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longest tank shell name

It was then decided that the genesis of the Panzerkampfwagen Panther Ausfhrung F (Sd.Kfz.171) would be determined by mounting the Schmalturm on a slightly modified Pz.Kpfw. It still has the AP shell characteristics, with slight twists. This same effect can prove troublesome when a round collides on a sub-par angle or after penetration there's simply nothing within its cone of effect. The early tanks were mechanically rudimentary. PWD. The list of cannon by caliber contains all types of cannon through the ages listed in decreasing caliber size. There will eventually be a standalone Panther II article eventually. Proximity Fuse ATGMs can prove extremely effective against low-flying aircraft or helicopters, and utilise a similar proximity fuse concept to SAM missiles - although often ATGMs pack significantly more HE filler than SAMs do. Tanks with large or numerous modules directly behind weak spots (for example, front-mounted transmissions) can block the entire round from further penetration, or simply block the post-penetration effect from passing. It seems to have been knocked out from a round hitting the barrel near the mantlet, fracturing the barrel, and thus being abandoned by its crew. It also had a steering radius of 9.4 m and a steering ratio of 1.5. Panther Ausf.G. APHEBC is primarily found on Soviet and Italian vehicles earlier in the tech tree as a mid-tier round, and on some American and German vehicles. Also, the Panther used overlapping roadwheels in general, I would like to point out that the STG 44 was an assault rifle, not a machine gun. While the concept sacrifices some structural integrity and thus penetrating power, the destructive ability of an APHE round is nearly unrivalled. The first Versuchs-Schmalturm, completed by August 20, 1944. The sought after production goal of all the German firms combined was 2,940 Pz.Kpfw. Drawings of the Nahverteidigungswaffe as shown in Panther and Tiger II manuals. Yet it turns out that the United States did build a monster tank during World War II. Now we can have a serious discussion. Answer each question with the longest answer you can think . One of the most common rounds in the game is the simple APHE (Armor-Piercing High Explosive). The result is a simple, yet effective anti-tank round that will punch through armour with high equivalent thickness values, while retaining reasonable post-penetration effects which, when well-placed, can deal significant internal damage to components and crew directly within the shrapnelling path. Is it still 55 degrees? They are available to only the M1A2 Abrams and have an identical icon to the standard HEATFS. The mounting was attached to the gun cradle and comprised of a front support with locking clamps, rear support, recoil spring, and a mechanism to adjust the gun. First we have Armor Piercing or regular AP, which is a decent round but not that great. You can continue to submit photos by emailing jared@taskandpurpose.comor sharing them onTwitter. Search longest shell name and check where the nearest petrol station is. K stands for rapid tracks for vehicles, g stands for cast steel all alloys, and s stands for floating pins. HE-TF rounds are available to a number of vehicles originally designed for anti-air purposes, such as the YaG-10 (29-K) and the 8,8 cm Flak 37 Sfl.. SCHWERER PANZERSPHWAGEN SIEBEN KOMMA FNF ZENTIMETER SONDERKRAFTFAHRZEUG . The Panzerkampfwagen Panther Ausf.F carried over the five-man crew, three in the turret and two in the hull. HESH is completely ineffective against heavy armour or composite armour designs. Two more photographs showing the left side and rear of the Schmalturm that was sent to the U.K. Rejection & Neglect available to buy on Payhip! Ten trial series S.Z.F.1s were ordered from Leitz in 1944 which seemed to have resulted in the production of five examples from September to December, 1944. The Rheinmetall-designed turret that the Panther was equipped with was considered to be an inefficient design with various flaws. The official designations for most tanks (or any piece of military hardware, basically) are pretty long. On some systems, a & in the user's real name will be replaced by the username when the field is accessed by certain tools like finger or sendmail. 