degree despite an extremely high OPTEMPO, maintained 100percent accountability of over 1 million dollars worth of equipment, sets the example in the battalion for NBC proficiency, often lends his expertise to other companies, improving their NBC training, completed the battalion's monthly Unit Status Report (USR) requirement for the past 6 months with zero defects. MS 401. Taking care of soldiers is his number one priority. MOS 88M Motor Transport Operator NCOER Comments May 2nd, 2018 - MOS 88M Motor Transport Operator NCOER bullets HELP We need more examples If you got em they can be shared by using the form below NAVFAC P 300 MANAGEMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING SUPPORT EQUIPMENT May 4th, 2018 - Naval Facilities Engineering Command 200 Stovall Street (Addresses rated NCO's performance as it relates to Army Values, Empathy, Warrior Ethos/Service Ethos, and Discipline. HELP! FAIL bullets go in CHARACTER, c. Cultivated a mindset to get better every day; encouraged subordinates to introduce ideas for improving the operating efficiency of the organization. To contribute bullet comments, e-mail them to editor@armywriter.com or use the form at the bottom of this page. MOS 88 General. o graduated challenging High Threat Tradecraft Course; significantly enhanced security of Detachment operations. We need more examples. o ensured that eligible Soldiers received adequate training in submitting local travel vouchers for IDT travel reimbursement. Thanks for your contributions! Hundreds of Senior Rater NCOER bullets to aid in the preparation of Part V Overall Performance and Potential of the DA Form 2166-8 NCO Evaluation Report (NCOER). If you got 'em, they can be contributed by using the form below. Thanks! Demonstrates an understanding of another person's point of view. Sergeant; Norwich University MS 401. Feel free to use or modify these Platoon Sergeant NCOER Bullets on your own NCOER or for one of your subordinate's NCOERs. Maintained an OR Rate of 98% on Platoon's Equipment. o served as a range coach and safety for the BN M4 range; coached Soldiers on the fundamentals . Exceeded Standard. 150 NCOER bullets for military and professional Bearing, fitness, confidence, and resilience. NCOER bullets for gets results. Observes, controls, analyzes and provides feedback to Reserve Components (RC) Light Infantry platoons and squads; conducts lane training for supported Reserve Component units; prepares and conducts After Action Reviews (AAR's); facilitates and controls force-on-force operations by enforcing the Rules of Engagements (ROE); conducts mobilization . Met Standard. Email: usarmy.knox.hrc.mbx.it-help-desk@army.mil. Back to CMF 88 NCOER Bullets. Contributions received without stating the specific MOS will be listed at the bottom of this page. Each main area is subdivided by cmf to better assist you in finding the Instead, these examples are intended to get you, the Rater, to break your writer's block and create unique bullets for your NCO. 88M Award Examples. Resilience- lacked the ability to adapt to stress and adversity; his/her actions affected the unit's capability to perform in an era of high operational tempo. Norwich University. Far Exceeded Standard. Phone: 502-613-7777. Contact editor@armywriter.com Disclaimer. Excellence bullets should clearly describe performance above the ordinary and should be quantifiable. Unapproachable and disinterested in personally caring for Soldiers. To contribute examples, use this form. Contact editor@armywriter.com Disclaimer. Achieves NCOER Bullets (Gets results) Click on a Tab to View Bullets. Contributions are moderated and will not show up until reviewed. If you got 'em, they can be contributed by using the form below. If you got 'em, they can be shared by using the form below. Far Exceeded Standard. Leads others, Builds trust, Extends influence, Leads by example, Communication. Achieves NCOER Bullet Comments. Bullets/Comments for Bullet comments for "FAIL" entries may include the reason(s) for failure and/or note any progress toward meeting physical fitness standards of AR 350-1. Led his Platoon to win the Company Commander 's Cup Trophy. EPD, Inc. operates a cGMP . This section DOES NOT have to be bulleted. APFT, PART IV, a. Presence NCOER Bullets (Military and Professional Bearing, Fitness, Confidence, Resilience) Click on a Tab to View Bullets. Raters currently highlight their NCO's strongest bullets on the second page of . o is a motivated troop but needs further guidance in o has unlimited potential but requires more experience before o must realize the importance of finishing assigned tasks without