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butch cassidy treasure found

He was the ring leader of the Wild Bunch outlaw gang that robbed trains and banks during the Wild West days. Most of these lost treasures are tales that have been told throughout the generations but once in a while you get some that have rings of truth and fact in them. But many still await discovery. I hope you enjoyed this article and if you have any questions or comments please leave them below. I am familiar with the area. [2][4] The waterfalls scene was filmed at Utah's Bridal Veil Falls. He introduces us to a Patagonian woman I would love to go on a true expedition to a historic site and hunt! There are actually four stories of lost treasure that was buried by Henry Plummer and his gangs. As the lone cowboy sat watching, another cowboy was loitering near the stairway of the company office. In the 1890s, Butch Cassidy and his Wild Bunch often fled into the remote valley of Browns Hole to escape from lawmen. According to local legend, the land is "cursed" and full of treasure. We accepted the job and started to make plans and preparations to ensure that we understood the history behind the story. Neither Corts nor anyone else has found the treasure to this day. Talk Treasures with Tim is the show and youll want to keep an eye out for it. Site how it was buryed..but to old to walk.and dig92.years..will show or tell or give. "The Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch" on the Discovery Channel chronicles the treasure hunt for Aztec gold at Duane Ollinger's ranch in Vernal. We found it. I couldnt believe my eyes. In the new book Last of The Bandit Riders Revisited Again, by Dr. Steve Lacy the final word on the Robbers Roost Gang. It is said that they made their way through North Springs Canyon and were seen in Cleveland and Huntington Utah where they got on the Outlaw trail and made their way to Robbers Roost where they had a hideout. Its unknown whether Cassidy was with them or if, as some historians believe, he stayed behind and in July of that year took part in a train robbery near Wagner, Montana. It is said that the gold was hidden in a gulch several miles east of Clifford in Lincoln County. Let me know if interested. The famous outlaw Butch Cassidy was born on April 13, 1866, as Robert LeRoy Parker in Beaver, Utah. I have an upcoming episode on my Podcast show of our exploration about the Castle Gate Robbery, Butch Cassidy, and Robbers Roost. Otero County The site of Bents Fort on the old Santa Fe Trail is supposed to be where much treasure is buried. The mystery and intrigue of buried treasure is something that captivates most peoples' attention. A Guide to Treasure in Colorado. Anyone see the episode that was recently on TV? The team gathered all the best equipment we could; there were two DJI drones, laptops and tablets,Minelab detectorslike theCTX 3030and the MinelabSDC 2300. That might be a lucrative endeavor. To protect Montezuma's treasure from the Spaniards, legend says that thousands of Aztecs took it and fled north, possibly to southern Utah. Tyler Bridges/Miami Herald/Tribune News Service/Getty Images. As a matter of fact, Hell Gate Ronde is the town where the vigilante group caught up with Henry Plummer and he was hanged in Hell Gate Ronde. In fact, there is no conclusive evidence linking Cassidy and Sundance to the robbery and shootout. Unlike the other legends and myths on the list, this one isn't about a treasure that was buried long ago it's about a mine that will supposedly be filled with fortune and riches in the future. Butch Cassidy, Thor Heyerdahl, and others. We were following Butchs breadcrumbs. . For a time, the gang eluded capture but were finally conquered by an army scout from Fort Garland who rode back to the fort with their heads in a sack. Drinking and partying and tearing up miners camps. The picture above was how it looked when we left that morning, but when we got back, the wind had rolled our tents into the hill and our sleeping bags and clothes were spread out all over the place. Young Outlaw By all accounts Cassidy was a charming thief, who was well-liked and who never, it's believed, killed anyone. This story is about a little girl who got ahold of one of her fathers cigar boxes. In this article lost treasures of Utah, we will be exploring 7 of these lost treasure legends and the stories behind them. This is about the Castle Gate Robbery. I can tell you for a fact, that if you drove an UTV to the site where you believe the loot is. Standing are: Will Carver and Harvey Logan, (Kid Curry). A relative (Ryan Kelley) of outlaw Butch Cassidy (Brian Wimmer) seeks the truth about the man's fate and the location of buried treasure. During the raid or maybe before he successfully was able to bury 50 pounds of his gold dust and nuggets in a muddy area there. With Brian Wimmer, Arielle Kebbel, Michael Van Wagenen, Brock Ricardos. The posse had a hard time tracking the Wild Bunch on the trails because Butch and his gang were smart. Atlas Obscura reports that Koyle was called before a disciplinary council to either sign a statement saying his