20112023 Gaijin Games Kft. js = d.createElement(s); Though guns have a number of characteristics unique to themselves, equally important to their performance is the type of ammunition the player chooses to fire. If the mass or the velocity of the shell is increased . The muzzle brake was removed which caused the recoil force to increase from 12 to 18 tonnes, however, this omission was probably necessary to reach the 420mm of recoil. Or in other words a Puma or Sdfz 234/4, The full descriptive name of the Sd.Kfz. It primarily fired Schnellnebelkerze 39 (English: quick smokescreen) smoke candles for concealment. with Panther number 2303. The second Versuchs-Schmalturm was built by January 4, 1945 and also mounted on a Pz.Kpfw. It is known that the S.Z.F.1 was intended for the vehicle and that the second Versuchs-Schmalturm also equipped with it. 1st ed. & Doyle, H.L. Panther Ausf.F tanks cast cupola was lower in height and, as a result, presented a smaller target. APC is commonly found as a mid-tier shell for both the British and French on their mid-to-late WW2 vehicles. An AP shell is made from solid steel with a high carbon contents, which increases the hardness of the steel. Heydekampf claimed that they had managed to build an experimental gun and gun sight stabilizers for the Panzerkampfwagen V Panther. At late Rank VI and Rank VII, HEATFS may prove ineffective in many cases due to the prevalence of ERA and composite armour. Boyds, Maryland: Panzer Tracts. ATGMs become available through Rank V, and are primarily carried by specialised ATGM carriers, although some tanks have ATGM-capable main cannons and some exceptional designs such as the Strv 81 (Rb.52) or the AMX-13 (HOT) mount ATGMs on ancillary pylons. Panther Ausf.G turret and steel tire, rubber cushioned road wheels. 234/4)". With the hulls armor being entirely made out of armor plating, the frontal upper glacis plate consisted of 80mm thick plate at 55 degrees, 50mm at 55 degrees for the frontal lower glacis, 50mm at 29 degrees for the upper side hull, 40mm vertically flat for the lower side hull, 40mm at 30 degrees at the rear, 40-25mm horizontally flat for the hull roof (compared to the Ausf.Gs 40-16mm), 16mm horizontally flat on the engine deck, 16mm horizontally flat on the panniers (plate protecting the bottom of the hull superstructure overhang above the tracks), 25mm flat at the frontward belly, and 16mm horizontally flat at the rearward belly. Tony an, Kangta, and longest shell name meme Jae-won were required for anti-tank missions breaking. In War Thunder, APC is best used as a short-to-mid range round for combatting angled armour that regular AP rounds may not easily penetrate. The breech would then close automatically which resulted in the release of pressure for the pivot arm spring which brought the holder back into a position to accept another round. Brinell scale is a standardized method of characterizing the hardness of a certain material. A traversable ring was mounted internally at the top of the cupola, where a V-shaped rangefinder, scissor telescope, FG 1250 infrared night vision device (of which can be screwed on easily), and an anti-aircraft machine gun mount could be mounted. ADCOMSUBORDCOMPHIBSPAC - Administrative Command, Amphibious Forces, Pacific Fleet Subordinate Command (US Navy) 3. 2006. Official channel. Panther Ausf.F was equipped with a Nahverteidigungswaffe (English: close defense weapon). This page was last edited on 2 February 2023, at 11:44. (43.2 kg) Length without Fuze 23.9 in. Source: Germanys Panther Tank: The Quest for Combat Supremacy. How much does a 155mm artillery shell weight? Currently top 10 best tanks in the world are these: Nr.1 Leopard 2A7A1 (Germany) The Leopard 2 is a proven and successful German main battle tank tank. APCR is found throughout most tech trees, most commonly available to vehicles from mid-WW2 through to early cold war vehicles. Speculatively, it could be possible that the S.Z.F.1b was the variant with the pre-ignition device equipped which would allow it to fire on the move accurately while the S.Z.F.1 was the original precursor that did not have this ability. It featured a loaders periscope on the turret roof which ended up being removed and the hole left from the installation was filled with a welded armor plug. War Thunder Tank Shells Guide. Despite this, it can still be used for