supervision, o failed to use time wisely, consistently failed to complete duty assignments, o frequent unwillingness to cooperate in working toward unit goals affected readiness, o failed to fulfill his leadership's intent for positive and appropriate EO practices, o needed to be consistent with leadership style and maintain formality when in presence of Soldiers, o an excellent technician but needs to work on tact and communication skills, o understood his role as a senior leader but failed to contribute to the mission, o failed to keep track of the Soldiers under his supervision, o sometimes requires supervision on how to talk to Soldiers, o demonstrated poor judgement without consideration of results, o has good potential but requires more experience applying daily soldier leadership skills, o good Soldier, but fails to self improve by applying sound personal management skills, o demonstrated a serious lack of integrity and poor judgment without consideration of results, o compromised integrity by submitting altered documents; poor example to subordinates, o encouraged soldiers to advance by cheating for each other, poor example. FAIL bullets go in CHARACTER, c. Bullets/Comments for outstanding APFT score or other positive fitness bullets will go in PRESENCE, d. If PROFILE, make a comment . Required maximum supervision to produce marginal results. Examples: The NCOER bullet comments below are examples of Excellence, Success, and Needs Improvement NCOER Bullets. Graduated ANCOC as an Honor Graduate. Ncoer Significant Accomplishments Bullets. Far Exceeded Standard. Always took a no-nonsense approach and stated opinion in a straight forward manner. MOS 88M Motor Transport Operator NCOER bullets. (Mental agility, Sound judgment, Innovation, Interpersonal tact, Expertise) Click on a Tab to View Bullets. Contributions are moderated and will not show up until reviewed. NCOER Bullets Examples New NCOER - How To 20160315 - Copy.doc. o built and installed blocking and bracing; ensured the safe transportation of multiple commercial loads of explosive munitions, o volunteered to fill rear detachment roles; maintained the unit training, readiness, and equipment accountability, o headed convoy preparation and provided commanders with exceptional guidance and experience, o tracked and maintained PMCSs up to date, prevented unit vehicles failure, o conducted Deployment and Distribution operations at multiple CONUS installations for forward movement to Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom, o aided the deployment of fifteen Brigade Combat Teams; made safe and expedient forward movement possible, o mobilized and deployed to Haiti to support Operation Unified response, o deployed a BCT from Fort Carson to Fort Bliss; moved over 200 equipment items and rolling stock and logged over 3,500 miles during the trip, o redeployed the Battalion on two separate occasions, coordinated the unit's RESET program consisting of twenty four AH64-D Apache Attack Helicopters, prime movers and all air and ground support equipment, o moved the unit to the National Training Center and back to Fort Riley with no loss of government equipment, o took charge charge and built the Detachment's Family Support Program from the ground up, o was an essential member of a highly trained, well motivated, and efficient White HET Escort team while attached to the 180th Transportation Battalion, o contributed to the successful receipt, transport and delivery of over 3,000 pieces of tactical and non-tactical equipment throughout the Kuwait theater of operations, o assisted the cook section, motor pool and range with training support and guidance with no external support during anual training 2013, o ensured accurate accountability of tactical equipment assigned to the unit, o recruited a civilian FRG team to create a strong Family Support Network, o passed the 21st Theater Sustainment Command Staff Assisted Visit (SAV) inspection with high marks being attributed to his attention to detail, o provided company SHARP representatives the guidance for standard bulletin boards, security protocols and training material, o served as the Centralized Flight Record System (CAFRS) Administrator, o as interim Readiness NCO, she worked with state level medical providers to ensure that proper Flight Physical processes were implemented and followed, o built a positive esprit de corp and strong morale in the unit. Senior Raters comment on potential. Words and actions communicate lack of understanding or indifference. ncoer. Contact editor@armywriter.com Disclaimer. American Military University. Exceeded Standard. o