claims were false or be excommunicated from the Church. Overcoming his unforgiving grandfather's opposition, Roy and friends are involved in several chase scenes, pursued by criminals. One of those items was a three-foot-high solid gold statue of Jesus. According to the Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979, any "archaeological resources" you find on the land of the state are government property. this is pretty awesome. $30,000 is said to be cached in Irish Canyon, near the border. INCREDIBLE FIND: Couple find buried treasure trove under their floor, including $50,000 in cash! While many have searched for this treasure in Bloomington Cave it has yet to be found. Not too far from this location, we found a corral that Butch and his gang used for their horses which you can see in the video link below. Although the teen was let off, the experience reportedly left him resentful toward the legal system and people in authority. Butch Cassidy's . They came back the next day with a 10 inch bit but it broke off about halfway to the cave. Today that gold would be worth around $250,000 and along with the loot from their other robberies there could be millions of dollars worth of gold and silver buried or hidden in the Canyons of southeastern, Utah! At age 13, while working at one of these ranches, he had his first run-in with the law after being accused of stealing a pair of overalls from a store. Butch Cassidy's Final Heist. Not if I find it first! Butch Cassidy's family was among Utah's early Mormon settlers. 2023 A&E Television Networks, LLC. The treasure map couldnt be deciphered and this lost treasure remains hidden somewhere in Johnson Canyon close to Kanab, Utah. . Butch Cassidy writes a letter to his family, enclosing a belt buckle engraved with a treasure map. When a customer at a nearby store tried to interlude, he was met with a gun.. When the Spanish conquistadors arrived in Mexico in the 1500s, Aztec Emperor Montezuma offered Spaniard Hernn Corts gifts to keep the peace, according to Visit Southern Utah. Some Utah treasure legends are so popular that they even have their own TV show. The producers and the TIA team reached out to many people in Utah and surrounding states to gain knowledge from others. The Castle Gate Robbery treasure consisted of $7,000 in gold. Rugged Geocache Hunts Await you in Idaho - Bring your Wits and your Backpacks, Plummer Gangs Buried Gold at Hell Gate Ronde, Plummer Gangs Buried Gold On Hollow Top Mountain, Buried Gold Near Fort Missoula Military Post, In the hills between Virginia City and Bannack Montana, Near Haystack Butte, Montana along the Missouri River, In a cave on Hollow Top Mountain near Waterloo, Montana, On a ravine called China Grade near Clear Fork River between Drummond and Bearmouth, Montana, Near the Flint River two miles south of Philipsburg, Montana, Bell River about a mile northwest of Monarch, Montana, Fort Missoula is located about 3 miles south of Missoula, Montana off of State Highway 93, Fort Peck is located along the Missouri River in Valley County Montana, $40,000 in paper currency and $80,000 in gold and silver coins, near the northern tip of Holler Lake about 3 miles fromWolf Creek Montana, $12,000 in gold dust stolen on October 13, 1863, $2,800 in gold stolen on October 26, 1863, $1,000 in gold and treasury notes stolen on November 22, 1863, $5,000 in gold dust stolen in November 1863, $80,000 in gold dust and $1500 in treasury notes stolen in December 1863. Jimmy EMerson, DVM/Flickr Creative Commons/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. The spot was supposedly marked by three stones, each bearing the date 1847. Then they made their way to the express car where the valuables were stored and blew open the safe they got away with $40,000 in paper currency and some say $80,000 in gold and silver coins. Meanwhile, following the alleged deaths of Cassidy and Sundance in South America, there were multiple reports the two men had returned to the United States (its unclear whatever became of Etta Place), where they lived for a number of years under aliases. Some of them are a little over the top but nonetheless interesting and they make you wonder if they are really out there waiting to be found. The film then shifts to Circleville, Utah, in 1951, where Butch Cassidy's 16-year-old great-nephew, Roy Parker, defends his infamous ancestor's reputation despite the opposition of Sam, his stern grandfather, Cassidy's younger brother. Joining the two in the hunt are Ellie, with whom Roy is becoming infatuated, and Martin, who reluctantly goes along after Roy takes his truck during the jailbreak. The next morning, we hopped in the UTVs and explored the area, looking for any clues we could find of Butch Cassidy and the Wild Bunch. There is treasure out there to find it just might not be worth the millions of dollars one would hope for. His cabin was located on Bell River about a mile northwest of Monarch Montana. Attempts were made to reach the sheriff by telephone, but they soon realized that the phone lines had been cut. They would also rob miners of their mined assets. From the origins of his famous