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prayer points against household witchcraft

Plaese help. When you discover your destiny early and God begin to use it to make way for you. He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. Another point to expose here is that these household enemies operate with the support of satanic powers to steal, kill and destroy. I want to get deeper, real deeper in my relationship with the Holy Spirit. 39. 18. Prayer Points For BREAKING THE STRONGHOLD OF WITCHCRAFT - By Dr. D.K. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at everydayprayerguide@gmail.com or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. You have entered an incorrect email address! She said that some people believe that her and mom was a witch please do a prayer for me. When you move beyond your prediction line. 28:1 10. Come upon my hand,in Jesus Name! Then place the hand upon your head and pray aggressively, Identification mark of witchcraft upon my life, backfire, in Jesus Name!. 1. 41.Let all pronouncements uttered against me by poisonous tongues be condemned now!! I really need your support and proper guidance and counsel, please. Please call: +2348099828623. 40.Let divine tongues of fire roast any evil tongue against me, in the name of Jesus. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. I deliver my soul from every witchcraft bewitchment, in the name of Jesus. Every wisdom of any witch-doctor working against me, be converted to madness, in Jesus Name, Let the imagination of witchcraft against me be neutralized, in Jesus Name, Every witchcraft decision against my life, be scattered, in Jesus Name, O God! 34. 10. 17. When people begin to sing your praise as in the case of Saul and David. Stealing should not be encouraged; Contact us through this link: admin@evangelistjoshua.com, or through this Email: dreamswithjoshua@gmail.com, Copyright (2023) Evangelist Joshua Orekhie Ministries. Every wicked landlord or landlady that want my destiny to suffer, crawl, and expire in my environment, you are a liar, be destroyed by fire, in the name of Jesus. Every witchcraft chain holding me down in this environment, break by fire, in Jesus name. I deliver my soul from every witchcraft bewitchment, in the name of Jesus. Evangelist Joshua Orekhie is a servant of God gifted in spiritual gifts of prayers and dream interpretations. Let them not have a cloth to cover their shame, in Jesus name. 15. I rebuked them now in Jesus name. Every witchcraft padlock hanging against me, lock your owner, in Jesus Name. Every satanic cobweb barking against my breakthroughs be roasted. I deprogramme whatever the enemy has programmed into the lives of people in my environment, in the name of Jesus. Every limitation placed upon my life by witchcraft powers in this environment, be destroyed in Jesus name. Everydayprayerguide 2019 | All rights reserved, 50 mfm prayer points against household wickedness, INDLY WATCH EVERYDAYPRAYERGUIDE TV ON YOUTUBE, 30 Prayer Points For Healing and Deliverance, Prayer Points To Deliver Your Marriage From Strange Woman, 30 Midnight Prayer Points For Financial Breakthrough in 2023, 50 Warfare Prayer Points against forces of darkness. Let every witchcraft power flying against me in this community to crashland and die, in Jesus name. Any man or woman that wants to use me to save or elongate their life die, in Jesus name. Oh Lord, I thank You because my household problems are crushed by your blood and matchless might, in the name of Jesus. Jesus prayed many times in the night (see Luke 6:12 ), that is why he commanded such great powers over all devils. 28. these prayer points. Every stronghold of refuge of my household witches, be destroyed in Jesus name. Every witch or wizard making evil enchantment and divination against me, let the Angels of the Lord attack them now in Jesus name. Every arrow of stagnancy fired against my destiny backfire in the name of Jesus. 42:13, The Lord my God shall go forth as a mighty man, He shall stir up jealousy like a man of war, he shall cry, yea roar, He shall prevail against all my enemies. (Confess it loud). Through that avenue, they can come to perform their witchcraft operation against a person and go back. Every witchcraft pot working against me, I bring the judgment of God against you, in Jesus name. Every domestic powers practicing witchcraft operation for my sake, be destroyed in Jesus name. Every cobwebs in my life be consume by fire in the name of Jesus. It is very difficult for someone who does not know you very well to work against you and succeed. To build and administer bad people to divert your focus. Send forth that Your continuing whirlwind to fall with great pain upon the heads of witchcraft powers, in Jesus Name. #NightPrayersWitchesWizards #WitchcraftManipulation #EvangelistJoshuaOrekhieBrethren, witches and wizards exists and they represent our enemies, and they alw. Every power that wants to counter attack, regroup and reinforce against me as a result of my prayers catch fire and die in the name of Jesus. 17. Contents on this website may not be copied, republished, redistributed either in whole or in part without due permission or acknowledgement. I now claim every spiritual blessing that my Heavenly Father has given . 50 Warfare Prayers Against Severe Witchcraft Attacks Father, I thank you for your love and the gift of life which none other can give, in the name of Jesus. I destroy, every record of my destiny in . SYMPTOMSOF WITCHCRAFT ATTACKS IN AN ENVIRONMENT, Steps to Overcoming Witchcraft Attacks In AnEnvironment. 29. Household powers that have vowed to bring me back to square one receive total destruction in the name of Jesus. Every power, drawing energy from the heavenlies in my environment against my destiny, fall down and die, in Jesus name. Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum - November 2, 2019. I withdraw every organ of my body from any witchcraft altar, in the name of Jesus. Isaiah 8:10: I want you to commit your battles into Gods hands tonight as you trust Him to deal with any spiritual forces holding you down. Let the terrible fire of God consume the transportation of my household witchcraft, in the name of Jesus. Any man or woman that is turning into witchcraft animal in the night to attack me, burn to ashes, in the name of Jesus. Witches and wizards operate mostly at night, while men are sleeping. Im a with god which i know they going punished one day. This prayer points against devouring spirits will empower you to place the devil where he belongs, under your feet in Jesus name Prayer Points 1. 19. Every witchcraft remote control monitoring my life, I black you out, in Jesus Name. I command the stars, the sun, the moon and the winds to begin to fight against the diviners and astrologers who have been using these elements against the move of God in my environment, in the name of Jesus. 6. 1Sam. Smite witchcraft powers on their cheekbones, in Jesus Name, Every witchcraft burial of my virtues, I reverse you now, in Jesus Name, Any tongue anointed by witchcraft against me, catch fire, in Jesus Name, Witchcraft powers assigned against my heavens, scatter, in the Name of Jesus, Wherever witches are gathered against me, Holy Ghost fire, consume them, in Jesus Name, My glory! Every strong room of darkness where my case is decided, Holy Ghost fire, scatter them by fire, in Jesus name. You witchcraft foundation in my life be dismantled by fire, in the name of Jesus. 45.I cancel the power of all curses upon my head, in Jesus name. CONFESSION Share. My hidden enemies, be silenced by the angel of God in Jesus name. 46. Father, I thank you for giving me victory over household witchcraft in Jesus name. 20. When you exercise faith, confidence in God instead of seeking their help (being at their mercy). Father Lord, I magnify you for making me see another beautiful day that you have made. 3. 5. Let every evil imagination against me backfire on there heads now, in the name of Jesus. Arrows from the wicked foundation against my progress, go back to the sender, in Jesus name. 42.I cut myself off from every territorial spirit, in Jesus name. Witchcraft agenda for my destiny, I destroy you by the power in the Blood of Jesus. 21. Twitter . Let the stars in their courses fight against witches and wizards, in Jesus name. Anyone who does what is good is from God. I reverse the evil effect of any witchcraft invocation or summoning of my spirit, in the name of Jesus. 31. What are you doing in the camp of witchcraft! 26. Household wickedness powers assigned to rubbish my life, die in the name of Jesus. Any powers using cobweb to block my progress die in the name of Jesus. Let the thunder of God locate and destroy the throne of witchcraft in my household, in the name of Jesus. And Jehu drew a bow with his full strength, and smote Jehoram between his arms, and the arrow went out at his heart, and he sunk down in his chariot.. Witchcraft powers are real, but the power of God is even more real and powerful. 4. I pray you hear clearly from the Father through His Spirit. Its powers are more brutal against their victims but with the power in the name of Jesus, they bow and surrender. Let the eyes of witches assigned against me be darkened, in Jesus Name. 48.I bind the strongman over my blessings, in the name of Jesus. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. Let the presence, dominion, authority and blessings of God be experienced in my environment, in the name of Jesus. O Lord, let the weapons of witchcraft powers turn against them, in the name of Jesus. You cannot compare the kind of witchcraft in the village and that of a city. Every satanic spider working against me fall down and die in the name of Jesus. Every dark power in my environment derailing my destiny, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus. O God, let all those using affliction to pursue my intended blessings, I command it to disappear by fire, in Jesus name. 2. Prayer against all evil. Each power have their own specialty they usually carryout against people. Father, let my progress be outstandingly rapid, let all the . You sun, lift away your warfare from my life, in the name of Jesus. Print this out and keep it nearby, to use as a reference. By the power in the blood of Jesus, I destroy every power cutting off my expectations whenever good things come near me, in the name of Jesus. I prophesy against all the satanic altars in high places in my environment to be consumed by the fire of God, and their ashes blown away by the East wind, in the name of Jesus. Its victim never departs. Any association of domestic demon responsible for my present battles, O God arise and destroy them by fire, in the name of Jesus. Every witchcraft material planted into my destiny from this environment, come out and die, in the name of Jesus. PROPHETIC PRAYER AGAINST WITCHCRAFT ATTACK, HEXES, SPELLS AND CURSES | APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN OVERCOMING DAILY 971K subscribers Subscribe 5.4K 295K views 1 year ago #OVERCOMINGDAILY Join our. 50:7 9; Isa. 11pm - 12.30am US CST. Pray against witchcraft identification mark like this - Raise your right hand up and cry to the heavens, "Blood of Jesus! * Let the heavens send judgment against every strange covenant of darkness, in the name of Jesus. 5. O God arise and silence witchcraft manipulations operating in my life through this environment, in the name of Jesus. Also in the case of Joseph his brethren (household) hated him because he was loved by his father Jacob. 27:1 2; Gal. 2. My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, i am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. 47. 