trained 18 Soldiers on proper trailer coupling and uncoupling operations, loading LHS flat racks on and off M1076 LHS trailers, and rack stacking and installing operations; multiplied capabilities, o took charge of key log, dispatch, and training; improved daily operations and reduced delays by 30%, o assumed duties as convoy commander; sustained operations and safety record during manning crisis, o outstanding addition to the 396th Composite Truck Company; understands all vehicles and one of the most reliable operators; multiplied section capability, o tracked and maintained PMCSs up to date, prevented unit vehicles failure, o completed the 40 hour HET NET training making him a valuable asset to the upcoming company mission in Iraq, o sucessfully tested and licensed his team on the 5-ton and hummvv, o licensed for 25 tons and below, primary vehicles are M1070 Super HET and M911 HET, o ensured range Safety; walked the line making sure safety protocol is followed, cleared weapons malfunctions, and helped shooters with their technique, o mentored three junior personnel on activation and mobilization processing, o delivered over $10,000,000 worth of class VII cargo for deploying units safely to the shipping port, o managed ammunition point for the battalion M2 range, efficiency recognized by battalion CSM, o trained three junior personnel in various aspects of mobilization preparation and processing which multiplied section effectiveness by reaching goal 3 weeks ahead of schedule, o helped conduct over 100 successful missions while deployed in support of Operation NEW DAWN, o instructed a mandatory 40 hour drivers course to over 120 Soldiers for the batallion with a 100 percent go rating, o selected over four Senior Noncommissioned Officers to become the Batallion Master Driver, o best Master Driver instructor in company, o trained over 50 Soldiers on the M-915 tractor/M-871 trailer in preparation for Southwest Asia deployment, o selected over 12 other NCOs for assignment as Company Master Driver, o developed, implemented a driver/operator training and qualification tracking system, decreasing site qual time by 50%, o selected as NCOIC for Battalion Drivers Training Program; made improvements for overall training success, o monitored and motivated six Company Level Master Drivers to accomplish all missions, o performed leadership duties in a decisive and positive manner with exceptional results, o met challenges head on; displayed courage, conviction and professionalism daily, o revised and implemented the 40 hour block training program with 100 percent success throughout the Battalion, o trained 50 Soldiers and 26 Noncommissioned Officers; increased Battalion operational readiness of drivers/operators by 75 percent, o ensured readiness training and weapons qualification for the platoon was 100% complete, o dedicated himself to the care and maintenance of assigned vehicles; efforts were vital to the success of Guardian company and the completion of multiple missions, o drove 3,500 incident-free miles on Fort Polk; maintainined Company's unprecedented safety record, o aided leadership in Mountain Peak training and assisted in dispensing 1500 gallons of diesel fuel to multiple units within the battalion; key to mission operations, o moved 7 palletized mine rollers from the 2-137 motor pool to the stone ramp with the M1120A4 LHS; accomplished with minimum resources, o completed a high risk movement of mine rollers on time with a minimum of equipment; no damage to equipment or personnel, o turned in more than $1,000,000 of excess property within the Battalion's footprint during Task Force Harvest; reclaimed company fiscal resources, o helped to maintain the safety for over 28 Civilian's and six German Soldier's during the Battalion four day range week that resulted in zero safety issues or concerns, o assisted in the movement of 32 ISU 90s in direct support of Operation Atlantic Resolve, his efforts resulted in the Battalion's successful mission, o educated and updated officers and enlisted personnel on OSHA and Safety regulations per SOP, o served as Heavy Equipment Transport Driver and Instructor, o licensed 25 tons and below, gross average combination weight 235,000 pounds, primary vehicles M1070 Super HET and M911 HET, o trained and qualified 20 Soldiers on the M1070 Tractor/M1000 Trailor, o served as a truck commander on more than 30 combat logistics patrols, escorting over 800 military and Local National vehicles without incident while supporting Forces throughout RC East, o conducted a Heavy Equipment Transport Class for all in-country units, o served as Range Safety, walked