name to the mystery surrounding his death, the legendary American outlaw. "If we had those kinds of gold mines in the Uintas, I'd be a rich man," Flanagan told The Park Record at the time. Im already on it here in Saguache county! #6. The famous Butch Cassidy of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid is said to have done numerous robberies in Utah, Wyoming, Montana, and Colorado in the late 1800s to early 1900s. The best way to look for clues is to find whats been left behind. On November 23, 1868, a crowd stormed the jail and lynched the outlaw. Ancient weapons, precious stones, gold nuggets and dust, silver plate, gold and silver coins, and some jewelry. You are way off base Ollinger, along with his son Chad and others, is determined to find the alleged treasure in seven underground caves on their 160-acre ranch but the hunt proves to be more dangerous than they thought. Using the metal detectors, we were able to find a few old bullets that could match the time period of the early 1900s. This robbery was done in broad daylight and making a quick getaway was key. By finding Butch Cassidys name a few miles away from our destination, we now felt like we had evidence that the chimney ruins we had found, were in fact, the famous Robbers Roost. Henry and his gang would hijack shipments of gold and valuables that came out of Virginia City, Montana. In 1980, my fledgling publishing company, Footprints in the Wilderness History of the Lost Rhoades Mine, , with a wrap-around dust jacket complete with Indians and Mormons and Spaniards and lost treasure, and of course, it came with a treasure map and a gold nugget.. Digging Deeper: Butch Cassidys Buried Gold In Montana. However, after getting into trouble with the law, Mike Cassidy fled the area, and Parker himself departed Utah in search of new opportunities after turning 18 in 1884. Cassidy and Lay likely met around 1889 while working at a ranch in Browns Park, an area near the borders of Utah, Colorado and Wyoming that served as a sometime hideout for outlaws. Butch & Sundance were near the Royal Gorge some years back. Well, that is the conclusion of 12 lost treasures of Montana. Again, I watched many treasure tv shows with legends involved and all have proved nothing. He discovers the belt buckle left by Cassidy and learns that it is a map to the treasure buried by Cassidy somewhere in the Utah wilderness. More information can be found in. The search area is large and theres no telling where the Wild Bunch might have hidden it. The Padre was a mine owner who had used the Mexican people as workers in the mine and many of them died as a result. Brigham Young was the leader of the Mormons or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The film continues the Butch Cassidy saga beyond the ending of the 1969 Robert RedfordPaul Newman hit film, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, in 1908. George believed he would return one day to retrieve the chest. where was the second one 120 miles away at? Is the gold from that Chinese miner and perhaps others still buried on China Grade? Legends of America states that "[t]he outlaw loot was never recovered and many believe it was hidden by the gang somewhere near Robbers Roost located along the Outlaw Trail, in southeastern Utah.". The Curry boys caused a lot of ruckus for years in the town of Landusky. In the last few months of World War II, Nazis sunk containers and various other objects intoLake Toplitzfor stillnot entirely known reasons. Crystal was doing and others joined him in search of the lost treasure. But Mexico ended up with the land that is now Utah and later the United States acquired Utah from Mexico making it a state in 1896. Eventually, all his brothers were killed and he did one final robbery. Butch Cassidy and his accomplice Elza Lay a member of the Wild Bunch were waiting in town to steal the payroll. Its here that their troubles began knowing that they had a rough road ahead of them George Donner and James Reed the leaders of the wagon train at this point decided to start leaving some of their possessions behind. The Curry Gang came to Montana in the 1890s. But if the thrill of the hunt is enough, get out there and start exploring! Three boy scouts, one a great-nephew of Butch Cassidy, and their pretty girl friend hunt for the lost treasure of the legendary bank robber in 1950s Utah. It did look old to me, which made me even more excited because that was the proof I needed to tell me that we were on the right path. In the 1880s a miner was coming back from his mine with 200 pounds of gold bullion when his mule broke its leg. It was clear that there had been some mining activity in the area, most likely from the late 1800s. While they've halted work on the mine itself, the company is still active and sells stock in the Dream Mine. Local to Utah. Their grandson struggles to clear up the outlaws good reputation and name by looking and finding the treasure that was used to do good in the urban . The music score was by Jay Bateman. The two robbers took off on horseback to Robber's Roost, cutting telegraph lines along the way so that no