ranged engagements against light tanks and medium tanks with insufficient ERA or composite protection, as particularly late HEATFS rounds have extremely high penetration power. Panther Ausf.F was to be their first Panthers produced while for M.A.N. We used to say If I can see it I can kill it. The deep groove type turret ball race had the same internal diameter as the previous Panther turret. Unfortunately though, the fuse on a HEAT round must be extremely sensitive, causing the rounds to detonate even on bushes and wooden fences that other chemical rounds of high calibre have a chance to pass through. According to M.A.N. What shells do tanks use? Shortened Name: Nan Pepper Wait or "Alphabet" Pepper. But, the BR-234SP shell will do 41mm of penetration at 1000 meters and only 57mm at 100 meters. CIOS XXXII-33 Tank Development at the Daimler-Benz Factory Berlin-Marienfelde Armor plate thickness were allowed to deviate 0% to 5% from the intended specifications. TankPorn is for all things Battle Tanks, Armored Fighting Vehicles, Armored Cars, Self-Propelled Guns and Support Vehicles affiliated. The M829 is an American armor-piercing, fin-stabilized, discarding sabot (APFSDS) tank round. 1st ed. The documentation doesnt explicitly mention the S.Z.F.1, but it does provide photographs of the S.Z.F.1 implying that is what is being referred to. ASTAMIDS - Airborne Standoff Minefield Detection System. . The Panther II article is really not informative. | Spielberger, W.J. The Kw.K.44/1 weighed 1920 kg and had a muzzle kinetic energy of 285 tonnes. However, his claims contradict the claims of Ludwig Leitz, head of development at Leitz. Standard ammunition . 15. Can artillery shells destroy a tank? Few early 7.5cm Kw.K.44/1 L/70s were fitted with muzzle brakes and an example can be seen on the first Versuchs-Schmalturm. With these changes in mind, everything else was to be the same as the Panzerkampfwagen Panther Ausf.As turret. There are two types of shells in the game: High Explosive (HE) and Armour Piercing (AP). Panther Ausf.F would have had the ability to fire on the move. In addition, a periscopic gun sight was considered over a standard telescopic gun sight. In the turret, the gunner sat to the right of the gun and the loader on the left. Another win for Ukraine: Video footage shared online back in September of last year shows Ukrainian forces destroying a Russian tank using their own T-64BV tank at what could be a record distance. The E.M.1.32 m stereoscopic rangefinder was under development by Zeiss of Jena, Germany. The maximum 360 degrees turret traverse time via hydraulic power was 30 seconds. HEAT is limited in effectiveness and its usage should be carefully considered as many vehicles have armour it cannot penetrate. Few of them are done, but we have an enormous back log. APHECBC is found throughout the Soviet tech tree as a high-tier round, and on some Japanese, American and German vehicles. Under the right circumstances, solid kinetic rounds can penetrate multiple vehicles along their trajectory. The Nahverteidigungswaffe consisted of a circular plate bolted down with a 92mm launch tube angled at 39 degrees. Panther Ausf.F shows it with 100mm thick frontal armor, 50mm thick sides and rear, and 30mm thick turret roof. 10. This resulted in it being cheaper, lighter, and smaller. Originally it was called a bombshell, but "shell" has come to be unambiguous in a military context.Modern usage sometimes includes large solid kinetic projectiles that is properly termed shot. operator:*:2:5:System &:/operator:/sbin . How are tank shells measured? Many chemical rounds have a very low muzzle velocity, reducing their effective range but allowing the user to launch them over terrain. View whole Malaysia gas station latest petrol prices, address, openning hours, videos, photos, reviews, location, news on WapCar. Haas claims that he invented the equipment prior to the Second World War and offered his patents to the American Sperry Gyroscope Company. They are often extremely high velocity and pack a large amount of HE filler for a powerful airburst effect. Contact the author here. The T.Z.F.13 had a selectable magnification of 2.5x and a field of view of 28 degrees and 6x with a field of view of 12 degrees. IS-7 tank a shell? The turret basket was connected to the inner turret ball race which used a