3. For the midnight prayers, it starts from 12am - 2am. 16. And for us to conquer and win we must be assisted by the realm of the spirit. Witchcraft prophesies, predictions and their expected manifestations about my life, be nullified in Jesus name. Household enemies are just like armed robbers that have a good knowledge about your possession. Today, we shall be looking at 30 midnight prayers against witchcraft powers. The wickedness of the wicked shall fall back upon their heads. i reverse every curse spoken against me and my family in Jesus name. I declare by the power in the blood of Jesus, that powers mocking me shall gather to celebrate me this year in the name of Jesus. I paralyse the evil powers of idolatrous priests in my environment, in Jesus name. 3. Witchcraft pattern affecting my stars, break by fire, in Jesus name, Every spirit of backwardness in my bloodline, die by fire, in Jesus name. Let the sun smite them by day and the moon smite them by night, in Jesus Name. Here are 4 powerful ways to lift a prayer against witchcraft: Photo Credit: Unsplash/Dan Farrell Breaking the Powers of the Dark and Witchcraft Heavenly Father, I bow in worship and praise. Witchcraft game-plan over my success, I destroy you, in Jesus Name. Be careful of witchcraft and evil. Witchcraft nets and coverings cast over my benefits in this community, burn to ashes in Jesus name. Let every evil counselor fighting my destiny be consumed now by fire, in the name of Jesus. My Father! You have entered an incorrect email address! Proper acknowledgment include, but not limited to (a) Proper referencing in the case of usage in research, magazine, sermons, (b) FAIR USE in the case of re-publication on online media or offline. 10. About Evangelist Joshua Orekhie Ministries, Prayers To Destroy Witchcraft Attacks In My Environment. Every household power praying for me to fall and never to rise up again, die, in the name of Jesus. 50 Mfm prayer points against household wickedness 1. Remove from me all evil force, destroy it so that I can be healthy and able to do good deeds. This mfm prayer points are inspired by Dr. Olukoya of mountain of fire and miracle ministries. Contact Evangelist Joshua on Telegram group through +2348099828623. Midnight prayers are very effective. Every witchcraft pot cooking my glory, burn to ashes, in Jesus name. Any wicked siblings, cousins, nephews, that is working against my major breakthroughs, repent and be disgraced by thunder, in Jesus name. Holy Ghost Fire, incubate and take full control of my environment. It is not a laughing matterIt is only prayers that can, paralyze these powers of darkness completely. 21. !, in the name of Jesus. Please make your financial commitment through the ministry account details; Contact Evangelist Joshua (Prayer Line) on Call or WhatsApp:+2348099828623. 4. Every weapon of household wickedness singling me out for attack, turn against your owner. Blood of Jesus walk through this community and scatter every witchcraft operation, in Jesus name. Stop revealing your future plans and intentions to them. Every witchcraft engagement over my success, break, in Jesus Name, Every ancestral witchcraft claim over my life, break, in Jesus Name. 23. I upset every witchcraft set-up against my life, in Jesus Name. 8:7 12; Ex. 3. The attack from the household is a continuous spiritual attack. O earth, earth, earth! 8. In the name of Jesus, any witchcraft practiced under any water against my life shall receive swift judgment of fire and perish. 7 Therefore I will look unto the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation: my God will hear me. 9 Oh let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end; but establish the just: for the righteous God trieth the hearts and reins. Every hiding place and secret place of witchcraft in my family, be exposed by fire in Jesus name. 44.I loose myself from every satanic bondage, in the name of Jesus. Let the thunder of God scatter beyond redemption, the foundation of witchcraft in my household in Jesus name. My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, i am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. There is no how you can hide yourself from this envious witchcraft. Every witchcraft plantation, pollution, deposit and material in my body, be melted by the fire of God and be flushed out by the blood of Jesus. Olukoya - PRAYERS FIRE.pdf - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. 8. I recover any of my virtues / blessings shared out amongst village / household witches, in the name of Jesus. Please do not send the curses back to the witches or those cursing you. To introduce long term sickness and infirmities, To administer the spirit of failure at the edge of breakthrough. A sleeping Christian will always be a victim of witchcraft attacks. God bless you. Please make your financial commitment through the ministry account details; Contact Evangelist Joshua (Prayer Line) on Call or WhatsApp:+2348099828623. I send the fire of God into the coven of witchcraft to set them ablaze, in Jesus name. I come against every witchcraft power cutting my wings of elevation, in the name of Jesus. I refuse, to be programmed against my divine destiny, in the name of Jesus. Every witchcraft informant observing my destiny in this environment, be paralyzed in Jesus name. Father Lord, I pray for the forgiveness of sin, in every way that I have sinned and fallen short of your glory, I ask that you . Let the destructive plan of the enemies aimed against me blow up in their faces, in the name of Jesus. Father, let your fire fall from heaven and consume all the forces assigned to pull me down. 39.Let all iron-like curses break, in the name of Jesus. 13. Envious witchcraft making incantation at midnight to cage my glory, advancement, you my angel go and kill them in Jesus name. In Psalms 109 it says let him who loves cursing receive his own curse. Father I thank you for giving me the strenght to wake up this mdnght for spiritual battles. We have a responsibility to know about this spiritual wickedness and guard ourselves against it. 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