one could spread the news of the robbery. We consider this an open investigation and we will continue to research and seek out the history and lost loot of Butch Cassidy and his gang. The gang consisted of brothers by the names of Henry, Loney, John, and Harvey Logan. Another diver reported that her tank air was turned off while on the dive. People have reported "mysterious markings" on Fifty Mile Mountain, as well as several Spanish artifacts that could add some validity to the story. Maybe you chased the end of a rainbow to find the pot of gold. There are stories of buried gold from miners to buried loot from gangs that once roomed the state of Montana. Theres no wonder that Montana has many lost treasure tales to tell. This is a normal process that Treasures in America does, knowledge is key in historical treasure hunting. Harry Alonzo Longabaugh or better known as the Sundance Kid was Cassidy's main partner in crime during their latter days of robbery. Cassidy fled to South America in 1901, where he is believed to have died in 1908. According to the note there is gold, some silver and some paper currency buried in a saddle bag. Billions of dollars in gold, silver, and gems. This includes just about anything over 100 years old. It is said that a group called the Beartown Roughs terrorized and stole from the local miners there. Lee Musgrove was finally caught by Cook in Wyoming Territory and was jailed in Denver. Sitting are, left to right: Harry A. Longabaugh (Sundance), Ben Kilpatrick (the Tall Texan),Robert Leroy Parker (Butch Cassidy). I believe Colorado legend about a Butch Cassidy treasure started based on the robbery of the San Miguel Valley Bank, Telluride, on June 24, 1889. They asked if we were willing to take on the job of assisting the famous wrestler, Chris Jericho out in the desert to look for the treasure on camera for the Travel Channel. Man, what a find that was! We ended up traveling over 120 miles of dirt road that weekend getting familiar with the area. His first taste of a major robbery came in June 1889, when he and three. slightly surprised to not receive a contract yet. The famous Butch Cassidy of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid is said to have done numerous robberies in Utah, Wyoming, Montana, and Colorado in the late 1800s to early 1900s. Kathy Weiser then goes on to explain, The two cowboys, now known to have been Butch Cassidy and Elza Lay, got on their horses and rode south, pursued by two citizens, one in a buggy and the other on horseback shouting, Bring that money back! But it was too late, the pair were long gone. Geocaching is a treasure hunting game where you use a GPS to hide and seek containers with other participants in the activity. So they never did find those silver dollars and they are probably sitting somewhere in an old mine shaft in the town of Standardville. One day I will actually look for the buried loot. Three boy scouts, one a great-nephew of Butch Cassidy, and their pretty girl friend hunt for the lost treasure of the legendary bank robber in 1950s Utah. Crystal found a few caves that were sealed off. You will learn of outlaw loot hidden away in Utah, the lost Aztec treasure of Montezuma, a buried treasure chest left by the Donner Party in the Great Salt Lake Desert, and more! Henry Plummer the leader of the Henry Plummer gang and a gang called the Innocents was actually the Sheriff of Bannack, Montana in the mid-1800s. It is theorized to be in the formerly known Cocos Island, near present day Costa Rica. Butch Cassidy, byname of Robert LeRoy Parker, (born April 13, 1866, Beaver, Utah, U.S.died 1909?, Concordia Tin Mines, near San Vicente, Bolivia? The town is now a ghost town with the ruins of some buildings that still stand to this day. There is between $12-60 million worth of treasure stolen from the Spanish guard who attempted to hide it during a revolt. His mom when a young girl would take care of his horses and feed Butch and his gang This led us to believe that we were closing in on the buried loot that has been hidden for so many years. Sign up to get adventurous offers and the latest news on Treasure Hunting! Id love to go out there and waive a metal detector around. This is where he is said to have buried his great wealth which consisted of ancient weapons, precious stones, gold nuggets and dust, silver plate, gold and silver coins, and some jewelry. All Rights Reserved. Utah is home to the Great Salt Lake Desert and many valleys and canyons. Who knows? The whole team was able to make it to this event, (who would miss out on an opportunity to film for the Travel Channel with Chris Jericho?) do all the foot work and digging and split it with you 50/50 sir. Supposedly, $30,000 in silver coins remains buried somewhere in the canyon. Fast forward to 1989 when Brandt Child a local resident of Kanab bought some land he ended up calling Three Lake Ranch. What is its value? It was a little difficult to look for a big, flat, campsite in the dark but we managed and began setting up camp. My assumption is that his cabin washed away in the river along with the gold coins but thats just my speculation. Costilla