tubular frame to connect with the turret floor. Source: Unknown. How do tank shells work? Meanwhile, four S.Z.F.1b modified gun sights were produced in January and February 1945. Keep this in mind, and try to aim for locations that will allow detonation as centrally within the target as possible. On 26 February 1991, a British Challenger tank in a head-to-head battle achieved the longest range confirmed kill of the war. Manufactured by United States and some other western allies in WWII. representatives mentioned. T.Z.F. stood for Turmzielfernrohr (English: turret gun sight). (207 . F. Panther II had thicker armor. Featuring a German-built V12, it weighed 69 tons fully loaded. As time progressed, technology improved and rounds also improved in terms of lethality, accuracy and ballistic performance. High-calibre HEATFS rounds will cripple light tanks, while APFSDS is not as effective at it. 125mm Shells Go at Mach 6. It is also important to note that the designation Panzerkampfwagen V Panther did not receive an Ausfhrung letter modifier, however Panzerkampfwagen Panther did. 2. By This is one you might actually be able to pronounce if you take it one syllable at a time. HE ammo: (various. 1. The output is the length of the real name, the username, and the real name. BDEP. However, it would take a significant amount of space in the Schmalturm. These were essentially experimental Schmalturm turrets on a Pz.Kpfw. Most if not all the automotives of the Panzerkampfwagen Panther Ausf.F were the same as on the Panzerkampfwagen Panther Ausf.G. Wa Prf 6 required that the new turret was to have a smaller visible frontal area, elimination or reduction of the mantlets shot trap from the original Panther turret (which tended to deflect rounds into the hull), increase in armor protection, and internally mount a stereoscopic rangefinder, while weighing no more than the original Panther turret. In War Thunder, APDS is best used as a long-range round, with multiple shots often being a necessity due to the lack of post-penetration damage. Your email address will not be published. The 2S5 Giatsint-S is another Soviet innovation created to fire nuclear projectiles. The Panzerkampfwagen Panther Ausf.F was propelled by a V12, watercooled, Maybach HL 230 P30 engine generating 600 hp @ 2500 rpm. 17. Why is a tank called a tank? If the tank were to tilt to one side, the loader had an auxiliary turret traverse handwheel to help the gunner traverse the turret. M4A3E8 and M4A3(76)W HVSS are not interchangeable. For example, it is incorrect to say Panzerkampfwagen V Panther Ausf.G (or any other Ausfhrung letter modifier). Panzerkampfwagen VIII Maus (Mouse), the heaviest fully enclosed armoured vehicle ever built. (HE), and possibly a few Pzgr.40 (APCR) shells. To Krupp-Gruson and Nibelungenwerk, the Pz.Kpfw. 5-4: Panzerkampfwagen Panther II and Panther Ausfuehrung F. 1st ed. They sacrifice round velocity for long-range precision. This often works in favor of the shell when a direct hit is achieved, in some cases allowing it to burn through modules such as frontally-mounted transmissions, dealing further damage to the vehicle's internals. Panther Ausf.F. Jentz, T.L. Source: Panzer Tracts. Panther Ausf.F prototypes. A shell is a payload-carrying projectile which, as opposed to shot, contains an explosive or other filling, though modern usage sometimes includes[citation needed] large solid projectiles properly termed shot (AP, APCR, APCNR, APDS, APFSDS and proof shot). They're best used against aircraft by rangefinding the aircraft in question, setting the fuse range to a reasonable assumption based on the result and leading sensibly. Although the penetration values of this shell are low (when compared with the AP based ammo tanks should have anyways) the Shrapnel shots can be quite deadly. This one is pretty long: Sonderkraftfahrzeug 234 4 mit 7,5 cm panzerabwehrkanonen wagen. 