the line making sure safety protocol was followed, dealt with weapons malfunctions, and helped shooters with their technique, o assisted in emergency recovery of the M984 HEMTT wrecker and the M1089 FMTV wrecker in unsecured province, o key participant in the location and recovery of stolen M998 HMMWV, o task oriented and detail minded; completes assignments to the fullest while staying focused to make sound and thoughtful decisions, o her ability to maintain the fine line between care and discipline is what sets him apart as a mature and effective NCO, o demonstrated through action and example a genuine concern for the safety and welfare of her Soldiers, o identified and fixed problems with truck preparation, o developed a diverse physical training program increasing the APFT average of a few Soldiers in the Special Population program, o coordinated maintenace support to ensure all vehicles were maintained and fully mission capable, o arranged weekly inspections to ensure equipment was being properly maintained, and that no fraud, waste, or abuse of government equipment was occurring, o close management of inventory maintained 100% accountability, reduced incidental losses, o helped conduct over 100 successful missions while deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, o deployed and redeployed one Battalion to the Joint Readiness Training Center, o deployed the Foxtrot Co 3rd Brigade 2nd Battalion once to Operation Enduring Freedom, o deployed to Afghanistan in support of OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM, o was selected over four same ranking SGTs to take command of her company while the CO and 1st Sgt were deployed to JRTC, o shows organizing and coordinating skills, o her ability to take charge of a task and maintain focus is well above average, o named Squad Leader and charged with the responsibility of 13 Soldiers, o qualified expert on assigned weapon and the M240B, o facilitated movement of Company from JSS Maysan Province to COS Garry Owen to improve unit's quality of life and safety, o earned best M998 of the Quarter award in entire Battalion for three consecutive quarters, o assumed the duties of three full time AGR positions after the 298th Transportation Company suffered manning setbacks; sustained day to day operations, o assumed roles of Training NCO and Personnel NCO while maintaining his duties as Senior Truckmaster; provided Soldiers with opportunities for training and advancement, o distinguished himself as the Senior Truckmaster during QLLEX 22; innovative practices adopted by participating units, o coordinated and planned a multi-day intra-state fuel mission with DLA partners; delivered a 100% success, o his foresight and attention to detail ensured the on-time delivery of over 70,000 gallons of fuel over 17,000 collective road miles with zero mishaps, o utilized composite risk management in all aspects of his duties as the Unit license examiner; foresight prevented obstacles to training, o oversaw 14 days of drivers training exercises during 356th Annual Training; vigilance resulted in zero accidents, o maintained mission functional equipment to sustain proficiency and unit readiness; supported the safe training of 29 Soldiers, o handled all radio communications during QRF operations outside the wire; ensured all trucks and A Troop staff had situational awareness, o worked long selfless hours to ensure that the operations center always had an NCO on duty, o arranged logistical support for over 60 successful convoy operations, o managed the dispatch office ensuring superior quality customer service to all personnel utilizing vehicles, o close management of inventory maintained 100% accountability, reduced incidental losses and reduced annual budget requirement by 10%, o enforced adherence to established maintenance safegards, revised schedule methodology to increase vehicle availability, o expanded service to joint service personnel with no increase in equipment or personnel or decrease in service, o sound management of schedule and maintenance reduced vehicle failures and increased vehicle availability doubling mission capability in 6 months, o exhibited excellent training management technique; informed and prepared 35 Soldiers on implied tasks, meeting all required training and timelines, o certified Heavy Equipment Transport Driver and Instructor, o Licensed 25 tons and below, gross average combination weight 235,000 lbs, o Primary vehicles M1070 Super HET and M911 HET, o executed the coordination and movement of more than 75 loads of Class I-IX supplies worth over $1,900,710 without incident, o encouraged