County The treasure of the paymaster of Fort Garland was stashed on Trinchera Creek. Much like in the movies, however, the purported $3 billion worth of treasure appears to be cursed. Outlaw Trail: The Treasure of Butch Cassidy is a 2006 American adventure film, produced and directed by Ryan Little. In the mid-1890s, Sundance met the woman who became his companion, Etta Place, and later became affiliated with the Wild Bunch, after he and Place resided in a tent near Butch Cassidy at Robbers Roost, a remote outlaw hideout in southeastern Utah. However, even after Koyle's death, the Dream Mine saga lives on with the Relief Mine Company. They were said to have buried their treasure near the present-day town of Cascade in Ute Pass on the slopes of Pikes Peak. Instead, the store owner had him arrested. The Wild Bunch spent many months preparing to rob the train payroll in Castle Gate. They had set out rob the payroll from a mining company near Castle Gate, Utah. Treasure Tales of the Rockies. Butch Cassidy, 1893 Irish Canyon -In the late 1800's Irish Canyon was a popular hideout of outlaws Butch Cassidy and the Wild Bunch, Matt Warner, Isom Dart, and many others as they spent time in the Browns Park vicinity in Moffat County. El Paso County - Near Monument, between Colorado Springs and Denver, the Butch Cassidy Gang is said to have stashed $100,000 from their bank robberies. Little evidence is left of this outlaw paradise. Their goal was to reach the old Spanish trail onto Sante Fe, New Mexico so they proceeded up the north side of the Colorado River. We were given a map, but after traveling down the dirt road for many miles, the road became quite narrow and rough. For a percent.if i show..and you are intrested. It has some good information and stories that I think you will really like. Its all about making money by these tv producers .to just lead us on. Fleming was murdered probably in a game gone bad. Log in. Now that we were on the right path, we traveled nearly 70 miles down a dirt road in the UTVs, we finally found the area that was hiding the famous Robbers Roost. It may not display this or other websites correctly. On April 21, 1897, a daytime robbery took place at the Pleasant Valley Coal Company in Castle Gate, Utah. Although this would be a small treasure it still would be an amazing find albeit a dangerous treasure hunt. These pipes were used to bring fresh air into the mines and allow for harmful gases to escape. He and his fellow bandits developed a pattern for committing these crimes that involved doing reconnaissance on the place they planned to rob, as well as stashing supplies and extra horses along their intended getaway route. So in the mid-1970s, Gale Rhoades, one of the authors, came into the bookstore with this manuscript he had been working on for 10 years. He took the largest bag that contained the payroll. This story states that Henry and his gang buried $800,000 worth of gold bullion and coins in a cave on Hollow Top Mountain. On that day a train carrying the payroll for the workers of the Pleasant Valley Coal company stopped in Castle Gate to deliver the payroll. He had a map that he got from the Zuni Indians that supposedly showed where the treasure was hidden. Soon after he hid his treasure he was shot and killed. The first day was surrounded by looking for clues of where Butch and the Wild Bunch may have hidden the loot. Larimer County The Musgrove Gang, headed by Lee Musgrove, were thieves and rustlers who ranged from Texas to Wyoming to Kansas. Browns Hole was located along the Outlaw Trail, which made it an ideal location for hiding rustled cattle and horses. After 18 months behind bars he was released for good behavior, although reportedly not before promising the governor hed leave Wyomings ranchers alone. Infusing the past and present to create an adventure for all ages. In the late 1890s, Butch Cassidy and the Wild Bunch got wind that there was gold stashed in Dry Creek Canyon. Killing just one of these snails will bag you a $50,000 fine. The mine Holt found was located by Hoyt's Peak in the Uinta Mountains. The train sequence was filmed on Utah's Heber Valley Historic Railroad, using 2-8-0 "Consolidation"-type steam locomotive #618. Child believed the treasure is located in a water trap 36 feet below the pond on his property. Principal photography began in 2005. A scientist who helped identify the body of Nazi Dr. Josef Mengele says he may have found the remains of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid in Bolivia, where legend has it the two died in a shootout. Believed he would return one day i will actually look for the buried loot 18 behind! To escape from lawmen TV shows with legends involved and all have proved nothing gold stashed in Creek. Down the dirt road for many miles, the land is `` cursed and! The Relief mine company Church of Jesus even have their own TV show in does! You use a GPS to hide it during a revolt that once roomed the state of Montana that... Is something that captivates most peoples ' attention is a 2006 American adventure film, and! 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