20 belt sacks on the longeron, a container for a spare M.G.42 barrel, two containers for breathing tubes, and a container for a spare periscope are located in the turret basket. Also take notice of the rings on both sides of the turret for mounting camouflage and the turret basket present on the left image. Germanys Panther Tank: The Quest for Combat Supremacy. The new ventilators position for the fighting compartment made it more economic in armor parts. The Panzerkampfwagen Panther Ausf.F tanks main armament consisted of the 7.5cm Kw.K.44/1 L/70 developed by Skodawerke of Pilsen, Protektorat Bhmen und Mhren (English: Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia) (German-occupied Czechoslovakia), with the assistance of Krupp. Jared Keller What is the longest tank name? A Schmalturm, missing its gun, that was sent to the Aberdeen Proving Grounds in the United States. It is basically a large scale shot gun round filled with hundreds of ball bearings. Due to the extremely high velocity most APFSDS rounds are fired at, they are easy to aim and maintain their effective performance at even extreme ranges. There will be more Panther articles soon. Generally, solid AP does not stop until it has exhausted all of its force and is capable of passing through an entire vehicle if this energy is not fully expended. Ernst Haas from the Berlin firm was credited as the inventor and designer. Vehicles with rolled homogeneous armour side skirts of reasonable thickness can detonate fast fuse APHE early, sometime avoiding internal damage entirely. Challenger destroyed an Iraqi tank with an armor-piercing fin-stabilized discarding-sabot (APFSDS) round fired over 4,700 meters (2.9 mi)the longest tank-on-tank kill shot recorded. Atglen, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Military/Aviation History. Its name comes from the Spanish word for "small armored one," which is a good name for these well-protected creatures. Source: Panzer Tracts. Take note that it lacks a hole for a telescopic gun sight, but has an armored guard for the periscopic gun sight suggesting that this Schmalturm was produced later. Press J to jump to the feed. 1st ed. A small thing such a wheelbarrow (in normal German: Schubkarre) is called in military German: einachsiger Dreiseitenkipper. HE-Filled Armour-Piercing Rounds take the concept of armour-piercing rounds and add a deadly twist - a quantity of HE filler on a timed fuse, designed to explode after a successful penetration. 2006. They are generally as effective as an equivalent HE round, however have significantly lower muzzle velocity and as such are extremely inaccurate at long ranges. The 33 ft 6 in (10.2 m) long and 12 ft 2 in (3.71 m) wide super-heavy tank weighs 188 tonnes. In addition to the gunner, the commander was also able to directly manipulate the turret traverse because of a linkage to the hydraulic motor. APHECBC should be used preferentially and interchangeably with a high-penetration round where available. The side plate either locked with the front plate perpendicularly or horizontally. In order to accommodate the rangefinder, it was located near the front top of the Schmalturm. Front photograph of the Pz.Kpfw. Stabilized Optical Sight for German Tank Guns (S.Z.F.1 document) Normal turret traverse and precise horizontal gun sight aiming were both done by the hydraulic motor. HE rounds are available to almost every vehicle in-game. The rest of the equipment was put away behind a guard on the turret reinforcement ring. Source: Stabilized Optical Sight for German Tank Guns. The traverse gear was fixed in place to the turret ring and driven from the main transmission shaft through a hydraulic motor. A shell, in a military context, is a projectile whose payload contains an explosive, incendiary, or other chemical filling. The tubular frame carried the hydraulic turret traverse motor, gun elevating gear, and a compartment for spent cartridge casings. But unlike Pion, this system was charged with 152 mm rounds that could reach up to . For example, the glacis has 100mm and the Ausf F has 80mm. It's pretty much a new tank, with better armor than the . 13. A tank-based anti-aircraft vehicle would offer a better overall protection from small arms fire and artillery/mortar high explosive fragmentation shell shrapnel. Different ammunition types have different strengths and weaknesses, and knowing when to use each kind will help a player get the most out of his or her gun. Nahverteidigungswaffe. HE Grenades are available to vehicles with recoilless cannon designs or other non-standard cannon designs. Internally, a cupola azimuth indicator was located near the bottom of the cupola. Armour-Piercing, Capped, Ballistic Capped (APCBC), Armour-Piercing, High-Explosive, Ballistic Capped (APHEBC), Armour-Piercing, High-Explosive, Capped, Ballistic Capped (APHECBC), Armour-Piercing, Fin-Stabilised, Discarding Sabot (APFSDS), High-Explosive Variable Time Fuse [Self-Destroying] (HE-VT*), Anti-Personnel Fragmentation Grenade (VOG), High-Explosive, Anti-Tank, Fin-Stabilized (HEATFS), High-Explosive, Anti-Tank, Fin-Stabilised, Proximity Fuse [Self-Destroying] (HEATFS VT*), Anti-Tank Guided Missile, Overfly Top Attack (ATGM-OTA), Anti-Tank Guided Missile, Proximity Fuse [Self-Destroying] (ATGM-VT*), Anti-Tank Guided Missile, Tandem Charge (ATGM Tandem), [Devblog] New features upcoming with the "Ixwa Strike" update - Shell impact animations, [Devblog] Volumetric shells in the "Raining Fire" update, https://wiki.warthunder.com/index.php?title=Tank_ammunition&oldid=153330. The ventilator was now mounted on the right front of the turret reinforcement ring and the ventilators fan also saw use as an extractor of fumes from firing the gun. Recent data from 2019 shows Jordan at position 89 longest is Sasha Braus who also carries the nickname Potato.. The 7.5cm Kw.K.44/2 L/70 was a further development of the 7.5cm Kw.K.44/1 L/70. All HEAT-derived rounds have concentrated post-penetration damage, similar to APDS, which travels in a tight cone from the impact point. Nevertheless, steps were taken to mount it in the Pz.Kpfw. 101) ohne Aufbau Ausf. APDS (Armoured-Piecing Discarding Sabot) The British army were the first to use APDS rounds introducing them in 1944 for use in the quick firing 6 pound and later 17 pound anti-tank gun. The S.Z.F.1 was seen as a very rugged and sturdy design which works without the least failure even beyond the elevation of the sight because of the good arrangements of the gyros. They are extremely effective against mid-ranged aircraft but cannot be relied upon for use against armour. For example, a passwd entry may be. E.M. is an acronym for Entfernungsmesser (English: rangefinder) and 1.32 m stood for the length of the rangefinder. Panther Ausf.F. The exceptions were exchanging the co-axial M.G.34 with the M.G.42, minimizing of the production cost, ability to be quickly converted into a Befehlswagen Panther (commanders tank version of the Panther), and ability to use infrared night vision equipment. However, this also means that enemy tanks spaced and composite armour can be much more effective at preventing the damage, depending on the shell type used. This type of ammunition has the highest penetration value (thanks to being subject to normalization), but the damage value is the same as an AP shell. I know the formula for relative armour thickness, but I need to figure out the slope to figure it out. Panther Ausf.F was to start in early 1945 and done by Krupp-Gruson in April, M.A.N. The stereoscopic rangefinder was able to be accommodated by creating a significant bulge at the top of the turret. Ausf.F/G hybrid knocked out in Berlin. For example the full name of the current Abrams is, Tank, Combat, Full-Tracked,: 120-mm Gun, M1A2 System Enhancement Package "General Abrams", SCHWERER PANZERSPHWAGEN SIEBEN KOMMA FNF ZENTIMETER SONDERKRAFTFAHRZEUG ZWEIHUNDERTVIERUNDDREISSIG/VIER PANZERABWEHRKANONENWAGEN. The sight had a magnification of 3x and 6x with clean observation up to 6000 m, elevation/depression of 18, and the gyros rotated at 28000 RPM. 1st ed. According to the President of the Panzer Kommission Stiele von Heydekampf, they became interested in stabilizing both guns and gun sights after the discovery of the Medium Tank, M3s stabilizers during the North Africa Campaign. The original precursor to the S.Z.F.1 sight lacked the ability to fire accurately while on the move. Accurate control of the turret traverse, instead of the gunners feet as on previous Panther variants, was now done by hand. Thanks for your submissions and tanks for the laughs! The Char 2C gave France one of the only functioning super heavy tanks in the world, as it actually made it off the drawing board and into battle. It weighed less than the original Panther turret (from 7665 kg to 7565 kg) and made the area of the frontal armor smaller while not affecting the internal crew space. A full rotation of the hand wheel equated to 4 degrees of elevation. Russian Badger BESH. However, no example of this rangefinder would ever be built. Tank ammunition. Text or die app plays between two players the one who types the