off duty education and professional growth in subordinates by enrolling his entire section into structured self development courses, o displayed sound judgment and technical knowledge during field exercises; consistently accomplished every assigned mission above the established standard, o worked hard to develop morale, discipline and self improvement in his subordinates by mentoring and coaching his Soldier, o instilled confidence and enthusiasm when leading Soldiers, o maintained unit records IAW applicable regulations for Troop Command COMET inspection, including 99% overall score on CSDP, o executes assigned and implied tasks without supervision, including transport of 184 pieces of equipment to new arms and supply rooms with zero losses, o advise 11 Officers and one senior NCO on 10 major logistic and personnel platforms, including PBUSE, SAMS-E and LOGSA, o chosen as TOC NCOIC over 4 other SFC's during Task Force Sustainer August 2012 C2CRE-B mission while at Camp Atterbury, o promoted to the leadership position of SFC and led his unit through a COMET re-inspection with a pass of more than 95%, o coordinated, planned, implemented unit convoy movement for Annual Training 2013, o always contributes 110 percent to team effort, o planned the successful and safe movement of three round trip convoys from Brantley and Clayton during Task Force Sustainer 2012 to Camp Atterbury, Indiana, o personally trained and led five Soldiers during Task Force Sustainer August 2012 at Camp Atterbury, o develops training materials that enhance the soldier's performance and duty related skills, o effectively facilitated lower power usage for the armory thus conserving energy by 25% for the year, o managed the relocation of motorpool consisting of 45 vehicles and 10 CONEX boxes of parts and supplies by road, rail, and sea from Sierra Army Depot to Mosul, Iraq with no loss of cargo, o accomplished the movement of 170 Soldiers and 124 tons from Fort Sill, Oklahoma into theater while maintaining 100% accountability of the unit's and Soldier's personal equipment, o managed section single-handedly, relentless efforts ensured no mission failed, processed over 800 LMRS, o provided critical support to YUKON Task Force fielding and retrograde missions, o completed over 225 financial liability investigations, recovered over $10k, o ensured the unit's movement of equipment and containers arrived in the combat zone with zero losses or damages, o instructed the platoon, during LZ operations, on how to conduct LZ operations which was vital to the success of TF Chosin. Army Values- falsified the duty log skipping required checks to play video games. To contribute examples, use this form. o developed a sensitive item tracker spreadsheet for the platoon which was so effective that it was adopted by the company as an SOP, o worked tirelessly to complete ASSIST and RTA training, prerequisites for MRT; reached goal of becoming a suicide prevention representative, o reviewed and validated over 600 supporting documents; met compliance for over 300 standards in preparation for Army TRADOC Accreditation, o helped facilitate the inspecting and loading of over 10,000 rounds of 5.56 ammunition resulting in 0 ammo related issues on the May 22 range qualification, o ensured mission requirements and tasks were met in a timely manner despite challenges during COVID-19 pandemic, o utilized innovative strategies to communicate and coordinate mandatory trainings with his Soldiers virtually, o helped plan and execute the fielding of small arms and equipment worth in excess of $13 million with no losses, o planned and executed 12 successful BDE level NEFs totaling in excess of $500 million in new equipment, o created State level orders, in the absence of the State NET/NEF OIC; maintained the continuity of NET/NEF events, o served as a Vehicle Crew Evaluator for the Squadron; assisted 20 crews, provided positive and constructive criticism, improved their proficiency, o served as the senior Scout during the live-fire exercise at NTC; ensured safety was used at all times for all six crews, o completed more than 10 construction projects utilizing 350 man hours with no injuries or loss of time, o trained 10 new Soldiers on horizontal construction equipment; successfully developed 10 new Soldiers, o processed and facilitated all military and professional training for over 300 Soldiers; exceeded training requirements, o sustained the Battalion Rear Detachment flight operations with only two Soldiers; ensured B Co's aviators remained current, o stood above his peers in his ability and aptitude; constantly sought and accomplished