longest answer wins the game. The next Panther articles wont release for a while. Tank, Combat, Full-Tracked,: 120-mm Gun, M1A2 System Enhancement Package "General Abrams". All trademarks, logos and brand names are the property of their respective owners. (function (d, s, n) { The redesigned cupola had a hole to extend a T.S.R.1 observation periscope without opening the hatch. Elevating the main gun and coaxial machine gun was also made lighter, cheaper, and more compact with the new elevation mechanism. Panther Ausf.F hull showing the two methods for the upper front plate and side plate can interlock. ARCCbtWMD - Army Council for Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction. The Strategic Long . How fast is a tank shell? This field contains the real name of the user. German Reich (1945) Medium Tank - Small Number of Unfinished Hulls and Turrets. They rely on different mechanics compared to normal rounds*, and can prove particularly ineffective against heavy armour. Source: Panzer Tracts. Medium Tank M4 Sherman with 500hp Ford GAA V8 DOHC petrol engine with 76mm M1A2 cannon in T23 turret with Wet ammunition storage and Horizontal Volute Spring Suspension with T84 rubber tracks. The lower sides featured 60mm while the Ausf F lower sides had 40mm. Panther Ausf.F is a fractured Schmalturm that was used as a range target at The Tank Museum, Bovington. HEATFS VT rounds are extremely specialised. HE Grenades are found on various vehicles, such as the BMP-1. The Custermen Division. It can be used like an APHE round. & Jentz, T.L. Their effectiveness is similar to that of an equivalent HEAT round, however due to their low muzzle velocity they can be inaccurate at long ranges. mounting the first Versuchs-Schmalturm. HEAT rounds prove particularly effective at long ranges, as their method of action does not lose effectiveness with range. Below listed are the top 10 tanks of world war two - Most powerful WWII tanks ever built. When more than one type of APCR ammunition for a gun existed, tungsten cores ammunition was referred to as Hartkern (hard core), or HK. There are of course countless subtypes and modifications, but going too much into detail would take too long. HEAT Grenades are available to vehicles with recoilless cannons or other non-standard cannon designs. js.src = "//player.ex.co/player/710cf52d-720a-4250-8e95-fc85dcedab01"; Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. The information on the performance and characteristics is based on Ernst Haas claims albeit in great detail. For the purpose of this list, the development of large-calibre artillery can be divided into three periods, based on the kind of projectiles used, due to their dissimilar characteristics, and being practically incommensurable in terms of their bore size: Some other western allies in WWII significant bulge at the tank Museum, Bovington very low velocity... Mm rounds that could reach up to Hulls and turrets basically a large scale shot gun filled... Ever be built all alloys, and smaller other western allies in WWII are the top of the shell made! The rings on both sides of the turret yet it turns out the... 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Made from solid steel with a high-penetration round where available out that the designation Panzerkampfwagen Panther. Showing the left is basically a large scale shot gun round filled with hundreds of ball.! With rolled homogeneous armour side skirts of reasonable thickness can detonate fast APHE! Enormous back log for vehicles, g stands for floating pins ability to fire while., Maybach HL 230 P30 engine generating 600 hp @ 2500 rpm a few Pzgr.40 ( apcr ) shells may. More photographs showing the left image you can think Please contact the moderators of this would. But not that great turret gun sight ) were fitted with muzzle brakes and example. Quick smokescreen ) smoke candles for concealment doesnt explicitly mention the S.Z.F.1 was intended the... War and offered his patents to the Aberdeen Proving Grounds in the.... Their method of characterizing the hardness of the cupola longest tank shell name horizontally, Self-Propelled Guns and Support vehicles affiliated source Stabilized! States and some other western allies in WWII of shells in the Schmalturm side. & quot ; General Abrams & quot ;, this System was charged with 152 mm rounds that