additional tasks, o worked diligently as an AGTS IO and facilitated over 150 hours for 5 tank crews; achieved all live fire gunnery prerequisites, o planned and executed the first ever 596th Signal Company Basic Combat Water Survival Training; trained 53 Soldiers on drown proofing techniques; enhanced confidence and readiness, o resourceful; salvaged parts for two mission critical STTs, resulting in 100% equipment validation and mission success during CSTX 86-19-03, o obtained certification as a tactical commander of 11 military vehicles; improved unit mobility and ensured additional manning resources were available, o enforced the battalion safety program during ranges, motor pool operations, and training events; ensured zero injuries, o maintained 100% accountability of 36 M-16A2s and 13,500 rounds of ammo used during annual M-16 qualification, o used all available time to train his section; increased task coverage by 40%, o maintained full accountability of team/squad equipment; efforts facilitated smooth change of command, o coordinated, planned, and executed 4 ceremonies for a one star general; one on a three weeks notice, o took lead in the reopening of live fire ranges; with a projection of saving DoD over an estimated $500,000 per fiscal year, o enforced the safety program of over 250 operations and training events leading to zero injuries and 100% completion of missions, o developed an awards matrix to manage and track future awards that currently has a 100% actions resolution rate, o used all available resources to accomplish all missions assigned; a no-nonsense NCO who produced concrete results, o epitome of a NCO, constantly demands that her section perform at a superior level in a high optempo organization, o successfully completed the US Army Jumpmaster School MTT from Ft. Benning, GA; supported the unit's airborne mission, o maintained his EO program through three company changes of command; receiving a commendable rating during each ICI, o the first instructor in the MOS to earn the SAIB; completed all TRADOC Instructor requirements and 1,064 hours of instruction, o developed a strong prioritization when conducting POI; contributed to 20% of students receiving Honor Graduate, o selected over five other Staff Sergeants in the department to teach 210 hours of the 92M30 Advanced Leaders Course, o top SF recruiter in the state, enlisted 12 into the 19th Special Forces Group (A), o increased special forces online lead volume by 85.6%, o enforced the unit safety program during ranges, motor pool operations, and training events leading to zero injuries and 100% completion of missions, o provided thoughtful oversight and feedback to the Squadron commander during Operation Iron Crush; resulted in a more efficient SOP for TOC location and movement, o stood above his peers in his ability to lead Paratroopers and command a mortar section, o prepared all BN Shipper's Declaration Dangerous Goods (SDDGs); ensured all equipment was secured for U.S. Air Force, o encouraged subordinates to complete PME, resulting in entire team completing advancement training ahead of schedule, o successfully logged over 3 thousand miles while safely transporting supplies, equipment, and personnel during the Battalion FTX, o assisted in the execution of the Company's Machine Gun Range resulting in 30 Soldiers qualified on the M240L and M249, o conducts inspections of Soldiers; consistently has the most prepared Soldiers in the platoon, o stood above his peers in his ability to lead Soldiers and command a squad, o instrumental in the near simultaneous deployment of two platoons going to the Joint Readiness Training Center and Pacific Pathways 17-01, o ran a DFAC as a junior NCO during Annual training; ensured that over 1200 Soldiers were fed, o processed over 300 school packets for Soldiers to attend NCOES and ASI school, o conducted 16 sniper missions to limit terrorist movement in the Company AO; decreased IED activity by 50%, o earned a rating of 99% in the area of training on the Standard Evaluation and Assistance Team external inspection, setting the standard for the rest of the CST program, o delivered over 2M gallons JP-8 aviation fuel to 110K aircraft annually; maintained impressive 15-minute average response time, o placed 2nd in the Noncommissioned Officer of the Year competition Warrior Challenge Competition, o seized Quarterly Excellence Award for personnel due to best training program in command and professional competence, o achieved 100% SIDPERS timeliness for 12 consecutive months; awarded Army Achievement Medal. 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