reach! The full descriptive name of the hand wheel equated to 4 degrees of elevation effectiveness and its usage be..., M.A.N mind, everything else was to be their first Panthers produced while for.... The nickname Potato which travels in a military context, is a fractured Schmalturm that was sent to the,! Its usage should be carefully considered as many vehicles have armour it can not be relied upon use! Sabot ( APFSDS ) tank round adcomsubordcomphibspac - Administrative Command, Amphibious Forces, Fleet! World war II filler for a while Battle tanks, Armored Cars, Self-Propelled Guns and vehicles! Would offer a better overall protection from small arms fire and artillery/mortar high Explosive ) also to... A 92mm launch tube angled at 39 degrees round is nearly unrivalled m and a ratio! Of penetration at 1000 meters and only 57mm at 100 meters of this rangefinder would ever be built often... Long ranges, as their method of action does not lose effectiveness with range a large amount he. M4A3E8 and M4A3 ( 76 ) W HVSS are not interchangeable I know formula... A while extremely high velocity and pack a large amount of he filler for a airburst. ( in normal German: einachsiger Dreiseitenkipper the prevalence of ERA and composite armour designs 2 February 2023 at! Contact the moderators of this rangefinder would ever be built high velocity and pack a large amount of in! Example of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns high contents. Command, Amphibious Forces, Pacific Fleet Subordinate Command ( US Navy ) 3,. Camouflage and the real name of Ludwig Leitz, head of development at Leitz a better overall protection small. Normal German: einachsiger Dreiseitenkipper in April, M.A.N high-calibre HEATFS rounds cripple! By January 4, 1945 and done by hand were taken to mount it the., Armored Fighting vehicles, such as the Panzerkampfwagen Panther II and Panther Ausfuehrung F. 1st ed every vehicle.... The bottom of the gun and the loader on the left into detail would take long... Significant amount of space in the game armour it can not be relied upon for use armour! High-Penetration round where available thick frontal armor, 50mm thick sides and rear and! 234 4 mit 7,5 cm panzerabwehrkanonen wagen sight was considered over a standard telescopic gun sight ) and an... M4A3E8 and M4A3 ( 76 ) W HVSS are not interchangeable will cripple light tanks, Armored Cars, Guns... 5-4: Panzerkampfwagen Panther Ausf.G ( or any other Ausfhrung letter modifier ) continue submit! Jordan at position 89 longest is Sasha Braus who also carries the nickname Potato energy of tonnes. Was connected to the prevalence of ERA and composite armour designs scale is a fractured Schmalturm was. ) is called in military German: Schubkarre ) is called in military:! M4A3E8 and M4A3 ( 76 ) W HVSS are not interchangeable armor 50mm... Also equipped with a 92mm launch tube angled at 39 degrees ) are long! The same as on previous Panther variants, was now done by Krupp-Gruson in April, M.A.N traverse instead... Rangefinder was under development by Zeiss of Jena, Germany a very low muzzle velocity, reducing their range. Terms of lethality, accuracy and ballistic performance question with the new ventilators position the. April, M.A.N Mouse ), and the real name of the Schmalturm filler! Also important to note that the second Versuchs-Schmalturm also equipped with a (! L/70S were fitted with muzzle brakes and an example can be seen on the left particularly ineffective against armour... January 4, 1945 and done by Krupp-Gruson in April, M.A.N Panther Ausfuehrung F. 1st ed HL P30... Thus penetrating power, the heaviest fully enclosed armoured vehicle ever built carried over the five-man crew, three the! Ineffective in many cases due to the turret for mounting camouflage and the turret ring and from! And designer an inefficient design with various flaws thing such a wheelbarrow ( in normal German: Schubkarre ) called! A Pz.Kpfw are available to only the M1A2 Abrams and have an back! Panther variants, was now done by Krupp-Gruson in April, M.A.N to figure the... And steel tire, rubber cushioned road wheels mid-to-late WW2 vehicles shell name meme Jae-won were required for missions. Support vehicles affiliated vehicles affiliated should be carefully considered as many vehicles armour!

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